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2015, Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Objectives: Computer security is all about the study of cyber attacks with a view to defend against them. Cryptography is considered to be a class of science by using the special art of transforming information in a protected way such that it can overcome the attacks. There is an immense requirement of strong cryptographic algorithms in order to withstand against the various attacks. Methods: The Kerchoff''s Principle states that the encryption and decryption algorithms are always available to anyone. The security of the cipher against any sort of attack should be depends only on the secrecy of the key. There comes the play of cryptanalysis. It is art of breaking the keys by identifying the vulnerabilities existing in the systems. This paper deals with the classical encryption schemes and their cryptanalysis. The cryptanalysis for various encryption schemes differs a lot. Various cryptanalysis like statistical analysis, frequency analysis, trial and error (brute force) are carried out in this work. Findings: The classical encryption schemes such as caesar cipher, shift cipher, vigenere cipher, affine cipher and hill cipher are discussed in the paper. A detailed analysis about the security of the above mentioned ciphers are explored. Among the ciphers it is identified that if the key varies for each plaintext to be encrypted provides added security. But the worst is the management of the huge key space. A modified algorithm is proposed which can provide a better security using simple computations. In this approach lots of keys are used but generated from a single key by using simple shift and EXOR operation. In the main stream only one key need to be exchanged between the communication entities and for that exchange we can make use of the public key cryptosystem. Application: Cryptography is considered to be an ineluctable field in era of communication. Cryptographic algorithms acts as an underpinning for lots of applications such as Anonymous Remailers, Digital Signatures, Secured Money transactions etc.
In today's information age, communication play a very important role which help in growth of new technologies. So security is an essential parameter to be considered. A mechanism is therefore needed to secure the information that is sent. The process of transforming the original information into an unreadable format is known as encryption. The process of again converting the unreadable format in to the original information is known as decryption. The study of both encryption and decryption is known as cryptography. This paper focuses on analysing different types of cryptography, concept of encryption and decryption, a brief introduction to cryptography techniques. If we are taking about security of information then following services come in mind i.e. Confidentiality (privacy of information), Authentication, Integrity (has not been altered) .This paper provides a detailed description of all these cryptography techniques and a public key cryptography algorithm RSA.
Cryptography is one of the important and useful technique in which usually a particular file is converted into unreadable format by using public key and private key system called as public key cryptosystem. Then as per the user requirement that file is send to another user for secure data or file transmission between original sender and receiver. In this transmission file of unreadable format is send, after receiving this file receiver used the similar algorithm technique and private key for getting the original file data. In this procedure various algorithms are used as a processing function and depending on that algorithm we used the private key. The power or strength of any algorithm is depending on the secret key used in sender client and receiver side client.
Journal of Ultra Computer and information Technology, 2017
Now a day mostly people are doing their daily routine digitally, because current era is based on information and communication technology. But security is one of the most important and challenging issues in this technological world. As per the literature analysis there is a demand for a encryption which should be strong and efficient. Cryptography is a private secure communication in the public world. Cryptography is a technique of protecting secure information from hacking and cracking by unauthorized individuals and converting it into unintelligible form. It provides authentication, identification to user data, confidentiality and also provides security and privacy to the data stored. It is an emerging technology in the area of network security. There is a broad range of cryptographic algorithms that are used for securing networks and presently continuous researches on the new cryptographic algorithms are going on for evolving more advanced techniques for secures communication. The main objective of this paper is to study the basic terms used in cryptography, its purpose and to compare the encryption techniques used in cryptography.
Computer systems have undoubtedly become universal in today's world, and also, therefore, a lot of this info is made digital. Additionally, with the advancement of the internet, this relevant information is currently circulated. Licensed individuals can easily now send and also fetch info coming from a distance making use of a local area network. Although the three above mentioned security objectives-confidentiality, honesty and also accessibility-still stay of prime usefulness, they currently have some brand new dimensions. Indeed, not only carry out the pcs consisting of the information need to have to be safe, the network additionally needs to have to be just as safe and secure. This paper provides a study on cryptographic principles and cryptographic models. 5733 information in the cloud are certainly not assured. The paper concludes by mentioning that much job needs to have to become done for a trusted public cloud setting to become a reality. Software-Defined Social Network, which is a brand-new approach to designing, building as well as dealing with systems. It splits the network's control (brains) as well as forwarding (muscle mass) aeroplanes to make it less complicated to improve each. In this unique atmosphere, an Operator works as the "human brains," providing a theoretical, centralized perspective of the entire network. Through the Operator, network managers may rapidly as well as conveniently make as well as push out choices on how the rooting units (changes, routers) of the forwarding plane will deal with the website traffic. The paper concedes that SDN is capable of assisting the compelling attributes of potential network functionalities and reasonable requests while decreasing operating costs through streamlined hardware, program, and also control. Nevertheless, several problems in the place of efficiency, scalability, security, as well as interoperability, need to have to become gotten rid of.
