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2001, Nuclear Physics B
We develop a systematic method of directly embedding supermembrane wrapped around a circle into matrix string theory. Our purpose is to study connection between matrix string and membrane from an entirely 11 dimensional point of view. The method does neither rely upon the DLCQ limit nor upon string dualities. In principle, this enables us to construct matrix string theory with arbitrary backgrounds from the corresponding supermembrane theory. As a simplest application of the formalism, the matrix-string action with a 7 brane background (Kaluza-Klein Melvin solution) with nontrivial RR vector field is given.
The issue of justifying the matrix-theory proposal is revisited. We first discuss how the matrix-string theory is derived directly starting from the eleven dimensional supermem- brane wrapped around a circle of radius R = gsℓs, without invoking any stringy assump- tions, such as S- and T-dualities. This derivation provides us a basis for studying both string (R → 0)- and M (R → ∞)-theory limits of quantum membrane theory in a single unified framework. In particular, we show that two different boosts of supermembrane, namely one of unwrapped membrane along the M-theory circle and the other of membrane wrapped about a transervse direction which is orthogonal to the M-theory circle, give the same matrix theory in the 11 dimensional limit, R → ∞ (with N → ∞). We also discuss briefly the nature of possible covariantized matrix (string) theories.
The issue of justifying the matrix-theory proposal is revisited. We first discuss how the matrix-string theory is derived directly starting from the eleven dimensional supermembrane wrapped around a circle of radius R = g s ℓ s , without invoking any stringy assumptions, such as Sand T-dualities. This derivation provides us a basis for studying both string (R → 0)-and M (R → ∞)-theory limits of quantum membrane theory in a single unified framework. In particular, we show that two different boosts of supermembrane, namely one of unwrapped membrane along the M-theory circle and the other of membrane wrapped about a transervse direction which is orthogonal to the M-theory circle, give the same matrix theory in the 11 dimensional limit, R → ∞ (with N → ∞). We also discuss briefly the nature of possible covariantized matrix (string) theories.
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
Via compactification on a circle, the matrix model of M-theory proposed by Banks et al suggests a concrete identification between the large N limit of two-dimensional N = 8 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and type IIA string theory. In this paper we collect evidence that supports this identification. We explicitly identify the perturbative string states and their interactions, and describe the appearance of D-particle and D-membrane states. * Here we work in string units α = 1. A derivation of (1) from matrix theory and a discussion of our normalizations is given in the appendix.
Physical Review D, 1998
We study open supermembranes in 11 dimensional rigid superspace with 6 dimensional topological defects (M-theory five-branes). After rederiving in the Green-Schwarz formalism the boundary conditions for open superstrings in the type IIA theory, we determine the boundary conditions for open supermembranes by imposing kappa symmetry and invariance under a fraction of 11 dimensional supersymmetry. The result seems to imply the self-duality of the three-form field strength on the fivebrane world volume. We show that the light-cone gauge formulation is regularized by a dimensional reduction of a 6 dimensional N=1 super Yang-Mills theory with the gauge group SO(N→ ∞). We also analyze the SUSY algebra and BPS states in the light-cone gauge.
Arxiv preprint hep-th/9809103, 1998
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
We discuss supersymmetry in twelve dimensions and present a covariant supersymmetric action for a brane with worldsheet signature (2, 2), called a super (2 + 2)-brane, propagating in the osp (64, superspace. This superspace is explicitly constructed, and is trivial in the sense that the spinorial part is a trivial bundle over spacetime, unlike the twisted superspace of usual Poincaré supersymmetry. For consistency, it is necessary to take a projection of the superspace. This is the same as the projection required for worldvolume supersymmetry. Upon compactification of this superspace, a torsion is naturally introduced and we produce the membrane and type IIB string actions in 11 and 10 dimensional Minkowski spacetimes. In addition, the compactification of the twelve dimensional supersymmetry algebra produces the correct algebras for these theories, including central charges. These considerations thus give the type IIB string and M -theory a single twelve dimensional origin.
