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2015, Journal on English as a Foreign Language
The blooming of the English usage every time and everywhere may exterminate the use of local languages. It is also supported by the increase of migration out of or into areas of Indonesia that makes people tend to use Indonesian often than local languages. This might be caused by the personal inability to communicate with indigenous people by their native languages. Besides, the cross cultural marriage also results on the difficulties to determine which mother tongue they introduce to their children. In fact, multicultural condition demands people to use Indonesian frequently. This condition shows that Indonesian works greatly because it is national language. In contrast, the interest of using and learning local language may decrease gradually. This study was conducted to find out whether Indonesian EFL learners of Dayakese background have highly concern to their local language. The data were gathered through direct observation, interviews, and questionnaire. The data collected, then, were analyzed rigorously using descriptive statistics. The findings show that most students have low affection towards their local language, even those who are from indigenous people. Local language is less valued than Indonesian, since they are from different ethnic. Indonesian, then, is highly valued for both formal and informal communication, whether or not it is used as language learning instruction. It is recommended that there is a need for the government to encourage the use or learning of local language. Further, the educational language policy makers together with the Art and Tourism Department consider the promoting local language as a language instruction and a subject. Thus, there will be any ways to keep the ethnicity of Indonesia.
This study aimed to find out the role of mother tongue language as the instruction in multilingual society and the importance of mother tongue language as the instruction in multilingual society, such as Bali. The data was collected through library research to find out the role of mother tongue in multilingual society and conducting interview in rural area and urban area to find out how importance of mother if it is used as the instruction in the classroom. The result showed that there are 5 role of mother tongue in multilingual society and there is a contrast opinion of the importance of mother tongue as the instruction in rural and urban area.
The number of local languages in Indonesia has significantly decreased due to the declining number of its speakers. In fact, local languages have long been considered as one of the identities of those living across archipelago. The present study aimed at analyzing the education stakeholders’ attitudes toward local language, bahasa Indonesia, and English in order to investigate the role of each language, and the possible survivability in Indonesian society. This study was a case study which involved very limited participants (two headmasters, two parents, and two students) within a specific time frame. The instrument employed was a semi-structured interview. The language used in the interview was the respondents’ language (bahasa Indonesia) in order that they could freely express what they had in mind about the three languages above. Despite the respondents’ positive attitudes toward their local languages, bahasa, and English, the demand of the parents to make their children more mob...
International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics (IJEAL), 2023
English as a communication tool has been vital aspect into worldwide society. The element of English has a more profound influence through the implementation of life and daily human habit. Nowadays, English has been normalized as a language necessity for academics, basic internet norms, social status, and business. Hence, it is standard for English as a requirement for many fields. Although the fact that society uses English as language instruction, there is a majority of Indonesian districts that could not be able to apply the language vice versa. It is due to internal and external factors such as geographic area, difficulty, and national curriculum design. Consequently, it created imbalance of education distribution aspect and rights. Therefore, this research elaborates and finds out the minority elements of English language involved in EFL learners in rural area. The primary method of inquiry in this research is a literature review which means the technique intended to gain a collection of previous research from the journal, internet, book, and the latest research. The data were analyzed, synthesized into a findings unit, and elaborated on how to broaden the result to be discursive
International Seminar on English Language and Teaching 2014
EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language, and Teaching of English
The first language (L1) usage is still found during the English lesson, specifically in non-native English countries. This may be a debatable issue among experts. Hence, investigation on students’ perception is helpful in this study. It will give an insight into students’ preferences for learning the language. The previous studies related to this topic were mainly focused on senior high school and undergraduate students as the subject. Therefore, this present study proposed to explore the perception of junior high school students. In conducting this study, the researcher applied a quantitative survey design. There were 29 questions in three sections that were distributed to investigate: (1) the language used in the EFL classroom, (2) students’ attitudes as well as (3) students’ well-being during the English foreign language lesson. The participants were 101 students of SMP Shalahuddin Malang. The findings revealed that students have positive responses towards the use of Indonesian l...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