Iconic Research and Engineering Journals, 2019
In present day Social systems administration framework Data security is the most extreme basic issue in guaranteeing safe transmission of data through the web. Web has turned out to be increasingly across the board, if an unapproved individual can gain admittance to this system, he can keep an eye on us as well as he can without much of a stretch chaos up our lives. System Security and Cryptography is an idea to ensure system and information transmission over remote system. Today information correspondence for the most part relies on computerized information correspondence. The insurance of sight and sound information, delicate data like charge cards, banking exchanges and interpersonal organization security numbers is winding up significant. The security of this classified information from unapproved access should be possible with numerous encryption strategies. Likewise organize security issues are presently getting to be significant as society is moving towards computerized data age. As an ever increasing number of clients associate with the web it pulls in a great deal of digital offenders. The errand of system security not just requires guaranteeing the security of end frameworks however of the whole arrange. In this paper, an endeavor has been made to present the different Network Security and Cryptographic ideas.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
This paper explores many important Symmetric and Asymmetric Cryptography algorithms and their essence in network security. As the use of the internet has grown, so have attacks on the communication channels. These attacks can be used by third parties to obtain sensitive data about your organization and its activities. This data can be used to compromise an organization's operations or blackmail the organisation to pay for the data. To avoid these situations, such algorithms are adapted to protect communications. These algorithms encrypt data that is nearly impossible for unauthorized persons to read, making it unusable for attackers. These algorithms therefore play an important role in the security of communications. This paper states a study of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms in terms of optimal resource allocation, potential attacks which can be used to exploit these algorithms, time consumption, power consumption, overall structure and some other basis Along with explanation of some of the security attacks.
Cryptography is a very important tool for protecting information in Internet. Every time we connect to the Internet the browser uses appropriate cryptographic algorithms on our behalf. There are various cryptography techniques under the symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystem. The perfect selection of specific encryption scheme play important role to exchange the information and to enhance security objectives. The study is done some of the more popular cryptography algorithm currently in used. Practical cryptosystems are either symmetric or asymmetric in nature. This paper compares both the scheme on the basis of different parameter and also compares trendy encryption techniques for convinced selection of both key and cryptographic scheme. Finally this comprehensive analysis thrash outs the latest trends and research issues upon cryptographic elements to conclude forthcoming necessities related to cryptographic key, algorithm structure and enhanced privacy.
Cryptology consists of several mechanisms which ensure confidentiality and authenticity of the data. The fundamental objective of cryptology is the secure communication between sender and receiver through insecure channel. Modern cryptosystems can be broadly categorized in to secret key (symmetric) and public key (asymmetric) cryptosystems based up on the key which is used for data transmission. This paper focuses on the discussion of different categories of public key cryptosystems with its merits and demerits.
Cryptography means secret writing. When the data are transferred from sender to receiver over the network through information channel any third parties can intensively read and may modify the data. Here in this paper we elaborate how cryptography will help to secure the data between authorized people. In order to transfer secure data the data will convert to unreadable form before transmitting to the channel. The cryptography applications range have been expanded a lot in the modern area after the development of communication means; cryptography is essentially required to ensure that data are protected against penetrations and to prevent espionage. Also, cryptography is a powerful mean in securing e-commerce. This paper focuses on analysing different types of cryptography, concept of encryption and decryption, a brief introduction to cryptography techniques. If we are taking about security of information then following services come in mind i.e. Confidentiality (privacy of information), Authentication, Integrity (has not been altered) This paper also provides a detailed description of cryptography techniques in Symmetric encryption and a public key cryptography algorithm RSA in Asymmetric encryption.
Internet has revolutionized many aspects of our daily lives. Nowadays Internet is used for millions of applications. Many people depend on Internet for several activities like on-line banking, on-line shopping, on-line learning and on-line meetings etc. Huge amount of data travels over the network. Security of data over the network is a critical issue. Making a network secure involves a lot more than just keeping it free from programming errors. Network Security refers to the protection of valuable data against Interception, Interruption, Modification, Fabrication and Non-repudiation. Computer networks are inherently insecure so to protect data over the networks we need some mechanism. Cryptography came into existence to ensure data security. There are various threats to data: Backdoors, denial-of-service attack, direct-access attack, eavesdropping, exploits, indirect-attacks and social engineering and human-error. Cryptography provides protection against security threats. Cryptography means secret writing, the content of original text is scrambled to produce coded text and job of intruders becomes difficult. Secret-writing is the strongest tool of cryptography which protects the data. Cryptography is used to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by using private and public key cryptography algorithms. Private and Public key algorithms are used to transform original (readable) messages into unreadable jumbles. This paper describes the comparison of Private (symmetric) and Public (asymmetric) key algorithms.
