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2020, SSRN Electronic Journal
This paper presents a framework for pricing the climate resilience of an energy infrastructure project through assessing the value of its required debt and equity investments. Integrating climate scenarios into an asset valuation model provides useful and specific insights for risk management, but there is a lack of academic and market tools that effectively address this need. The critical barrier is that climate-related risks (physical and transition) are typically indirect variables in the cash flow calculation, and they should be computed based on the direct variables such as revenue, capital expenditures (CAPEX), operating expenses (OPEX), and financing costs. The implementation of this framework shows how to delineate climate-related risks that are assetspecific and transforms them into financial risks. Using cash flow simulation and scenario analysis, it estimates an energy infrastructure asset's probability of default due to climate-related risks and the size and timing of the losses for any given default. To demonstrate the framework's application, we simulate the price climate-related risks of a utility-scale electricity generation facility (i.e., a downstream energy asset) powered by natural gas. Highlights: • The framework consists of three parts. First, it identifies the climate risks that an individual energy project would be exposed to under a multitude of feasible climate risk scenarios and economic trajectories • Second, it prices the identified climate risks at the level of the individual energy project's cashflows by downscaling and translating climate risk information • Third, it calculates the probability of default and identifies the largest potential gains and losses due to the identified climate risks for an individual project
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
In, et al. (2020) (1) propose a framework that assesses material financial impacts from climate change and a transition to a low-carbon economy on energy infrastructure investments. This study demonstrates the application of the framework using three downstream energy assets: natural gas, coal, and solar photovoltaic power plants. We identify physical and transition risks that an asset is highly exposed to with its asset type, geographic location, time frame, and financing structure, and build highly-likely climate risk scenarios. We then project an energy asset's cash flow under multiple scenarios and investigate whether and how these scenarios would affect the asset's debt and equity investments. While extant climate risk assessments are mostly at sovereign, industry, or portfolio levels, this study focuses on infrastructure assets. Instead of estimating net present value (NPV), we estimate an energy asset's probability of default due to climate risks and the size and time of the losses by the given default using debt service coverage ratio (DSCR). Lastly, this comparative case study also shows how the values of investment would vary across energy assets.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2011
This study investigates whether corporate climate risk is priced by the capital markets. Using carbon dioxide emission rates of publicly traded U.S. electric companies, we find that climate risk is positively associated with cost of capital measures, more specifically the implied cost of equity and the cost of debt. Additionally, we find that equity and debt investors evaluate corporate climate risk differently. The results show that the cost of debt decreases with the level of capital intensity, suggesting that debt investors value the increase in efficiency resulting from current capital investments. The results also show that the cost of equity decreases and the cost of debt increases with the newness of assets in places. Newer equipment is likely to be operationally and environmentally more efficient. While the results concerning the cost of debt are puzzling, we consider that debt investors may account for other performance indicators. We conclude that equity and debt investors evaluate climate risk differently according to their different payoff functions.
Encyclopedia of GIS, 2016
The climate change phenomenon is widely understood to be magnified by harmful greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are by-products of emissions yielded from advances in human engineering in the energy, technology, transportation, and land development industries. Effectively, the pollution that is being generated from human activities is actively contributing to the imbalance in the planet’s climate, therefore creating the scenario where human prosperity may be severely hindered in the near future. Global industrial incentives, regulations, and policies have been formed to mitigate the climate change phenomenon in the form of monetized financial instruments that can help manage the amount of global pollution permitted, financial climate risk disclosures that keep investors inf ...
