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2003, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics
We study the behaviour of non-convex functionals singularly perturbed by a possibly oscillating inhomogeneous gradient term, in the spirit of the gradient theory of phase transitions. We show that a limit problem giving a sharp interface, as the perturbation vanishes, always exists, but may be inhomogeneous or anisotropic. We specialize this study when the perturbation oscillates periodically, highlighting three types of regimes, depending on the frequency of the oscillations. In the two extreme cases, a separation of scales effect is described.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 1989
SynopsisIn this paper we generalise the gradient theory of phase transitions to the vector valued case. We consider the family of perturbationsof the nonconvex functionalwhere W:RN→R supports two phases and N ≧1. We obtain the Γ(L1(Ω))-limit of the sequenceMoreover, we improve a compactness result ensuring the existence of a subsequence of minimisers of Eε(·) converging in L1(Ω) to a minimiser of E0(·) with minimal interfacial area.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math, 2002
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
This paper establishes bounds on the homogenized surface tension for a heterogeneous Allen-Cahn energy functional in a periodic medium. The approach is based on relating the homogenized energy to a purely geometric variational problem involving the large scale behaviour of the signed distance function to a hyperplane in periodic media. Motivated by this, a homogenization result for the signed distance function to a hyperplane in both periodic and almost periodic media is proven.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis, 2010
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 2001
We examine the singularly perturbed variational problem in the plane. As ε → 0, this functional favours |∇ψ| = 1 and penalizes singularities where |∇∇ψ| concentrates. Our main result is a compactness theorem: if {Eε(ψε)}ε↓0 is uniformly bounded, then {∇ψε}ε↓0 is compact in L2. Thus, in the limit ε → 0, ψ solves the eikonal equation |∇ψ| = 1 almost everywhere. Our analysis uses ‘entropy relations’ and the ‘div-curl lemma,’ adopting Tartar's approach to the interaction of linear differential equations and nonlinear algebraic relations.
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 1993
Applicable Analysis, 2020
We study homogenization of a locally periodic two-scale dual-continuum system where each continuum interacts with the other. Equations for each continuum are written separately with interaction terms (exchange terms) added. The homogenization limit depends strongly on the scale of this continuum interaction term with respect to the microscopic scale. In J. S. R. Park and V. H. Hoang, Hierarchical multiscale finite element method for multicontinuum media, arXiv:1906.04635, we study in details the case where the interaction terms are scaled as O(1/ǫ 2) where ǫ is the microscale of the problem. We establish rigorously homogenization limit for this case where we show that in the homogenization limit, the dual-continuum structure disappears. In this paper, we consider the case where this term is scaled as O(1/ǫ). This case is far more interesting and difficult as the homogenized problem is a dual-continuum system which contains features that are not in the original two scale problem. In particular, the homogenized dualcontinuum system contains extra convection terms and negative interaction coefficients while the interaction coefficient between the continua in the original two scale system obtains both positive and negative values. We prove rigorously the homogenization convergence. We also derive rigorously a homogenization convergence rate. Homogenization of dual-continuum system of this type has not been considered before.
The asymptotic behaviour of a family of singular perturbations of a non-convex second order functional of the type is studied through Γ-convergence techniques as a variational model to address two-phase transition problems.
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2003
We consider the singularly perturbed Allen-Cahn equation on a strictly convex plane domain. We show that when the perturbation parameter tends to zero there are solutions having a transition layer that tends to a straight line segment. This segment can be characterized as the shortest path intersecting the boundary orthogonally at two points.
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2012
We consider the van der Waals' free energy functional, with scaling parameter ε, in the plane domain R + × R + , with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. We impose the two stable phases on the horizontal boundaries R + ×{0} and R + ×{∞}, and free boundary conditions on {∞}×R +. Finally, the datum on {0} × R + is chosen in such a way that the interface between the pure phases is pinned at some point (0, y). We show that there exists a critical scaling, y = yε, such that, as ε → 0, the competing effects of repulsion from the boundary and penalization of gradients play a role in determining the optimal shape of the (properly rescaled) interface. This result is achieved by means of an asymptotic development of the free energy functional. As a consequence, such analysis is not restricted to minimizers but also encodes the asymptotic probability of fluctuations.
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2017
In this paper we study, via Γ-convergence techniques, the asymptotic behaviour of a family of coupled singular perturbations of a non-convex functional of the type as a variational model to address two-phase transition problems under the volume constraints and where the additional unknown ρ interplays with ∇u in the formation of interfaces.
A variational model proposed in the physics literature to describe the onset of pattern formation in two-component bilayer membranes and amphiphilic monolayers leads to the analysis of a Ginzburg-Landau type energy, precisely,
Asymptotic Analysis, 2009
We introduce a simplified model for a multi-material made up of two elastic bodies connected by a strong thin material layer whose stiffness grows as 1 . The model is obtained by identifying the Γ-limit of the stored strain energy functional of the physical problem when the thickness of the intermediate layer tends to zero. The intermediate layer behaves as a stiffening elastic membrane. Furthermore, in the linear anisotropic case, we establish the strong convergence of the exact solution toward the solution of the limit problem.
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2012
We are concerned with the Lane-Emden-Fowler equation − u = λk(x)u q ± h(x)u p in Ω, subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition u = 0 on ∂Ω, where Ω is a smooth bounded domain in R N , k and h are variable potential functions, and 0 < q < 1 < p. Our analysis combines monotonicity methods with variational arguments.
Applying the general non-linear theory of shells undergoing phase transitions, we derive the balance equations along the singular curve modelling the phase interface in the shell. From the integral forms of balance laws of linear momentum, angular momentum, and energy as well as the entropy inequality we obtain the local static balance equation along the curvilinear phase interface. We also derive the thermodynamic condition allowing one to determine the interface position within the deformed shell midsurface. The special case of the pure mechanical theory is also considered.
We study homogenization of a locally periodic two-scale dual-continuum system where each continuum interacts with the other. Equations for each continuum are written separately with interaction terms (exchange terms) added. The homogenization limit depends strongly on the scale of this continuum interaction term with respect to the microscopic scale. In J. S. R. Park and V. H. Hoang, Hierarchical multiscale finite element method for multicontinuum media, arXiv:1906.04635, we study in details the case where the interaction terms are scaled as O(1/ǫ) where ǫ is the microscale of the problem. We establish rigorously homogenization limit for this case where we show that in the homogenization limit, the dual-continuum structure disappears. In this paper, we consider the case where this term is scaled as O(1/ǫ). This case is far more interesting and difficult as the homogenized problem is a dual-continuum system which contains features that are not in the original two scale problem. In pa...
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2001
In this paper, we study how solutions to elliptic problems with periodically oscillating coefficients behave in the neighborhood of the boundary of a domain. We extend the results known for flat boundaries to domains with curved boundaries in the case of a layered medium. This is done by generalizing the notion of boundary layer and by defining boundary correctors which lead to an approximation of order ε in the energy norm. Résumé. Onétudie ici le comportement au voisinage de la frontière du domaine de solutions de problèmes elliptiquesà coefficients oscillant périodiquement. Les résultats, connus pour des frontières plannes, sontétendus au cas de frontières courbes et pour un milieu stratifié. On généralise pour cela la notion de couche limite et on définit des correcteurs de frontière qui conduisentà une approximation d'ordre ε dans la normeénergie.
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