The gentzenization and decidability of RW

1990, Journal of Philosophical Logic


which corresponds in LR, to the axiom (W) of R, would, in an attempted decision procedure based on LR, , produce unbounded multiplicities of the above structures a. It then seemed likely that the system R without the axiom (W), called now RW, would be decidable. Giambrone, in [8], has shown, by using Dunn's Gentzenization LR, without (WI t) (thus yielding LRW,), that RW, is decidable. Giambrone's decidability argument involves a refinement of Gentzen's original argument for the decidability of sentential calculi in [7], together with original insights appropriate to Dunn's style of Gentzenization, which involves both intensional and extensional sequences in the antecedents of consecutions. In this paper, we apply Giambrone's decidability argument to achieve decidability for RW, after establishing a Cut-free Gentzenization for the logic by extending the work of Dunn in [l]. It is the establishment that the rule Cut: ttA AkB (where 't' is the truth constant in Dunn), is eliminable from the Gentzenization of RW"' (where '0' is fusion, as in Dunn) that requires the careful addition of negation to the Gentzenization LRW,