The study reported here aims to figure out the language attitudes of the community members of the Konjonese language, a minority language in the Bulukumba Regency of South Sulawesi Indonesia. It involves three villages of sub-district Bonto Tiro; Batang, Bonto Bulaeng, and Tamalanrea. The study is descriptive quantitative assigning two independent variables; the age group comprising three categories; teenagers, adults, and the olds. The educational background consists of two groups; the less-educated, and well-educated groups. Data were obtained from 45 respondents through questionnaires and additional data were obtained from field observation and interviewing the villages figures such as the village heads, teachers, and religious leaders. The study identified four contributing factors as the skeletal bones of language attitudes; high appreciation to their local language, pride in using their local language, open-mindedness to everyone, and modesty. The study then concluded that the Konjonese language is developed and growing and as such it is relatively safe from endangerment due to the positive attitudes of the community members. A language shift is occurring in the community because of the increased use of the Indonesian language in the community. However, this is not alarming as the community members possess those skeletal bones protecting them from shifting their local language to the other language, including the Indonesian language, from their genuine and natural domains like homes, neighborhood, and the likes. Rather, it results in a stable bilingual for the community
JET (Journal of English Teaching), 2018
This study aims to investigate senior high school students and teachers’ perception of the use of Indonesian in their English classes. To achieve the objective, two sets of questionnaires were administered to gauge the perceptions of 556 students and 15 teachers of 10 senior high schools in Jabodebek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi). The findings revealed: (1) the majority of both students and teachers preferred to use Indonesian in their English classes; (2) they believed Indonesian is helpful in language skills development, language components learning, learning materials understanding and classroom interactions; (3) the students preferred the predominantly use of Indonesian, while the teachers preferred the predominantly use of English during the class hour; (4) the higher their grade, the higher amount of English the students would like to have in their English classrooms; and (5) teachers with longer teaching experience tended to expect the use of bigger proportion of Indone...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
This study investigates Indonesian-speaking students' attittudes towards Standard Indonesian Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian, regional language, and foreign language. Participants in this study are students of secondary-and high schools (N=745) who live in Tangerang City and South Tangerang, neighboring areas of Jakarta, where the inhabitants are mainly multilinguals. Data of this study were collected from questionnaires, distributed at schools. We investigated their pride of the observed languages, the importance of the languages, and their intention to improve the languages. Findings in this study suggest that the attitude towards these languages has a relation with the social functions which mainly governed by language policy in educational setting.
Mostly learners and even teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) are still not able to speak grammatically and fluently just because they lack of the Indonesian language proficiency and comprehension. This research was done to investigate how the Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) can assist the teachers and learners of EFL in improving their English proficiency and comprehension. The data were analyzed by applying Miles’ and Huberman’s framework; data reduction, data display, and drawing then verifying conclusion. The findings showed some positive and negative representative perceptions of the teachers dealing with the roles of the Indonesian in the teaching and learning EFL. The second findings showed and explored the roles of the Indonesian in the teaching and learning EFL. There were five roles by which the Indonesian contribute to such as Functional Equation, Competence Indicator, Linguistic Mediator, Communicative Language Paradigm, and Situational Language Use. The third findings explored the aspects in which the Indonesian had the roles to play in assisting the teaching and learning the EFL such as aspect of the Linguistic Item, aspect of Semantics, and aspect of Pragmatics. There were three other findings in this research that were explored and labeled as Linguistic Competence vs Linguistic Cognition, Cultural Behavior-Based Language, and First Language Interest. Keywords: first language, role of Bahasa Indonesia, SLA, teaching EFL, teachers’ perception
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 2016
The purposes of this research were to investigate learners’ perception in teaching English using Bahasa and English, learners’ preference for language use as the medium of instruction, and the subjects that can be taught by using Bahasa. The participants were 57 EFL learners in the fourth semester at a university in Jambi Province, Indonesia. This research was designed in mix method by distributing a questionnaire and conducting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as the data collection techniques. The findings showed that the students were excited to have English as the medium of instruction in their classroom. However, they also welcome the L1 (Bahasa Indonesia). In addition, the learners preferred to have English as the medium of instruction in their English classroom. In view of this, the use of both their L1 and L2 should be balanced. Moreover, concerning the subjects taught, the learners need the use of English especially in the Listening and Speaking classrooms. ABSTRAK Penelitian...