CASCADES paper, 2022
Is climate change a financial risk that financial institutions need to worry about? Despite the rapid increase in climate financing and the rise of the dominant discourse on the importance of climate change and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria, financial markets do not seem to show much sensitivity to the increasing climate risks. The problem arguably lies in the fact that the markets seem to have difficulties estimating the specific costs of climate change, which, although potentially high, often remain long-term and uncertain. The benefits of adjusting to climate risks also seem harder to quantify for shorter-term investments. Most international actors that provide development finance seem to have difficulty estimating the specific costs of climate change risks. Climate risks can be low or high, short-term or long-term, and more or less uncertain. Yet, understanding the particular nature of climate risks clearly could help in pricing climate-risk finance and the proper allocation of funding for climate action. In particular, investments in climate adaptation, which are perceived by many financial actors as a costly endeavour, could become financially more attractive if the corresponding reduction in climate risk exposure were not only qualitatively considered, by explicitly priced. This would have serious implications for development finance institutions and their incentive to invest in climate adaptation operations in developing countries most affected by climate change, with a high socio-development impact. This paper considers why effective climate risk assessment should matter for financial institutions. We present different approaches to measuring climate risk used by some European financial institutions with a public mandate, including a multilateral development bank (MDB) - the European Investment Bank (EIB), development financial institutions (DFIs) - the British International Investment (BII) and the Dutch entrepreneur development bank (FMO), national promotional and development banks - the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and Italian Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP); and export credit agencies - the Atradius Dutch State Business (Atradius DSB), and French Bpifrance. These institutions have adopted climate, and often explicit ESG, approaches and climate risk assessments. Increasing efforts are also dedicated to further improving their approaches. Yet, they encounter several difficulties and limitations in their attempt to assess climate risks. Limitations encountered in climate risk assessment that could lead to mispricing include: 1. Underestimation or overestimation of the climate risks 2. Lack of proper methodologies to measure climate risks 3. Assessments are generally done at the macro-level 4. Data on climate risk variables is usually missing 5. Lack of a central database providing data on all climate risk indicators 6. No harmonised industrial standards and a proper regulatory framework It is essential to overcome the challenge of climate change mispricing (over- and under-estimation) of the risks to ensure that physical and transition risks are precisely predicted. This necessitates that financiers and investors, in general, alter their strategies, incentives and approaches, including by exploiting the opportunities provided by climate risk assessment models and strategies. Development financiers can play a pioneering role in that respect. MDBs like the EIB and DFIs like BII and FMO should not only continue their respective current endeavours to further enhance their overall climate/ESG, and climate-risk assessment approaches. They should also coordinate their efforts to lead the (European) development finance community in better addressing climate change, improve risk assessment approaches and try to explicit price climate risks. By doing so, they can also leverage private finance actors and have a catalytic demonstration effect on how to better climate risks. While climate finance has significantly increased for mitigation, it is seriously lagging for adaptation. In particular, in Europe, financial institutions for development have generally failed to invest at scale in climate adaptation, often arguing that they are not enough bankable projects. Improving climate risk approaches, explicitly pricing climate risks, can play a significant role in boosting private and public finance to tackle climate change, including for adaptation. In terms of physical climate risk, there is a need to adopt proper methodologies to assess the risk from chronic and acute shocks on a highly granular level and connect asset-level physical risks to firms’ and investors’ financial risks. Such enhanced approaches could usefully draw on Bressan et al. (2022). They developed the first comprehensive methodology that logically connects asset-level physical risks to financial risks for firms and financial actors and, more broadly, to systemic risk for the financial system. It does so by translating economic losses on physical assets and sectors from chronic and acute climate physical risks into financial losses and shocks on prices in the market. It allows for a dynamic, asset-level assessment of physical climate risk, considering the cascading losses through the ownership chains of firms and investors. Key policy recommendations for financial institutions that could lead to better assessment and improved climate risk pricing include: 1. Develop a reliable database to provide information on climate-related risks 2. Improve the transparency of the risk assessment methodologies 3. Develop harmonised climate risk assessment methodologies 4. Support the establishment of project-level climate risk assessment 5. Exploit the potential of insurance companies 6. Address the information asymmetry and knowledge gaps 7. Enforce climate-related regulation at all levels 8. Embody climate risk assessment in overall sustainable investment strategy and use concessional financing to cover high climate risks 9. Explicitly price climate risks and net returns from climate adaptation. This work was conducted in the European Commission H2020-funded CASCADES (CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies) project, Grant agreement number 821010.
