Higher-dimensional routes to the Standard Model bosons



In the old spirit of Kaluza-Klein, we consider a spacetime of the form P = M4×K, where K is the Lie group SU(3) equipped with a left-invariant metric that is not fully rightinvariant. This metric has a U(1)× SU(3) isometry group, corresponding to the massless gauge bosons, and depends on a parameter φ with values in a subspace of su(3) isomorphic to C. It is shown that the classical Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian density RP − 2Λ on the higher-dimensional manifold P , after integration over K, encodes not only the Yang-Mills terms of the Standard Model over M4, as in the usual Kaluza-Klein calculation, but also a kinetic term |dφ| identical to the covariant derivative of the Higgs field. For Λ in an appropriate range, it also encodes a potential V (|φ|) having absolute minima with |φ0| 6= 0, thereby inducing mass terms for the remaining gauge bosons. The classical masses of the resulting Higgs-like and gauge bosons are explicitly calculated as functions of the vacuum value |φ0| in the s...