Effective Mass of Tuned Mass Dampers

2018, Vibration


Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs) are widely used for the control and mitigation of vibrations in engineering structures, including buildings, towers, bridges and wind turbines. The traditional representation of a TMD is a point mass connected to the structure by a spring and a dashpot. However, many TMDs differ from this model by having multiple mass components with motions of different magnitudes and directions. We say that such TMDs have added mass. Added mass is rarely introduced intentionally, but often arises as a by-product of the TMD suspension system or the damping mechanism. Examples include tuned pendulum dampers, tuned liquid dampers and other composite mechanical systems. In this paper, we show how a TMD with added mass can be analyzed using traditional methods for simple TMDs by introducing equivalent simple TMD parameters, including the effective TMD mass, the mass of the equivalent simple TMD. The presence of added mass always reduces the effective TMD mass. This effect is e...