Fairness in Temporal Verification of Distributed Systems

2018, Contemporary Complex Systems and Their Dependability


The verification of deadlock freeness and distributed termination in distributed systems by Dedan tool is described. In Dedan, the IMDS formalism for specification of distributed systems is used. A system is described in terms of servers' states, agents' messages, and actions. Universal temporal formulas for checking deadlock and termination features are elaborated. It makes possible to verify distributed systems without a knowledge of temporal logic by a user. For verification, external model checkers: Spin, NuSMV and Uppaal are used. The experience with these verifiers show problems with strong fairness (compassion), required for model checking of distributed systems. The problems outcome from busy form of waiting in some examples. The problem is solved by own temporal formulas evaluation algorithm, using breadth-first search and reverse reachability. This algorithm does not require to specify compassion requirements for individual events, as it supports strong fairness for all cases. Thus it is appropriate for verification of distributed systems.