The Origins of the Seven Deadly Sins



The concept of the seven deadly sins has been used in Catholic confessionalpractices through the usage of penitential manuals, but this concept has also been discussed by variousphilosophers such as Thomas Aquinas and Roger Bacon. Moreover, the concept was so popular thatpoets such as Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower and Christopher Marlowe, authors suchas William Langland and theologians such as John Wycliffe among others have also used this concept,whether to enrich their works or shed light on the concept from their own perspective. This papertracks the development of the concept from the “deserts of Egypt”, through Hellenistic theology, SoulJourney, the Gnostics, aerial demons and the ascetics to the works of Evagrius of Pontus and JohnCassian to the standardization of the concept by Pope Gregory the Great in the 6 th century