Exact instanton solutions to D = 11 spherical supermembranes moving in flat target spacetime backgrounds are construted. Our starting point is Super Yang-Mills theories, based on the infinite dimensional SU (∞) group, dimensionally reduced to one time dimension. In this fashion the super-Toda molecule equation is recovered preserving only one supersymmetry out of the N = 16 that one would have obtained otherwise. It is shown that the expected critical target spacetime dimensions for the (super) membrane (D = 11) D = 27 is closely related to that of the noncritical (super) W ∞ strings. A BRST analysis of these symmetries should yield information about the quantum consistency of the (D = 11) D = 27 dimensional (super) membrane. Comments on the role that Skyrmions might play in the two types of Spinning-Membrane actions construted so far is presented at the conclusion. Finally, the importance that integrability on light-lines in complex superspaces has in other types of solutions is emphasized.
It is generally accepted that the double-scaled 1D matrix model is equivalent to the c = 1 string theory with tachyon condensation. There remain however puzzles that are to be clarified in order to utilize this connection for our quest towards possible non-perturbative formulation of string theory. We discuss some of the issues that are related to the space-time interpretation of matrix models, in particular, the questions of leg poles, causality, and black hole background. Finally, a speculation about a possible connection of a deformed matrix model with the idea of Dirichret brane is presented.
String Theory in a Nutshell, 2011
It is generally accepted that the double-scaled 1D matrix model is equivalent to the c = 1 string theory with tachyon condensation. There remain however puzzles that are to be claried in order to utilize this connection for our quest towards possible non-perturbative formulation of string theory. W e discuss some of the issues that are related to the space-time interpretation of matrix models, in particular, the questions of leg poles, causality, and black hole background. Finally, a speculation about a possible connection of a deformed matrix model with the idea of Dirichret brane is presented.
Physical Review D, 2002
In the lightcone frame, where the supermembrane theory and the Matrix model are strikingly similar, the equations of motion admit an elegant complexification in even dimensional spaces. Although the explicit rotational symmetry of the target space is lost, the remaining unitary symmetries apart from providing a simple and unifying description of all known solutions suggest new ones for rotating spherical and toroidal membranes. In this framework the angular momentum is represented by U(1) charges which balance the nonlinear attractive forces of the membrane. We examine in detail a six dimensional rotating toroidal membrane solution which lives in a 3-torus, $T^3$ and admits stable radial modes. In Matrix Theory it corresponds to a toroidal N-$D_{0}$ brane bound state. We demonstrate its existence and discuss its radial stability.
Annals of Physics, 1988
We study in detail the structure of the Lorentz covariant, spacetime supersymmetric lldimensional supermembrane theory. We show that for a flat spacetime background, the spacetime supersymmetry becomes an N =8 world volume (rigid) supersymmetry in a "physical" gauge; we also present the field equations and transformation rules in a "lightcone" gauge. We semiclassically quantize the closed torodial supermembrane on a spacetime (Minkowki),
Physics Letters B, 1998
We consider open supermembranes in eleven dimensions in the presence of closed M-Theory five-branes. It has been shown that, in a flat space-time, the worldvolume action is kappa invariant and preserves a fraction of the eleven dimensional supersymmetries if the boundaries of the membranes lie on the five-branes. We calculate the reparametrisation anomalies due to the chiral fermions on the boundaries of the membrane and examine their cancellation mechanism. We show that these anomalies cancel with the aid of a classical term in the world-volume action, provided that the tensions of the five-brane and the membrane are related to the eleven dimensional gravitational constant in a way already noticed in M-Theory. 1
Physics Letters B, 1997
We consider open supermembranes in an eleven dimensional background. We show that, in a flat space-time, the world-volume action is kappa-symmetric and has global space-time supersymmetry if space-time has even dimensional topological defects where the membrane can end. An example of such topological defects is provided by the space-time with boundaries considered by Horava and Witten. In that case the world-volume action has reparametrisation anomalies whose cancellation requires the inclusion of a current algebra on the boundaries of the membrane. The role of kappa-anomalies in a general background is discussed. The tension of the membrane is related to the eleven dimensional gravitational constant with the aid of the Green-Schwarz mechanism allowing a consistency check of M-theory.
