The Dynamics of Violence in Harold Pinter's Play- The Caretaker

2019, IJELLH


Harold Pinter has explored violence on many levels, ranging from the most palpable, visible forms to the most subtle. Taking recourse to Johan Galtung's theory of violence and its typology as presented in his violence triangle, I have attempted to probe in this paper how direct, structural and cultural violence is projected in Pinter's play, The Caretaker. Direct violence, which has a visibility factor is most often related to the invisible cultural and structural violence and is time and again the outcome of these subtle forms of violence. But it is a fact that direct violence does not affect many people as cultural and structural violence, which constitute the hidden but major part of the iceberg. The world has faced more violence through racism, poverty, religious fanaticism, unemployment, famine, illiteracy, sexism, conservative ideologies and so on. The paper attempts to establish that Pinter has through the play, The Caretaker, has presented a keen vision of our essentially violent world, which is intensified by the notion of menace and man's basic insecurity. Harold Pinter, the 2005 Nobel Laureate for literature, was not only a popular playwright, poet, screenwriter, short story writer, director, actor etc. but also a political activist who fought against the abuse of power in the familial, social and political sphere. As a pacifist, Pinter had always fought against violence, torture, and oppression. In his early comedies of menace, the latter political plays as well as his anti-war poems, an element of disillusionment