A guarda compartilhada como meio de coibir a alienação parental

2019, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


From the promulgation ofthe Magna Carta of 1988, which established equality between men and women, the Family Power came to confer equally for both parents, these significant changesresultedthe isonomy among parents in Family Law mainly in the relations of parents and children, notably in the actions of custody of the offspring. With the promulgation of the Law No. 11.698 / 2008, later amended by Law No. 13.058 / 2014, the mode of join custody became the rule in the Brazilian legal system, which should be adopted when the dissolution of the marriage relationship involves children. This modality of custody was aimed to reduce the disparity in parent disputes, which in most of the cases had unilateral custody, using this situation to alienate the child against the other parent. Parental alienation is an old practice that only gained special attention in Brazil with the Law No. 12.318 / 2010, which established mechanisms to combat it. Therefore, we analyze, discuss, and present the main aspects that involve the following problem:With the breakdown of the relationship between parents, is join custody the best way to curb parental alienation?The present study aims to study the issue of join custody as a means to restrain the practice of parental alienation, highlighting the benefits that the shared custody model generates for the healthy growth of the child in the face of the separation processes of their parents. As methodological aspects were used the deductive method as approach, the historical and interpretative methods as procedure and the bibliographical and documentary revision as research techniques.