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Means to find the main ideas and show how they are related and why they are important. Comment on Means to discuss, criticize, or explain its meaning as completely as possible. Compare Emphasize similarities, but differences may be mentioned. Contrast Stress differences. Criticize Express your judgment as to the correctness or merit of the matters under consideration. Define Make a clear statement including all items which belong within the category you are defining, but excluding all items which do not belong. Describe Characterize the item from several points of view. (Sometimes this question may begin with the word "What.") Diagram Means to make a graph, chart, or drawing. Be sure you label it and add a brief explanation if it is needed. Discuss Outline the item completely, paying special attention to organization. Present pros and cons and illustrative details. Enumerate Means to list. Name and list the main ideas one by one. Number them. Evaluate Means to give your opinion or some expert's opinion of the truth or importance of the concept. Tell the advantages and disadvantages. Explain This is similar to "discussing" but there should be greater emphasis on "how" and "why." Illustrate Means to explain or make it clear by concrete examples, comparisons, or analogies. Interpret Means to give the meaning using examples and personal comments to make it clear.
The Direct instruction strategy is highly teacher-directed and is among the most commonly used. This strategy is effective for providing information or developing step-by-step skills. It also works well for introducing other teaching methods, or actively involving students in knowledge construction.
Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2011
Break information down into its component elements to determine how the parts relate to each other and to an overall purpose or structure Compare, contrast, differentiate Evaluate Judge worth of material against stated criteria Defend, support, evaluate Create Put together existing ideas to form new whole, establish new relationships Construct, design, develop, generate
IQAC, Thiagarajar College of Preceptors, Madurai, 2021
10. Complex Overt Response: the ability to skillfully perform complex patterns of actions. Example: Typing a report on a computer without looking at the keyboard. 11. Adaptation: the ability to modify learned skills to meet special events. Example: A designer uses plastic bottles to create a dress. 12. Origination: creating new movement patterns for a specific situation. Example: A choreographer creates a new dance routine. The ABCDs of Writing Instructional Objectives The ABCD method of writing objectives is an excellent way to structure instructional objectives. In this method, "A" is for audience, "B" is for behavior, "C" for conditions and "D" is for degree of mastery needed. The key here is to use verbs that indicate a clearly observable and measurable action. Appropriate action verbs for the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains are listed below. Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive learning, originated by Benjamin Bloom and collaborators in the 1950's, describes several categories of cognitive learning. Knowledge-Ability to recall previously learned material. Comprehension-Ability to grasp meaning, explain, restate ideas. Application-Ability to use learned material in new situations. Analysis-Ability to separate material into component parts and show relationships between parts. Synthesis-Ability to put together the separate ideas to form new whole, establish new relationships. Evaluation-Ability to judge the worth of material against stated criteria. Revised Anderson and Krathwohl cognitive taxonomy Category Description Remember-Ability to recall previously learned material. Understand-Ability to grasp meaning, explain, restate ideas. Apply-Ability to use learned material in new situations. Analyze-Ability to separate material into component parts and show relationships between parts. Evaluate Ability to judge the worth of material against stated criteria. Create-Ability to put together the separate ideas to form new whole, establish new relationships.
Giving students an opportunity to do group work in a Public Speaking course allows for an exchange of ideas from various points of view. This activity based on Persuasive Speech can further the students understanding of the assignment in a safe collective. Working as a team develops strong foundations from which to build a powerful argument based not only on value but factual claims. The outcome of this group activity encourages the steps of building a problem/solution organizational pattern presentation. The hope of this assessment is to scaffold into a solo presentation building from what the learner has employed from their group dynamic experience
1. Observing -using your senses to gather information about an object or event. It is description of what was actually perceived. This information is considered qualitative data.
Concept inventories are tests used to elicit student misunderstandings and misconceptions. Traditionally, they exist as a set of multiple-choice questions (MCQs), including the correct option, as well as some distractors (Libarkin, 2008). This multiple-choice format allows for faster marking and feedback; however, it does not identify conceptual misunderstandings, or if a student has guessed the correct answer. By adding a space for students to add a textual justification (Goncher, Jayalath, & Boles, 2016), their answers can be checked to ensure that the concepts are correctly understood. Automated textual analysis will allow insights to be uncovered, and to help speed up the process of grading to give feedback to students and informing educators. As part of that process, we endeavour to address the following questions: 1. What pointers can be identified that indicate a student’s conceptual understanding? 2. What conclusions can we make from these identified pointers to conceptual u...
