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The main focus of current discussions within the standardization process of Learning technology is on technical aspects of so called learning objects. The purpose of this paper is to show the three stages of a learning object scenarisation, starting with the instantiation of contents parameters. The second stage is related to the pedagogical instrument which represents the supports of these contents and finally the adaptation of a scenario for each pedagogical instrument.
The main focus of current discussions within the standardization process of Learning technology is on technical aspects of so called learning objects. The purpose of this paper is to show the three stages of a learning object scenarisation, starting with the instantiation of contents parameters. The second stage is related to the pedagogical instrument which represents the supports of these contents and finally the adaptation of a scenario for each pedagogical instrument.
EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 2002
Education is moving towards revenue generation from such channels as electronic learning, distance learning and virtual education. Hence learning technology standards are critical to the sector's success. Existing learning technology standards have focused on various topics such as metadata, question and test interoperability and others. However, the metadata standards play an important role in the success of electronic learning. This is due to the fact that metadata is the standard for learning object, which is the main concept that allows interoperability and reusability to occur. Although bodies or consortia such as IEEE LTSC (Learning Technology Standards Committee), IMS (Instructional Management System) and others had developed the metadata standards, there is concern about the features embedded in these standards. To achieve a more meaningful learning process, a learning object needs to comprehend more than technical features. Features such as pedagogic, community and context are important, as they will provide a more far-reaching description of what the learning object is about. The objective of this research is to obtain the detail elements of the metadata standards and enhance it by inserting the necessary elements related to the above features. The learning theories such as Instructional Design Theory, Constructivism Instructional Design Theory and Design Potential Approach were used to derive the elements associated to the above features. The results of this study are in the form of elements that can be embedded into the existing standards. Includes two figures and three tables. (Contains 20 references.) (Author) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
Sino-US English Teaching, 2016
The main objective of this work was the construction of a Multidisciplinary Learning Object as a tool for teaching, enabling the use of information and communication technologies for use by teachers acting in elementary school, based on Discourse Analysis, Theory Cybernetic-systemic, the Multiple Intelligences and Collaborative Learning. All of them are informed by Foucault, Pêcheux, Bakhtin, Gardner, Levy, and others. The theoretical contribution is justified to the extent that the student is above all a being inserted into a user company tool created by it over time, to act on the world. Theoretical principles underlying the construction of learning objects as tools for teaching are related to teaching and learning. The developed learning object establishes the link between the fields of pedagogy and usability, the step by step construction of each of them and their purposes, characteristics, and all detailed in the development of research. The construction of the learning object follows the steps of a methodological construction for the development of a computerized product, followed by a systematic planning and the design and construction.
Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society, 2008
Proceedings of E-Learn, 2004
Abstract: The Didactics of Informatics research group at the University of Paderborn is involved in efforts to design implement and evaluate an ICT-based learning laboratory for informatics (ILL). The ILL mainly serves the purpose of an open interactive learning environment for ...
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computer systems and technologies - CompSysTech '04, 2004
This paper presents how the learning objects are deployed in learning support environment. The design of content packages are described in the proposed model by integrating learning technology standards, specifications and instructional design theory.
The proliferation of Web-based technologies during the last decade may have given the impression of wide-spread changes in educational pract ices. In fact the use of Web-based technologies in the teaching and learning process has obtained excellent results. On the other hand, there is also a constant use of educational content /Learning Objects (LO) in d ifferent formats and different types of platforms, enhanced by Web 2.0. The current study presents a comprehensive analysis of the use and effect of learning objects in a study about the development, availability and use of LO in Higher Education Institutions. It is reasonable to conclude that the Higher Education Institutions surveyed do not develop and do not reuse LO, wh ich use SCORM and IMS content package specification. Finally, it also presents advantages and disadvantages of the educational use of these LO.
New ways of learning through learning objects is a prerequisite for this new generation in which digital media are part of the life of the student. In order to understand the importance of constructing these digital learning objects we developed the Digital Agents Project. By conducting a case study of the Project, in the State of Ceará, Brazil, we intended to realize the gear of people who work in the construction process in order to characterize their performance. Thus, we used a mixed research methodology, conducting a qualitative analysis with observation grids, as well as quantitatively, through a questionnaire. The research highlights the importance of this sector and the need for teacher training on development of educational resources. The results highlight the need for expansion of links and easy access to technological resources to mobilize teachers use learning objects in their classes, paying attention to the quality criteria.
In this paper we describe an approach to the design of learning objects (LOs) suitable to support learning in complex domains at university level. Our proposal is centred on a costructivist approach where learning is viewed as resulting from personal activity and comparison with the activity of others. Our pedagogical approach to knowledge acquisition and to the use of technological tools is realized by means of didactical units which can be implemented as Learning Objects (LOs) with a variety of structures and aims. In this framework, we address the issue of supporting students' learning in ways that differ according to the requirements of each situation. Based on an analysis of the literature, we devise possible types of support that students may need in different learning situations and show how they can be realized by means of our pedagogically-oriented LOs.
The problem of didactic designing of digital Learning Objects (LO) that allow students of engineering faculties to master the technology of knowledge in the context of professional activity is discussed in the article. Evolution of LO in the transition process of educational environment from traditional to informationcommunication level is considered. During the comparative analysis new didactic and psychological conditions and factors appearing in educational environment in connection with the use of digital LO were selected. We have shown the impact of these conditions and factors to support learning activities of students and changing the role of a teacher. There is essential difference between a digital LO and a traditional one on the level of discipline training module. Digital LO is represented by functionally complete elements (information-activitymanagement) of learning environment and is used in any existing models of learning. Based on the integration of the models instruc...
