The Turkish-Greek Population Exchange and International Law

2022, Oxford Bibliographies


xml?pr nt 2/18 aspects of the Lausanne Convention. The findings and arguments of these bureaucrat-scholars on this crucial event laid the foundations of a more scientific approach to the historical and legal aspects of this event which would be represented by the highly specialized texts of Stephen Pericles Ladas and Dimitri Pentzopoulos. Ladas 1932 has remained the most authoritative documentation and assessment of the Lausanne Convention from the perspectives of domestic and international law. Pentzopoulos 1962 treats the legal side of the convention as part of a broader research agenda addressing all aspects of the population exchange, mostly, in relation to Greece and in a relatively favorable language. Özsu 2015 takes up the convention exclusively from the perspective of international law and provides the most comprehensive and theoretical analysis to this date. In the meantime, several general studies such as Yıldırım 2006 address the legal and institutional aspects of the exchange from more holistic and comparative perspectives. Two international conferences held at Oxford and Istanbul stand out for having provided platforms for the students of the subject to present and share their research with a wider audience. The compilation of the proceedings of these two conferences, Hirschon 2003 and Pekin 2005, facilitated the debates and research on the exchange. These two volumes contain articles on the legal aspects of the Lausanne Convention involving property liquidation and compensation as well as issues of refugee settlement and minority rights. The proceedings of the conference in Istanbul were also translated into Greek and published in Tsitselikis 2006 with a few additional articles on the subject. The centennial of the event in 2023 is anticipated to see the publication of many more monographs and collected volumes. Devedji, Alexandre. L'échange obligatoire des minorités grecques et turques en vertu de la convention de Lausanne du 30 janvier 1923. Paris: Imprimerie du Montparnasse et de Persan-Beaumont, 1929. Examines the juridical status of the Ottoman Greeks and the impact of political developments upon their status after the Balkan Wars. Legal impediments that arose during the implementation of the exchange convention concerning the status of the remaining Greek populations and the patriarchate in Constantinople highlighted. Settlement and indemnification of Greek refugees is covered. Presented as a doctorate thesis to the Faculty of Law at Université de Paris in 1929.