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Issues in medical ethics
18 pages
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Stabilization of metals in contaminated soils using various waste materials has been reported. Alkaline materials (limes, shells, industrial byproducts, etc.), phosphorous (P) containing materials (animal bones, phosphate rock, etc.), organic materials (composts, manures, biochars, etc.) and others (zerovalent iron, zeolite, etc.) were widely evaluated to ensure its effectiveness/applicability of stabilization of metals in soils. Stabilization mechanisms of those materials above were partially revealed, but the related literatures are still lacked and not sufficient for approaching to long-term stability/applicability in the field. The aims of this review are to summarize current knowledge of metal stabilization in contaminated soils using various waste materials and to suggest a direction for future field research.
Korean Journal of Medical Education, 2008
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a medical ethics course taught in medical school by examining the students' abilities to identify medical ethics issues, the applicability of a medical ethics course, and self-efficacy. Methods: 366 subjects were recruited from three different groups (medical students, interns, and residents) who had completed a medical ethics course. Data were collected using a 20-item questionnaire. Analysis was done with a SPSS statistics program. Results: Of the three groups, the students scored the highest in identifying medical ethics issues. When asked how often they see medical ethics issues in real medical situations (students were asked how often they would expect to see these ethical issues in medical settings), the students responded with the highest number, followed by the interns. The residents responded with the lowest number. Regarding the applicability of the medical ethics course, while students believed the course was highly useful and applicable to real medical settings, interns and residents did not agree. The participants' self-efficacy and satisfaction were generally low. The majority of all three groups thought that medical ethics education should be more practical and that it should be taught during internship as well as during residency. Conclusion: Our findings suggest two important directions for medical ethics education. First, the current medical ethics curriculum should be offered during both internship and residency. Second, the content should focus more on actual clinical scenarios ('clinical ethics') than theoretical principles.
Korean Journal of Medical Education, 2008
Purpose: To draw attention to patient safety and increase its awareness among medical students, we developed a program that teaches patient safety based on common medical error cases. The aim of this study is to introduce this program and improve student receptivity to it. Methods: As part of the "Patient, Doctor, and Society" course, third-year medical students participated in 8 hours of a medical error education program. Students discussed recent, typical medical lawsuits that were generated from internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, neurosurgery, medication, anesthesia, and blood transfusion cases. Students weighed these issues in small groups, using various discussion methods. After finishing the program, students completed a course evaluation questionnaire. Results: The students rated this program as satisfactory, highly motivating, and helpful in preparing their future practices. They responded that although the cases were interesting, some were difficult. They stated that the small group discussion techniques encouraged them to take active part in the discussion and to consider the cases more deeply. Conclusion: Small group discussion of medical error cases is an effective method for students to study patient safety.
Purpose: This study is conducted to identify the impacts of tax exemption on community benefit, policy, human resource management, and public benefit. Based on the results of analysis, we explore several avenues to raise public benefit that is central to the value of existence of non-for-profit hospitals in Korea. Methodology: Survey was formulated referring to the US IRS tax exemption criteria, Form990/Schedule H, and Korean public hospital criteria. A total of 182 survey responses were collected and used to verify measurement validity and perform reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and path analysis. Findings: The result of this study showed positive relationships among; i) tax development and planning, ii) planning and human resource management, iii) human resource management and policy, iv) policy and community benefit, v) community benefit and public benefit. Practical Conclusion: Tax exemption affects community benefit and public benefit directly as well as ind...
Korea Presbyterian Journal of Theology, 2018
본 논문은 ‘이신칭의’에 대한 사회윤리적인 해석을 위해서 이신칭의 논쟁의 중심에 서 있는 두 신학자 바울과 루터의 신학과 그 사회윤리적인 의미를 살피고 있다. 우선 바울과 루터가 살았던 시대의 배경을 살피고, 바울과 루터가 이신칭의 교리를 주장했던 그 사회적인 의미를 살핀다. 아울러서 이신칭의의 사회윤리적인 함의를 논증하고 있다. 우선 바울의 시대의 칭의는 유대인과 비유대인의 분쟁 속에서 만들어진 기독교신앙의 원리로, 이것은 단순한 교리적인 차원의 의미가 아니라, 그 타인을 배제하지 않고 포용한다는 사회윤리적인 함의가 있다. 아울러서 루터가 자신의 시대에 이신칭의를 주장하게 된 배경은 잘못된 교황권에 저항하면서 개인의 신앙의 자유를 지키고 양심에 입각한 그리스도인이 되기 위함이었다. 이러한 논증 속에서 본 논문은 바울의 칭의론에서 발견되는 사회윤리적인 의미는 타인을 배제하지 않고 사랑으로 포용하는 공동체를 만들고자 함을 밝히고 있으며, 루터의 칭의론에서는 양심의 자유를 따르면서 세계를 위해서 봉사하는 그리스도인이 되고자 하는 것임을 밝히고 있다. 이러한 논증은 이신칭의가 그리스도인이 구원을 얻기 위한 단순한 상태가 아니라, 하나님의 의(정의)를 세우기 위해서 예수 그리스도의 가르침을 철저하게 따르는 것임을 보여주고 있다.
