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2011, Journal of Mathematical Sciences
The paper explores the decomposition of tensors on n-dimensional manifolds using a sign-definite metric, establishing a unique representation for a class of tensors defined by their traceless property. Key results include the development of orthogonal decompositions and the implications of this work for k-recurrent tensor fields in affine connection spaces.
Mathematics, 2023
In the present paper, we study two different approaches of tensor decomposition. The first part aims to study some properties of tensors that result from the fact that some components are vanishing in certain coordinates. It is proven that these conditions allow tensor decomposition, especially (1, σ), σ = 1, 2, 3 tensors. We apply the results for special tensors such as the Riemann, Ricci, Einstein, and Weyl tensors and the deformation tensors of affine connections. Thereby, we find new criteria for the Einstein spaces, spaces of constant curvature, and projective and conformal flat spaces. Further, the proof of the theorem of Mikeš and Moldobayev is repaired. It has been used in many works and it is a generalization of the criteria formulated by Schouten and Struik. The second part deals with the properties of a special differential operator with respect to the general decomposition of tensor fields on manifolds with affine connection. It is shown that the properties of special differential operators are transferred to the components of a given decomposition.
Computational Mathematics and Computer Modeling with Applications (CMCMA)
A tensor is called semi-symmetric if all modes but one, are symmetric. In this paper, we study the CP decomposition of semi-symmetric tensors or higher-order individual difference scaling (INDSCAL). Comon's conjecture states that for any symmetric tensor, the CP rank and symmetric CP rank are equal, while it is known that Comon's conjecture is not true in the general case but it is proved under several assumptions in the literature. In the paper, Comon's conjecture is extended for semi-symmetric CP decomposition and CP decomposition of semi-symmetric tensors under suitable assumptions. Specially, we show that if a semi-symmetric tensor has a CP rank smaller or equal to its order, or when the semi-symmetric CP rank is less than/or equal to the dimension, then the semi-symmetric CP rank is equal to the CP rank.
—We consider various methods for constructing linearly independent isotropic, gyrotropic, orthotropic, and transversally isotropic tensors. We state assertions and theorem that permit one to construct these tensors. We find linearly independent above-mentioned tensors up to and including rank six. The components of the tensor may have no symmetry or have symmetries of various types. It is known [1–5] that E ˜ E = r i r i = g ij r i r j is the only isotropic tensor of rank 2 that can be used to represent any other isotropic tensor a ˜ a of rank 2 in the form a ˜ a = aE˜E, where a is a scalar; i.e., an arbitrary isotropic tensor of rank 2 is a spherical tensor. The tensors C ˜ C ˜ C (1) = E ˜ EE˜E = r i r i r j r j , C ˜ C ˜ C (2) = r i r j r i r j , C ˜ C ˜ C (3) = r i E ˜ Er i = r i r j r j r i (1.1) are three linearly independent (irreducible to each other) tensors of rank 4. The general expression for an arbitrary isotropic tensor of rank 4 is their linear combination C ˜ C ˜ C = 3 k=1 a k C ˜ C ˜ C (k). If we pay attention to the structure of isotropic tensors of rank 2 and rank 4 in (1.1), then we easily see that they can be obtained from the corresponding multiplicative bases by pairwise convolution (contraction) of indices of the basis vectors and by exhausting all possible cases of such contraction. By way of example, let us also construct all linearly independent isotropic tensors of rank 6. The multiplicative basis of a tensor of rank 6 is r i r j r k r l r m r n. By contracting the indices pairwise arbitrarily, we obtain some isotropic tensor of rank 6. For example, r i r i r k r k r m r m = E ˜ EE˜EE˜E. (1.2) All other isotropic tensors of rank 6 can be obtained from (1.2) by permutations of basis vectors. Obviously, by rearranging the basis vectors in (1.2), we obtain 6! = 720 permutations (isotropic tensors of rank 6) in the general case. Of these tensors, only fifteen are linearly independent (irreducible to each other) [3, 5]. To obtain these linearly independent tensors of rank 6, it suffices, for example, to consider the following tensors: r i r i r k r k r m r m , r i r k r i r k r m r m , r i r k r k r i r m r m , r i r k r k r m r i r m , r i r k r k r m r m r i. (1.3) It is clear that the basis vector r i occupies all possible positions in (1.3). Now by keeping the vectors r i and r i at their positions in (1.3) and by permuting the other vectors, we obtain two additional tensors
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2009
Elementary information on polynomials with tensor coefficients and operations with them is given. A generalized Bezout theorem is stated and proved, and on this basis, the Hamilton-Cayley theorem is proved. Another proof of the latter theorem is also considered. Several important theorems are proved, which apply in deducing of the formula expressing the adjunct tensor B (λ) for the tensor binomial λ (2p) E − A in terms of the tensor A ∈ C2p(Ω) (elements of this module are complex tensors of rank 2p) and its invariants. Furthermore, the definitions of minimal polynomial of the tensor of module C2p(Ω), of the tensor of module Cp(Ω) (whose elements are complex tensors of rank p), and of the tensor of module Cp(Ω) with respect to the given tensor of module C2p(Ω) are given. Here, Ω is some domain of the n-dimensional Euclidean (Riemannian) space. Some theorems concerning minimal polynomials are stated and proved. Moreover, the first, second, and third theorems on the splitting of the module Cp(Ω) into invariant submodules are given. Special attention is paid to theorems on adjoint, normal, Hermitian, and unitary tensors of modules C2p(Ω) and R2p(Ω) (elements of this module are real tensors of rank 2p). The theorem on polar decomposition [4, 6, 9, 13, 14], the Schur theorem [6], and the existence theorems for a general complete orthonormal system of eigentensors for a finite or infinite set of pairwise commuting normal tensors of modules C2p(Ω) and R2p(Ω) are generalized to tensors of a complex module of an arbitrary even order. Canonical representations of normal, conjugate, Hermitian, and unitary tensors of the module C2p(Ω) are given (the definition of this module can be found in [3, 17]). Moreover, the Cayley formulas for linear operators [6] are generalized to tensors of the module C2p(Ω). CONTENTS Definition 1.1. The tensor B(λ) ∈ C 2p (Ω), whose components are polynomials with respect to λ, is called a polynomial with tensor coefficients, or tensor polynomial , or λ-tensor. By virtue of the definition, the components of the tensor polynomial B(λ) ∈ C 2p (Ω) are represented in the form B i 1 .
