
UPnP™ (Universal Plug'n'Play) specifies standards for interaction between user interface / control devices, called Control Points, and embedded application devices, called UPnP Devices, on an IP network. UPnP includes a six layer generic protocol for IP address establishment, UPnP Device discovery, Device and Service Description retrieval, Device Control in the form of interpreted XML procedure invocation from a Control Point to a Service, Service Eventing that notifies subscribers of changes in a Service's advertised state, and Presentation for vendor-specific extensions. UPnP AV (audio-visual) specifications extend these protocols for multimedia by defining Media Server and Media Renderer Device types, along with the Content Directory Service of metadata that describe and locate available video, audio and image content. This paper examines the standard operations available for metadata creation, maintenance, browse and search, and discusses deficiencies in UPnP's SQLlike search capability. We propose a keyword-based alternative to search whose benefits include ease of use familiar to users of Web search engines, incremental refinement of query results when browsing a large database, structuring of results in a classification hierarchy, and applicability to graphical manipulation and display of results. We have built a reference implementation of this query interface that uses only established database structures such as B-trees. Our results fit readily into the distributed UPnP AV framework.