We explore the impact on firm value by numerous factors in the energy industry using panel data from 2010 to 2020. The analysis employs different econometric methods, including fixed-effects, randomeffects, two-stage least squares, and generalized method of moments. Our main variables of interest are firm value, firm-level climate change risk, fixed assets, leverage, dividend yield, market capitalization, and assets tangibility. The result suggests that investors are valuing energy firms less due to their exposure to climate change risk. We found that climate change risk, fixed assets, firm leverage, and assets tangibility are negatively related while market capitalization and dividend yield are positively related to firm value. These findings have important implications for energy firms, policymakers, and investors. Energy firms need to consider climate change risk in their investment decisions to maintain their market value, and policymakers should encourage firms to disclose their climate change risk to improve market efficiency. Finally, investors need to incorporate climate change risk in their investment strategies to mitigate potential financial losses.
Research Papers in Economics, 2021
It is increasingly realized that financial-asset investors individually are not likely able to affect climate developments significantly, while the financial sector collectively cannot hedge all climate-related risks. Nevertheless, the financial sector could help channel savings into green projects through both equity and bond markets, and thus facilitate divestment from heavy carbon-footprint producers. This paper provides a novel framework for understanding climate-related adaptation, mitigation, and transition risks and outlines a method for valuing these risks in investors’ portfolios. Our proposed comprehensive set up can serve as a call for action to longer-term institutional investors to obtain accurate information on climate-related risks, develop appropriate frameworks for understanding these risks, and regularly value them. We maintain that through improvements in the assessment of risks, financial stakeholders would be able to help better manage climate-related risks and ...
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2020
Finance scholars are only recently attempting to bridge the gap in climate finance. This paper is essentially a literature review of the interaction of climate change and finance through the lens of financial theory. The demand for financing climate-resilient infrastructures such as clean energy projects, energy-efficient buildings, low-carbon transportation, water, waste management systems, and the supply side of financing these infrastructures was reviewed. Financial theories and frameworks such as the Modigliani and Miller theorem, capital asset pricing model (CAPM), option pricing, efficient market hypothesis, and agency theory were also amenable to analyzing climate change and finance problems. Specifically, the factors to consider when financing and funding climateresilient infrastructure include the financing profile of the investment; potential for cost recovery from users; the extent to which quality is contractible; the level of uncertainty and complexity of the project and policy frameworks; financial market conditions; and optimal allocation of risks. As data collection improves, climate finance research can continue on a great ride with enormous benefits to the global community.
International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 2013
The future development of the energy sector is rife with uncertainties. They concern virtually the entire energy chain, from resource extraction to conversion technologies, energy demand, and the stringency of future environmental policies. Investment decisions today need thus not only to be cost-effective from the present perspective, but have to take into account also the imputed future risks of above uncertainties. This paper introduces a newly developed modeling decision framework with endogenous representation of above uncertainties. We employ stochastic modeling techniques within a system engineering model of the global energy system and implement several alternative representations of risk. We aim to identify salient characteristics of least-cost risk hedging strategies that are adapted to considerably reduce future risks and are hence robust against a wide range of future uncertainties. These lead to significant changes in response to energy system and carbon price uncertainties, in particular, (i) higher short-to mediumterm investments into advanced technologies, (ii) pronounced emissions reductions, and (iii) diversification of the technology portfolio. From a methodological perspective, we find that there are strong interactions and synergies between different types of uncertainties. Cost-effective risk hedging strategies thus need to take a holistic view and comprehensively account for all uncertainties jointly. With respect to costs, relatively modest risk premiums (or hedging investments) can significantly reduce the vulnerability of the energy system against the associated uncertainties. The extent of early investments, diversification and emissions reductions, however, depends on the risk premium that decision makers are willing to pay to respond to prevailing uncertainties, and remains thus one of the key policy variables.
Environmental Science & Technology, 2009
Climate change mitigation requires a rapid decrease of global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from their present value of 8.4 GtC/year to, as of current knowledge, approximately 1 GtC/year by the end of the century. The necessary decrease of GHG emissions will have large impacts on existing and new investments with long lifetimes, such as coalfired power plants or buildings. Strategic decision making for major investments can be facilitated by indicators that express the likelihood of costly retrofitting or shut-down of carbon intensive equipment over time. We provide a set of simple indicators that support assessment and decision making in this field. Given a certain emissions target, carbon allowance prices in a cap-and-trade plan will depend on the development of the global economy and the degree to which the target is approached on the global and national levels. The indicators measure the degree to which a given emissions target is approached nationally and assess risks for long-lived investments subject to a range of emissions targets. A comparative case study on existing coal-fired power plants with planned plants and utility-scale photovoltaic power-plants confirms that high risk for coal-fired power plants is emerging. New legislation further confirms this result.
