Temporalidad y cotidianidad


There´s a relation among being, appearance, time and world; that is not an exclusive opposition, but possibility. This so called relation rests on a particular type of presence, a presence that is not present at first sight, a latent presence: nevertheless, acts. Is about of "to be there", in this significance, which appears, that show us in its being the things. Well then, said "to do present", there is what Heidegger will call the time itself. Here is one ternary; Time, World, Dasein, which are (in all that “being-here” of time and world) the principal names of the being: is what makes possible that what it is, that is what hides itself. Now then, one thing is that the being hides itself; other one, that forgets, that we forget the being; as we forget precisely "being". To think about the oblivion of the being is nothing but indicate its latent omnipresence, its slightly, showy omnipresence and as is extinguished. To exist, so, as a human being in the "world" is "to be" like the "being". This one is an active being who does not remove that things that happen to us in the world; of there that, besides what we do, it determines what happens to us. In such an order, he is a doubly transitive, unconscious being, who unrolls its existence in one destination marked for facticity, life, play, emotion, pleasure, oblivion and, to be complete, death.