This study aims to scrutinize the attitude of Javanese youth towards their use of local language. There are two research questions proposed in this study such as namely: 1) how is the attitude of Javanese youth towards their local language, 2) what are the factors that effect on their attitudes. The objectives of this study are to define the attitude of Javanese youth towards their local language and to discover why they are behaving so. Furthermore, this study adopted qualitative method applying descriptive analysis and selected the students of English Department of Batch 2014 Batch in Brawijaya University as the participants. The results showed that the subjects indicated showed both positive and negative attitudes towards the use of Javanese language depending on the context. The positive attitude was frequently revealed on questions related to their efforts in conserving Javanese as the local language, while the negative attitude was mostly reflected on the statements associated...
In the research paper named Language Shift and "Language Maintenance of Local Languages toward Indonesian" the writer talks about language shift and many factors attached to it. This study aims to investigate the tendency of everyday language use with the aid of Indonesians and the choice of using local languages or Indonesian in ordinary life. The outcome from this survey shows that Indonesian people have a very positive attitude towards their language and dialects. The information acquired showed that most respondents favour utilizing Indonesian language in the family and neighbourhood areas, where they spend practically the entirety of their time. However, Indonesian is frequently utilized in the instructive and general places because of the interest and the adequacy of correspondence. Significantly, the finding from this study exhibits that Local dialects have not been moved at this point since they are still as often as possible utilized in the family and neighbourhood. Basically after this research it proved that they preserve the local language for their future generations.
A research of language attitude is getting much attention for years in some fields. Due to the importance of the language attitude, this research intends to describe the language attitude of Sundanese towards English language in Eastern Priangan, West Java Province. This study employed a descriptive qualitative research. The data used is the data obtained through questioners, observations, and in-depth interviews to know the attitude of the Sundanese community language. Respondents which were involved in the research are respondents living in Eastern Priangan, such as Ciamis, Banjar, Tasikmalaya city, Tasikmalaya regency, Sumedang, Garut, and Pangandaran. This research took a social situation. The result of the research shows that Sundanese people in Eastern Priangan have different language attitude, in terms of cognitive, behavioural, and affective aspects towards English as a foreign language. It indicates that the language attitudes of Sundanese community have different language ...
Qubahan academic journal, 2023
Language attitude in foreign language pedagogy becomes an interesting discussion, especially in English language teaching learning process. Teachers and learners are the importance of teaching learning process, including the language attitude in the pedagogical process. Due to the importance of the language attitude, this paper sheds to describe the language attitude of English learners from Javanese and Sundanese urban community. Respondents in this research involved were 214 respondents living in Surakarta city, 85 respondents living in Tasikmalaya city. This study seeks to discover how Javanese and Sundanese people use their language in learning English. This research employed a mixed method research design to collect, analyze, and to mix both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study. Researcher used theory in a quantitative study to provide an explanation about the relationship among variables in the study. Thus, it is essential to have grounding in the qualitative study. The results of the study are as follows. There is a different attitude showed by Javanese and Sundanese people, in terms of cognitive, behavioral, and affective aspects of language attitudes towards English. The attitudes of male Javanese people towards English were higher than that of female ones indicating more positive attitudes towards English. On the other hand, the attitudes of male and female Sundanese people towards English were equally low. Notwithstanding, the attitudes of female Sundanese people towards English are slightly higher than male ones.
In order to understand the way English is used and seen in Indonesia today, it is useful to know something about how historical, political, socio-cultural and linguistic factors have shaped its status and functions over the last century. The use of English in Indonesia has developed in the context of post-colonial educational competency building, and more recently the need to support development -in particular its role in state education. However, attitudes of some policy makers and commentators towards the language have often been ambivalent, expressing fears of its power to exert negative cultural influences. The special status of English as a global language with many potential varieties that might pose as models for Indonesia also poses the question of which one would be right for the country. The paper looks at these educational and policy issues, and also gives some suggestions about the future.
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
Aims of the research are to ascertain: (1) the belief and knowledge of Junior High School students towards Bahasa Indonesia; (2) the assessment of Junior High School students towards Bahasa Indonesia; and (3) the trend of Junior High School Students in acting by using Bahasa Indonesia. The research samples were 120 students of public Junior High School in Surakarta with closed questionnaire. The validity of instrument applied to construct and empirical validity by doing the estimate applying the formula of Product Moment Correlation whereas the reliability of the instrument was assessed by using the calculation of Alpha. Data analysis was conducted descriptively through the following steps of (1) coding the data; (2) tabulating data to calculate the frequency of the answers; (3) calculating the percentage of each answer; and (4) interpreting or giving meaning. It can be concluded that students of Junior high School: 1) have positive belief towards Bahasa Indonesia, 2) have positive assessment towards Bahasa Indonesia, and 3) have a tendency to take positive action by using Bahasa Indonesia.