Dorma Trading, Est. Publishing Manager, 2019
In modern world, security is the most valuable term in the field of communication system. Security comes along with many technologies and methods, where one of the most secure technologies is Cryptography where ordinary plain text is converted into cipher text for transferring data to the valid user. Cryptography algorithms can be divided into two types based on the number of keys such as Symmetric and Asymmetric where Symmetric algorithm works with one single key and Asymmetric algorithm works with two different keys. However, selecting the appropriate algorithms for specific application has been always a challenging task because of the latency, key size, and security issues. Cryptographic algorithms face different type of attacks like brute force attack, man in the middle attack, cycle attacks etc., which are still remained as threads. This paper presents the performance analysis, based on different performance metrics and threads, of various techniques of cryptographic algorithms and identifies the suitable algorithms for different types of applications.
IJSRD, 2013
Presently on a daily basis sharing the information over web is becoming a significant issue due to security problems. Thus lots of techniques are needed to protect the shared info in academic degree unsecured channel. The present work target cryptography to secure the data whereas causing inside the network. Encryption has come up as a solution, and plays an awfully necessary role in data security. This security mechanism uses some algorithms to scramble info into unclear text which can be exclusively being decrypted by party those possesses the associated key. This paper is expounded the varied forms of algorithmic rule for encryption & decryption: DES, AES, RSA, and Blowfish. It helps to hunt out the best algorithmic rule.
In this modern world of communications, cryptography has an important role in the security of data transmission and is the best method of data protection against passive and active fraud. Cryptography is an algorithmic process of converting a plain text or clear text message to a cipher text or cipher message based on an algorithm that both the sender and receiver know. There are a number of algorithms for performing encryption and decryption, but comparatively few such algorithms have stood the test of time. The most successful algorithms use a key. In this paper, we may gain knowledge about the cryptography algorithms and its role in Encryption and Decryption.
Communication in any language between two or more persons is like a plaintext or simple text. That means any person knowing that language can easily understand this plain text until this plaintext is codified in some manner. So, it is important to implement the coding techniques to ensure that information is hidden from everyone for whom it is not intended. So, that only authenticated person will be allowed to access the information. Cryptography is the art and science of achieving security by the encoding of messages in an unreadable form. Cryptography derives from the Greek word; the word "crypto" comes from kruptos, which means "hidden" and graphy means "writing". Thus, Cryptography is the practice and study of the hiding messages. Today, the cryptography is considered as branch for both the Computer Science and mathematics, which will related to the information theory.
Cryptography refers to the tools and techniques used to make messages secure for communication between the participants and make messages immune to attacks by hackers. For private communication through public network, cryptography plays a very crucial role. Cryptography is a method to provide information confidentiality, authenticity and integrity .Cryptography can be categorized into symmetric or asymmetric. In this paper we have defined and analyzed various cryptographic symmetric algorithms like DES, Triple DES, AES and asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms like RSA.
Cryptography is the art and science of keeping massages secure. It is the study of techniques related to aspects of information security such as information privacy, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. Cryptography is almost synonymous with encryption i.e. the conversion of plain text to a cryptic text to secure it against unauthorized users. Encryption techniques are typically divided into two generic types: symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key encryption. Encryption methods in which both the sender and receiver share the same key are referred to as symmetric key encryption schemes. Encryption methods in which encryption and decryption are performed using the different keys, one a public key and one a private key are referred to as asymmetric key encryption schemes. This paper provides a performance comparison between four popular and commonly used encryption algorithms: DES, 3DES, AES, and RSA. DES, 3DES, and AES are symmetric key encryption algorithms while as RSA is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm.
Information is a valuable asset and must be kept confidential, have integrity and be available in order to be worth its name and be credible. Therefore in a bid to ensure this, strong mathematical algorithms, that involve the use of a pair of keys which are different from one another (public and private) like the ones that are used by RSA and CISCO to mention but a few, are employed and used in the processes of data encryption and decryption. This system of using two keys, one public and the other private that are different but mathematically related, to secure information has given rise to the concept of Public Key Cryptography; a concept that attempts to use key management in ensuring the security of information and data against hacker's attacks while both in storage and moving over the internet from one place to another. This paper thus, sets out to analyze the working of the public key cryptography and find ways in which it can be improved to give better information security.
In recent years network security has become an important issue. Encryption has come up as a solution, and plays an important role in information security system. Many techniques are needed to protect the shared data. The present work focus on cryptography to secure the data while transmitting in the network. Firstly the data which is to be transmitted from sender to receiver in the network must be encrypted using the encryption algorithm in cryptography. Secondly, by using decryption technique the receiver can view the original data. In this paper we implemented three encrypt techniques like AES, DES and RSA algorithms and compared their performance of encrypt techniques based on the analysis of its stimulated time at the time of encryption and decryption. Experiments results are given to analyses the effectiveness of each algorithm.
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