Objectives: This study aims to assess the stages of individual readiness to take the cancer screening test and to identify factors relating to the progress of their readiness to take the test. Methods: We analyzed the data acquired from our 'Cancer Screening Behavior among Korean Adults' Survey' in 2003. 1,057 participants' stages of readiness to take the cancer screening test were classified through the Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM). Their knowledge, beliefs and other factors related to cancer screening were examined at each PAPM stage through the Health Belief Model (HBM), and the various PAPM stages were compared with each other to identify factors likely to determine progress between stages. Results: The distribution of the PAPM stages of readiness for cancer screening was as follows: 18.9% were unaware; 9.7% were unengaged; 29.8% were deciding to take the test; 1.5% decided not to take the test; 11.6% decided to take the test, while 28.6% had taken th...
Korean Journal of Family Practice
Background: Disabled people are considered a vulnerable population in terms of health and social care. With the disability act having been enacted in 2015, the primary care physician system for disabled people was designed and implemented as a pilot project as of May 2018. This study was designed to assess the suitability and effectiveness of this pilot project. To this end, we conducted a survey of medical staff who participated in the pilot project, making use of questionnaires derived from preceding focused group interviews. Methods: We first conducted focused group interviews with experts who were actively engaged in the pilot project. Questionnaires were then prepared based on these focused group interviews, which were then administered electronically to 23 physicians who had provided medical services for disabled people throughout the pilot project. Results: In this study, physicians noted that all the services in the pilot program are useful for the healthcare of disabled people in the following order: comprehensive evaluation, education and counselling, coordination of care and medical referral, and comprehensive planning. The biggest problem identified was the complexity of the administrative procedure and the inadequacy of medical fees. The participants endorsed greater participation of secondary/tertiary hospitals, the establishment of links within the local community, and the strengthening of the role of public medical centers. Conclusion: All the services in the pilot program appear to be useful in the provision of healthcare of disabled people, and several measures are suggested for the improvement of the program prior to the actual implementation of the project.
The Critical Review of Religion and Culture, 2021
The Journal of Korean Oriental Pediatrics, 2013
The goal of the present study was to elucidate the characteristics of behavior problems in Sasang typology with child patients. Methods Subjects consisted of 176 (95 boys, 81 girls) children from 36 months to 83 months were diagnosed by two clinical experts in pediatrics and Sasang medicine. There were 22 So-Yang types, 141 Tae-Eum types, and 13 So-Eum types. The behavior problems were measured with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and ANOVA (analysis of variance) was used for the analysis. Results There were no significant differences between Sasang types among subject's age (F(2, 173)=.190, p=.827) and sex (χ 2 (2, N=176)=1.639, p=.441) as well as their mother's age (F(2, 169)=.060, p=.942) and education level (χ 2 (4, N=172)=.394, p=.983) and their father's age (F(2, 168)=1.184, p=.309) and education level (χ 2 (4, N=172)=5.664, p=.226). So-Yang types (50.14±22.35; 17.27±8.60) had higher scores than Tae-Eum types (38.74±21.32; 12.62±7.98) in total problems and internalizing problems score of the CBCL, respectively. More specifically, So-Yang types (5.90±2.81; 3.77±1.90) had significantly higher depression/anxiety and somatization subscale score than Tae-Eum types (4.04±2.73; 2.30±2.12). Scores of So-Yang types were significantly higher than those of CBCL clinical group in depression/anxiety and somatization subscales. Conclusions There were significant differences between child outpatients with different Sasang types, which would be taken into consideration concerning development of Sasang type diagnosis in addition to parenting, treatment, and prevention for children.
Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, 2018
Development of guideline for reporting CAse REport for Sasang medicine (CARES) Seul Lee, So-Hyoung Kim, Sang-Yun Han, Yongjae Lee, Jeongyun Lee, Nayoung Bae, Han Chae Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, Pusan National University Korean Medicine Hospital, Div. of Longevity and Biofunctional Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University, Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, Div. of Clinical Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University Introduction The case report provides pivotal basis for clinical research and education, however systematically organized guideline for reporting case report was not properly applied and it tackled the development of traditional medicine in Korea. The purpose of this study was to implement guideline for reporting CAse REport(CARE guideline) incorporating unique characteristics of Sasang medicine with the help of examples and explanations. Methods and Results The guideline for reporting CAse REport for Sasang me...
Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 2015
Objectives: Medical students suffer from mental health and academic problems due to academic stress. We investigated academic stress and exhaustion along with psychological issues caused by medical education during the years in the School of Korean Medicine. Methods: Two hundred fifty-one university students from the School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University, were asked to complete the Medical Stress Scale (MSS), Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI-SS), Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) three times during each semester for two years from 2013 onwards. We analyzed the influence of school term and vacation on educational stress and negative affect with the T-test. The Pearson's correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to predict changes during the first semester or first years of study in the School of Korean Medicine. Results: Academic stress and burnout increased steadily until the first semester of third grade, which was measured with MSS and MBI-SS. The anxiety level was highest when the students started the first grade and it decreased significantly after the first semester. Negative affect repeatedly increased significantly after each school term; however, it reduced after each vacation. In the first grade, 19.5% of the last measure of MSS can be explained with the first measure of MSS. Discussion: This study extensively reviewed the trends and characteristics of four years of academic stress and its related psychological influence, and discussed its importance for developing a more efficient academic curriculum for traditional Korean Medicine.
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