Le monachisme féminin AU SPITI (H.P. Inde) : un phénomène nouveau

2017, Cahiers d'Outre-Mer

In the Spiti region, Tibetan Buddhism is followed as in the rest of the Tibetan cultural sphere. But while there are several monasteries for men, some very old (10th and 11th centuries), monasteries for women were missing until the end of 1980s; only a few hermitages were inhabited by nuns and this only temporarily. The following article will trace the recent development of convents in Spiti and its cultural and religious implications. Four new convents were founded and a fifth is planned currently. They cover the entire territory. Some are related to existing monasteries for men, but others are independent foundations at the initiative of some local nuns, supported by the population, the Indian government and foreign donors. Since the settling of the Tibetan diaspora in India and the religious revival that ensued, many monks from Spiti and, more recently, nuns have joined the monasteries founded by Tibetan exiles. The latter have subsequently sought to establish their own convents at home, thus contributing to a boom of female monasticism in Spiti.