Humaniora vol. 35, no. 1, 2023
Language attitudes play an important role in the use and maintenance of a language. This is particularly the case in a multilingual speech community such as the Madurese community where most people speak more than one language. The present study seeks to understand the attitudes of the Madurese community toward Madurese, Indonesian, English, and other foreign languages (MIEof languages). To achieve this, 200 questionnaires were randomly distributed to respondents in Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep, but only 150 questionnaires were filled in and returned. The questionnaires, which contained questions and answers using 5-point Likert scales of 'strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree', were analyzed quantitatively by averaging the calculation results of each of the scales. The results were categorized based on relevant themes, i.e., attitudes toward learning, mastery, and use of MIEof languages. Our analyses showed that most of the respondents demonstrated positive attitudes toward learning, mastery, and use of MIEof languages. The results are discussed with respect to the language maintenance of Madurese and local languages, the prospects of Indonesian, English, and other foreign languages along with multilingualism practices in Madura. It can be concluded that the Madurese community seem to be open to the practice of multilingualism, indicated by their positive attitudes toward language learning, mastery, and use. It is suggested that future studies make use of qualitative data, such as interview data so that findings about the language attitudes of the Madurese community under consideration can be further corroborated.
International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS)
Yogyakarta is a multicultural city in which people from different regions and ethnicity live and well known as one of the best foreign tourist destinations in Indonesia. This situation gives an excellent opportunity for the community to communicate with others whose different cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, and language. Commonly, they talk in Javanese, the local language spoken in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, due to the engagement with those who speak in different languages, Indonesian and English are gaining more frequent usage. Concerning this situation, this paper is to investigate the language choice among students in Yogyakarta. This study also scrutinises their language attitude toward English, colloquial Indonesian, and local languages. In achieving the objectives, a sociolinguistic questionnaire is given to 100 sample respondents who are the students of Universitas Sanata Dharma. The results show that the students have appreciative attitudes towards the colloquial Indonesian, En...
The CALA 2019 Proceedings, 2019
Language policy and planning in Indonesia have been geared toward strengthening the national language Bahasa Indonesia and the preserving of hundreds of ethnic languages to strengthen its citizens’ linguistic identity in the mid of the pervasive English influences especially to the young generations. The study examines perceptions regarding the competitive nature of Bahasa Indonesia, ethnic languages, and English in contemporary multilingual Indonesia. Utilizing text analysis from two social media Facebook and Whatsapp users who were highly experienced and qualified language teachers and lecturers, the study revealed that the posts demonstrated discussions over language policy issues regarding Bahasa Indonesia and the preservation of ethnic language as well as the concerns over the need for greater access and exposure of English that had been limited due to recent government policies. The users seemed highly cognizant of the importance of strengthening and preserving the national and ethnic languages, but were disappointed by the lack of consistency in the implementation of these. The users were also captivated by the purchasing power English has to offer for their students. The users perceived that the government’s decision to reduce English instructional hours in the curriculum were highly politically charged and counterproductive to the nation’s advancement. Keywords: Bahasa Indonesia, English, Ethnic languages, language ideology, language policy and planning
This study presents a result of a survey on linguistic choice by adolescents who live in Tangerang, a neighboring area of Jakarta. In this study, we observed their use of Bahasa Indonesia (BI), Colloquial Jakarta Indonesian (CJI), foreign language (FL), regional language (RL), and mixed language (ML) in interactions with different addresees in daily activities: parents, teachers, friends, siblings, grandparents, uncles/aunts, and new acquaintances. Data in this study were collected from questionnaires, distributed at two secondary schools (SMP) and two senior high schools—a sekolah menengah umum ‘general senior high school’(SMU) and a sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) ‘vocational senior high school’ (SMK) which are located in Tangerang. The participants in this study are the students, aged 13 to 19 years old (N=748). It is found that BI and CJI were frequently used by these teenagers. They tended to use BI in interactions—spoken and written—with the older and respected people (teacher...
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