Journal of Economic Surveys
The financial risks and potential systemic impacts induced by climate change and the transition to a low‐carbon economy have become a central issue for both financial investors and their regulators. In this article, we develop a critical review of the empirical and theoretical literature concerning the impact of climate‐related risks on the price of financial assets. We first present the theoretical links between asset pricing and climate‐related risks and develop a theory of how climate risk drivers transmit costs to firms and lead to asset price changes. We then discuss studies looking at past climate‐related events, which show that both climate physical impacts and transition dynamics can trigger a revaluation of financial assets through multiple direct and indirect channels. Finally, we review the emerging literature that uses forward‐looking methodologies to estimate future climate‐related asset price changes, which suggests that climate financial risks can indeed have signific...
SN Business & Economics, 2023
Climate change brings with it new risks for the finance sector, which in turn provides new opportunities to mitigate this risk, emanating from climate change. To invest sustainably and move away from firms that have disproportionately high carbon footprints, investors need suitable risk measures and appropriate portfolio management approaches. In this paper, we conduct a review of the mathematical models used to measure carbon risk. Subsequently, we review portfolio optimization models based on modern portfolio theory and the incorporation of risk measures into portfolio optimization strategies. We find that there is a lack of consensus about the existence of a carbon premium or an equity greenium in stock prices. We also find that the literature on portfolio optimization techniques is comparatively nascent.
These IGCC reports examine climate change risks and adaptation opportunities as well as energy cost and carbon risks and mitigation opportunities for four industry sectors. Designed as guides for funds managers, ESG analysts and company analysts, the reports provide a first time, comprehensive analysis of climate change issues for integration into company analysis and engagement. The reports will help investors go beyond assessing disclosure practices and carbon prices in their analysis of climate change exposure. Developed by lead author Dr Michael Smith of the Fenner School the Australian National University, in conjunction with IGCC’s Research Working Group. Cbus sponsored the development of these reports. These reports were a) aunched at the major annual conference for superfunds, b) receiving national media coverage and now c) are promoted by the Investor Group on Climate Change here @
The Engineering Economist, 2010
This article describes a new market risk mitigating model for future combined heat and power (CHP) project finance. The need arose from the fact that federal legislative changes in 2005 no longer entitle cogeneration project financings by law to receive the benefit of a power purchase agreement underwritten by state investor-owned utilities. CHP project investment represents a potentially enormous energy efficiency benefit through its application by reducing fossil fuel use up to 55% when compared to traditional energy generation and concurrently eliminates constituent air emissions up to 50%, including global warming gases. As a supplemental approach to a comprehensive technical analysis, a quantitative multivariate modeling was used to test the statistical validity and reliability of host facility energy demand and CHP supply ratios in predicting the economic performance of CHP project finance. The resulting analytical models, although not statistically reliable at this time, suggest a radically simplified CHP design method for predicting future profitable CHP investments using four easily attainable energy ratios. This design method shows that financially successful CHP adoption occurs when the average system heatto-power ratio is less than or equal to the average host convertible energy ratio, and when the average nominally rated capacity is less than average host facility load factor demands. New CHP investments can play a role in solving the worldwide problem of accommodating growing energy demand while preserving our precious and irreplaceable air quality for future generations.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2003
The market risks encountered by energy asset operators can be categorized as short term/operational, intermediate term/trading, and long term/valuation in nature. This paper describes how the market risks in operations can be measured and managed using real option models and stochastic optimization techniques. It then links these results to intermediate term value at risk and related risk metrics such as cash flow, earnings, and credit risk which can be used to measure trading risks over weeks to months; and how to optimize these portfolios for risk-return relationships. Finally, it then explores the risks in longer term energy portfolio management and how these can be simulated, measured, and optimized. Index Terms-Earnings at risk, energy risk management, portfolio optimization, potential credit exposure, real options, value at risk. Michael Denton, photograph and biography not available at the time of publication.