Nuclear Physics B, 1997
The supermembrane theory on R 10 ×S 1 is investigated, for membranes that wrap once around the compact dimension. The Hamiltonian can be organized as describing N s interacting strings, the exact supermembrane corresponding to N s → ∞. The zero-mode part of N s − 1 strings turn out to be precisely the modes which are responsible of instabilities. For sufficiently large compactification radius R 0 , interactions are negligible and the lowest-energy excitations are described by a set of harmonic oscillators. We compute the physical spectrum to leading order, which becomes exact in the limit g 2 → ∞, where g 2 ≡ 4π 2 T 3 R 3 0 and T 3 is the membrane tension. As the radius is decreased, more strings become strongly interacting and their oscillation modes get frozen. In the zero-radius limit, the spectrum is constituted of the type IIA superstring spectrum, plus an infinite number of extra states associated with flat directions of the quartic potential.
Modern Physics Letters A, 1996
Taking the (2,2) strings as a starting point, we discuss the equivalent integrable field theories and analyze their symmetry structure in 2 + 2 dimensions from the viewpoint of string/membrane unification. Requiring the 'Lorentz' invariance and supersymmetry in the (2,2) string target space leads to an extension of the (2,2) string theory to a theory of 2 + 2 dimensional supermembranes (M-branes) propagating in a higher dimensional target space. The origin of the hidden target space dimensions of the Mbrane is related to the maximally extended supersymmetry implied by the 'Lorentz' covariance and dimensional reasons. The Kähler-Chern-Simons-type action describing the self-dual gravity in 2 + 2 dimensions is proposed. Its maximal supersymmetric extension (of the Green-Schwarz-type) naturally leads to the 2 + 10 (or higher) dimensions for the M-brane target space. The proposed OSp(32|1) supersymmetric action gives the pre-geometrical description of M-branes, which may be useful for a fundamental formulation of F&M theory.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021
We obtain the Hamiltonian formulation of the 11D Supermembrane theory non-trivially compactified on a twice punctured torus times a 9D Minkowski space-time. It corresponds to a M2-brane formulated in 11D space with ten non-compact dimensions. The critical points like the poles and the zeros of the fields describing the embedding of the Supermembrane in the target space are treated rigorously. The non-trivial compactification generates non-trivial mass terms appearing in the bosonic potential, which dominate the full supersymmetric potential and should render the spectrum of the (regularized) Supermembrane discrete with finite multiplicity. The behaviour of the fields around the punctures generates a cosmological term in the Hamiltonian of the theory.The massive supermembrane can also be seen as a nontrivial uplift of a supermembrane torus bundle with parabolic monodromy in M9 × T2. The moduli of the theory is the one associated with the punctured torus, hence it keeps all the nontri...
We present an approach to membrane quantization using matrix quantum mechanics at large N. We show that this leads (through a simple field theory of two-dimensional open strings and the associated SU(\infty) current algebra) to a 4-D dynamics of self-dual gravity plus matter.
We discuss an open supermembrane theory in the AdS4×S and AdS7×S backgrounds. The possible Dirichlet branes of an open supermembrane are classified by analyzing the covariant Wess-Zumino term. All of the allowed configurations are related to those on the pp-wave background via the Penrose limit.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2009
While string or Yang-Mills theories are based on Lie algebra or two-algebra structure, recent studies indicate that M-theory may require a one higher, three-algebra structure. Here we construct a covariant action for a supermembrane in eleven dimensions, which is invariant under global supersymmetry, local fermionic symmetry and worldvolume diffeomorphism. Our action is classically on-shell equivalent to the celebrated Bergshoeff-Sezgin-Townsend action. However, the novelty is that we spell the action genuinely in terms of Nambu three-brackets: All the derivatives appear through Nambu brackets and hence it manifests the three-algebra structure. Further the double dimensional reduction of our action gives straightforwardly to a type IIA string action featuring two-algebra. Applying the same method, we also construct a covariant action for type IIB superstring, leading directly to the IKKT matrix model.
European Physical Journal C, 1999
We suggest that the static configurations of M-theory may be described by the matrix regularization of the supermembrane theory in static regime. We compute the long-range interaction between a M2-brane and an anti-M2-brane in agreement with the 11-dimensional supergravity result.
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