Analysis of Single Phase PWM Rectifier for Different Applications

2016, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B


This research work investigates the various applications of a PWM rectifier based on its input power factor. Most of the cases, the papers describe the operation of the rectifier used for unity power factor (UPF) operation. Beside this mode of operation, this paper compiles the application of the rectifier as STATCOM also, where the rectifier deals only with reactive power exchange. In this work, the controller is implemented by inserting a loop for reference input of phase angle which will be compared with the actual one, so that user can operate the rectifier at any power factor. Some basic formulae are derived for the input current, active power and reactive power based on which the control circuit is to be designed. Here two Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers are used. A brief description of tuning these two PI controllers is incorporated in this paper. Also some calculations are given to determine the harmonic factors of the input line current from which it is found that the rectifier when operated in each mode operation, the order of the harmonics are very low.