Nature Climate Change, 2016
Investors and financial regulators are increasingly aware of climate-change risks. So far, most of the attention has fallen on whether controls on carbon emissions will strand the assets of fossilfuel companies. 1,2 However, it is no less important to ask, what might be the impact of climate change itself on asset values? Here we show how a leading Integrated Assessment Model can be used to estimate the impact of 21 st century climate change on the present market value of global financial assets. We find that the expected 'climate value at risk' (climate VaR) of global financial assets today is 1.8% along a business-as-usual emissions path. Taking a representative estimate of global financial assets, this amounts to $2.5 trillion. However, much of the risk is in the tail. For example, the 99 th percentile climate VaR is 16.9%, or $24.2 trillion. These estimates would constitute a substantial write-down in the fundamental value of financial assets. Cutting emissions to limit warming to no more than 2°C reduces the climate VaR by an expected 0.6 percentage points, and the 99 th percentile reduction is 7.7 percentage points. Including mitigation costs, the present value of global financial assets is an expected 0.2% higher when warming is limited to no more than 2°C, compared with business as usual. The 99 th percentile is 9.1% higher. Limiting warming to no more than 2°C makes financial sense to risk-neutral investors-and even more so to the risk averse.
Annals of Operations Research
In this preface, we investigate the past, study the present, and look for the future of financial modeling, risk management of energy and environmental instruments, and derivatives based on articles selected in this special issue (SI). We also summarize the significant findings of those articles and identify the research trends. Keywords Energy market • Financial modelling • Risk management 1 Introduction Energy markets have witnessed a high degree of price uncertainty since deregulation initiated in the 1970s. This trend has promoted the development of the first exchange-traded energy derivative securities (Fleming & Ostdiek, 1999). Crude oil is a major global energy commodity widely traded around the globe. The price movements of crude oil offer plenty of useful
Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal, 2018
Taking the importance of time and risk into account has a significant impact on the value of investment projects. Investments in the energy sector are long-term projects and, as such, are burdened with uncertainty associated with the long-term freezing of capital and obtaining the expected return. In the power industry, this uncertainty is increased by factors specific to the sector, including in particular changes in the political and legal environment and the rapid technological development. In the case of discounted cash flow analysis (DCF), commonly used for assessing the economic efficiency of investments, the only parameter expressing investor uncertainty regarding investment opportunities is the discount rate, which increases with the increasing risk of the project. It determines the value of the current project, thus becoming an important criterion affecting investors' decisions. For this reason, it is of great importance for the assessment of investment effectiveness. This rate, usually in the form of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), generally includes two elements: the cost of equity capital and borrowed capital. Due to the fluctuant relationship between these two parameters in project financing, performing a WACC analysis in order to compare the risks associated with the different technologies is not completely justified. A good solution to the problem is to use the cost of equity. This article focuses on the analysis of this cost as a measure of risk related to energy investments in the United States, Europe and worldwide.
N a t h a n W i l s o n , K a r e n L . P a l m e r , a n d D a l l a s B u r t r a w DISCUSSION PAPER Abstract The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative is an effort by nine states to constrain carbon dioxide emissions from the electric power sector using a cap-and-trade program. This paper assesses the importance of long-term electricity contracts under the program. We find that 12.2% of generation will be accounted for by long-term contracts in 2010, affecting select nuclear, hydroelectric, and cogeneration units. The contracts will have a negligible effect on the wholesale marginal cost of electricity and a small effect on retail price. States may want to consider contracts on a case-by-case basis when making decisions about the initial distribution of emission allowances, but they should account for effects on the portfolio of plants owned at the firm level, not the effects on individual facilities. Because of their relatively small effect, it seems unnecessary to allow the existence of long-term contracts to dictate the design of the overall program.
(2010). Evaluation of investment options mitigating catastrophic losses under the impacts of climate change. Environmental Economics, 1(2) RELEASED ON Thursday,
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