This paper reports on the design framework and the development of a variety of learning objects aiming at the enrichment of both, the lower secondary education computer science e-textbooks and the Greek National Aggregator of Educational Content. At first, the theoretical foundations and critical instructional design issues for computer science learning objects are addressed. The learning objects design and development method is also presented. Following, indicative examples of learning objects are presented and their affordances to support active, inquiry and constructivist learning activities in school practice are discussed. Conclusions for educational practice and further research in the schools are drawn.
European Journal of Education, 2020
In the construction of learning objects, as digital instructional material that is delivered to students, the level of learning to which they are directed must be considered first of all, according to the Bloom taxonomy or any other that is used, applicable to the e-learning, taking advantage of the digital resources that are currently available, multimedia for creation, digital repositories for storage and internet for access. Learning objects are built with pedagogical and technological elements that follow a process in themselves, subject to an educational model, instructional design, curriculum design and learning objectives as precedents, with stages very similar to those of design, construction and operation of an information system. Given their nature of digital entities, learning capsules that contain information and knowledge, the Data Quality Model of the ISO / IEC 25012: 2008 standard is also applicable, which guarantees the quality of the content and their access and ava...
REZUMAT:E-learning-ul poate fi un instrument foarte eficient pentru organizaţiile care doresc să contribuie la formarea profesională a angajaţilor, oferindu-le posibilitatea perfecţionării în ceea ce priveşte noutăţile în domeniul activităţii acestora. Tehnologia informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor poate fi folosită ca o resursă care oferă un punct de acces la informaţii în funcţie de cerinţele din lumea reală. Aceasă lucrare oferă informaţii despre unele din software-urile gratuite, care ajută la crearea de cursuri on-line şi eficientizează procesul de predareînvăţare.
… Convention CE-Computer …, 2007
Summary: Fast development of Information Technology has a significant influence on education as important human activity. On the other hand, instructional technology changes approaches to learning and teaching as components of education. Involvement of Information ...
Variously described as learning, educational, or knowledge objects, reusable curriculum components are said to hold out the promise of easy and low-cost multimedia course creation. These objects can include interactive simulations, multimedia materials, and also Web documents or sites. What is most important in each case is that they can be used and reused by educators across a variety of teaching and learning settings. Using the term``term``educational objects'' to refer generically to these reusable resources, this paper explores the idea of thèòbject'' that underlies the substantial promise associated with them. It undertakes a critical examination of the various de®nitions and descriptions of educational objects provided in the literature of educational technology and computer science. It concludes by suggesting a new understanding of educational objects that emphasizes community and educational practice rather than technology and software design. OVERVIEW AND DEFINITION Much of the literature related to educational objects has only appeared in the last two years, going only as far back as the mid-1990s. There are very few instances in which these articles appear in traditional, print media. Much of the information on educational objects is to be found in on-line newsletters, conference proceedings, and articles published on the Web through their authors' own efforts. There are also relatively few white papers or detailed explanations provided by those organizations that claim to be using educational objects in their training efforts (like Cisco Systems, Netg, or MindLever. com).
Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 2011
The learning objects model for the production and management of educational content The learning objects model for the production and management of educational content is getting its way through its hype cycle as any other technology [6]. More than fifteen years ago, when the model was launched [7], it promised to facilitate the production of educational materials by integrating smaller elements, composed of even smaller elements, and so on, down to the smallest units of educational content, called learning objects. These minimal units of educational content had to have properties to facilitate the composition process, such as to be relatively small, independent from one another, easy to localize, standardized (e.g. as Lego pieces), reusable and interoperable. The model included the vision of a market economy for educational content: thousands of learning object producers, generating millions of little pieces that could be easily searched, located, gathered and combined in many different ways, considering each student's specific goals and needs [1].
The advancement of technology has provided tools to write instruction in every discipline. However, the concepts of automation in the field of instruction is still not used. Teachers around the globe spend countless hours in editing lengthy texts in creating syllabi and reusable components, which are the Learning Objects (LOs). The software developers also experience time-consuming process to decipher the concepts of instruction before it is written. LOs provide a potential mechanism for the educators and software developers to refine curriculum development that uses common components such as exams or syllabi. While the concept of LOs came from software engineering, there is no object modeling language, as it exists in the form of Unified Modeling Language (UML) in the field. UML has been widely used in the field of software engineering for decades. It uses notations to depict the complex objects thus making it easier for the developers to understand the requirements of a software. A similar instructional modeling language (IML) designed by the author is introduced in this dissertation with the purpose of establishing a proof of concept regarding the IML and web repository. IML makes use of acronyms and notations to depict tasks, such as creation of syllabi, reusable components such as exams, exercises, vi but not the least are thanks to my three friends whom I met during my Ph.D. study, Dr.
Proceedings of 2nd International conference" Hands-on science: Science in a Changing Education, 2005
Abstract. In this work we present the design and the evaluation of a set of educational scenarios with the use of the modelling educational software «ModelsCreator». The scenarios in question are related with the learning of basic significances of computers' technology in the secondary education. This work aims to contribute in the study of growth and of use of model instructive material based on open educational software on the ground of didactics of Sciences and more specifically on didactics of Informatics. Keywords. ...
This chapter summarizes the work on instructional engineering and educational modeling accomplished since 1992 at the LICEF Research Center of Télé-université by the researchers of the CICE Research Chair. Recent results on learning design modeling and learning objects reusability processes are thoroughly presented using examples drawn from many projects conducted in the last three years. These are discussed to uncover the importance of a principled approach for the modeling of learning design and the reuse of learning objects in Technology Enhanced Learning environments. Finally, delivery and dissemination issues are discussed and a summary of ongoing research is presented.
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