ICT implementation in learning strongly influences not only each basic element of learning individually, but learning as a complex as well. Influence is being manifested in different ways and with different intensity. The final form of learning with significant usage of ICT is known as eLearning. Learning as a serious process requires a thorough preparation of a complete realisation. Every such preparation should necessarily have a predictive character. Within eLearning assignments are divided among members of a team that prepares and realizes learning. In this spirit, a teacher shares his responsibility with other team members: a designer, a tutor, a manager etc. depending upon a total number of team members. This paper observes eLearning, especially its preparation, as a specialized computer software where teacher, student and other team members are users respectively actors of a realisation. This way they are put in a situation where they have to use all tools that are otherwise ...
Sepeda(Seminar Pendidikan Dasar) PGSD FKIP Unpas, 2018
Lesson Study at LPTK as a form of professional development activities for lecturers, teachers, prospective student teachers, characterized by learning opportunities for lecturers, students, other colleagues as observers, can help lecturers, students, and can assist learning with colleagues. The ability of students' mathematical representation in the mathematics learning process has a very important function. A diagram as a representation is important to understand. In grade VI elementary school, presenting and reading data is also presented in the Data Processing chapter. The main purpose of this study is to provide a learning diagram, which discusses reading diagrams and making diagrams that are appropriate to the challenges. Researchers are interested in knowing how students try to find meaning from bar, circle and line diagrams. Therefore, research design, was chosen as the type and obtained research. The subjects of this study were grade VI A SD Labschool UPI, Bumi Siliwangi UPI Campus 2017/2018 academic year. An HLT (Hypothetical Learning Trajectory) has been produced and tested, and then has been analyzed by comparing HLT with the correct learning process of students. (retrospective analysis). The data collected in this study combines the results of student work and the process of learning that is videotaped. From the results of the analysis, the ability of students to be validated at the beginning of learning lies between the transition and Idiosyncratic levels. However, it is difficult to ascertain which level is in accordance with the students' abilities, what they have to improve is different from what they have written. With class discussions, their ability to read diagrams has increased. They started reading "between data" and "outside the data". At the end of learning, data analysis has led to the conclusion that students begin reading diagrams at the quantitative level.
The main aim of this research is to recognize and differentiate several kinds or modalities of elaboration of a cognitive product in pairs, in this case, the elaboration of conceptual maps. These modalities come from a comparative analysis between individual and collective productions. This comparison is not concerned only with the quality of the productions, but also with qualitative differences that could show processes of social influence. In this case, it is interesting to analyze the different modalities of social interaction and of reaching consensus. After a master lecture of a professor, 24 university students were requested to individually produce a conceptual map of the topic. The students were able to consult their notes. Finally, in pairs, they were asked to collaboratively develop a single conceptual map, consulting their respective individual conceptual maps, but not their notes, which were taken away. The analysis is based on a comparison, inside each pair, between the individual and the collective conceptual maps. This analysis includes both cognitive (content) and formal (graph) aspects. Two dimensions were considered: homogeneity-heterogeneity and symmetry-asymmetry of individual contributions. The crossing between these dimensions allowed to differentiate the modalities of the collective construction. Finally, the article analyses the relation between cognitive and formal aspects, which are not always in accordance. The most general conclusion is that, concerning the social construction of conceptual maps, the cognitive contribution of each subject/student to the collective production must be differentiated from the instrumental operation of drawing the map.
Practical methods are introduced for the construction of definitions, both for philosophical purposes and for uses in other disciplines. The structural and contentual requirements on definitions are clarified. It is emphasized that the development of a definition should begin with careful choice of a primary definiendum, followed by the selection of appropriate variables for the definition. Two methods are proposed for the construction of the definiens, the case list method and the method of successive improvements. Four classes of concepts are discussed that are particularly difficult to define: vague concepts, value-laden concepts, controversial concepts, and inconsistent concepts.
A teacher educator developed several exercises to illustrate the related concepts of "meaningful learning" (relating new information to prior knowledge) and "elaboration" (using prior knowledge to expand on new information and to make better sense of it). The exercises demonstrate that learning is easier and retention is better when learners can relate new information to things learners already know. Learners frequently impose meaning spontaneously on new material and use their prior knowledge to fill in missing details in ambiguous material. Learners also often have difficulty in distinguishing between ideas that they have read or heard in new material and ideas that they have constructed for themselves. Four activities that have been very effective in explaining these concepts are described, and masters for transparencies and a handout used in the activities are included.
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2014
Objectives: To review concept theory and to describe a model for using concept theory so as to develop multiple-choice questions that can test more advanced cognitive skills in the area of study design. Theory: Concepts are abstract categories containing information about objects, symbols, or events that share specific characteristics. Concepts serve as tools for identifying and categorizing objects, events, or situations, for instance, types of study designs, as examples or non-examples of a category. Application: The process for developing questions to test concept learning in study design can be summarized as follows:
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