Indian Journal of Science and …, 2012
In this paper, we determine the nonabelian tensor square G ⊗G for special orthogonal groups SO n (F q ) and spin groups Spin n (F q ), where F q is a field with q elements.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2013
The M -matrix is an important concept in matrix theory, and has many applications. Recently, this concept has been extended to higher order tensors . In this paper, we establish some important properties of M-tensors and nonsingular M-tensors. An M-tensor is a Z-tensor. We show that a Z-tensor is a nonsingular M-tensor if and only if it is semi-positive. Thus, a nonsingular M-tensor has all positive diagonal entries; and an M-tensor, regarding as the limitation of a series of nonsingular M-tensors, has all nonnegative diagonal entries. We introduce even-order monotone tensors and present their spectral properties. In matrix theory, a Z -matrix is a nonsingular M -matrix if and only if it is monotone. This is no longer true in the case of higher order tensors. We show that an even-order monotone Z-tensor is an even-order nonsingular M-tensor but not vice versa. An example of an even-order nontrivial monotone Z-tensor is also given.
The tensor decomposition addressed in this paper may be seen as a generalisation of Singular Value Decomposition of matrices. We consider general multilinear and multihomogeneous tensors. We show how to reduce the problem to a truncated moment matrix problem and give a new criterion for flat extension of Quasi-Hankel matrices. We connect this criterion to the commutation characterisation of border
Journal of Elasticity, 1995
The well-know representation theorem for the elasticity tensor C of an isotropic body shows that C[E] = 2#E + ~ tr(E)I (1) for all symmetric tensors E, where tr(E) denotes the trace of E and I is the identity tensor. This theorem is actually a special case of a classical result (cf. e.g. [Je 31, Chapter 7]) on linear, tensor-valued mappings that are isotropic, i.e. C[QHQ T] = QC[HjQ T for all tensors H in the domain of C and all orthogonal tensors Q, where Q~ denotes the transpose of Q.
Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, 2018
Decomposition of recurrent curvature tensor fields of R B. B. Sinha and G. Singh [1] in the publications del' inst 1983 pg 217-220. Also Surendra Pratap Singh December, 1975 studied decomposition of recurrent curvature tensor fields in generalised Finsler spaces. Sinha and Singh [3] studied decomposition of recurrent curvature tensor fields in a Finsler space. In this paper we study the Riemannian Curvature tensor with its properties its decomposition of the Riemannian curvature tensor and its properties. This raises importan , is it possible to decompose Riemannian curvature tensor two and study its properties?
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -)
We give a sufficient criterion for a lower bound of the cactus rank of a tensor. Then we refine that criterion in order to be able to give an explicit sufficient condition for a non-redundant decomposition of a tensor to be minimal and unique.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2014
The Schmidt-Eckart-Young theorem for matrices states that the optimal rankr approximation of a matrix is obtained by retaining the first r terms from the singular value decomposition of that matrix. This paper considers a generalization of this optimal truncation property to the rank decomposition (Candecomp/Parafac) of tensors and establishes a necessary orthogonality condition. We prove that this condition is not satisfied at least by an open set of positive Lebesgue measure in complex tensor spaces. It is proved, moreover, that for complex tensors of small rank this condition can be satisfied only by a set of tensors of Lebesgue measure zero. Finally, we demonstrate that generic tensors in cubic tensor spaces are not optimally truncatable.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2010
A theorem of J. Kruskal from 1977, motivated by a latent-class statistical model, established that under certain explicit conditions the expression of a third-order tensor as the sum of rank-1 tensors is essentially unique. We give a new proof of this fundamental result, which is substantially shorter than both the original one and recent versions along the original lines.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2012
Let X m,d ⊂ P N , N := m+d m − 1, be the order d Veronese embedding of P m. Let τ (X m,d) ⊂ P N , be the tangent developable of X m,d. For each integer t ≥ 2 let τ (X m,d , t) ⊆ P N , be the joint of τ (X m,d) and t − 2 copies of X m,d. Here we prove that if m ≥ 2, d ≥ 7 and t ≤ 1 + ⌊ m+d−2 m /(m + 1)⌋, then for a general P ∈ τ (X m,d , t) there are uniquely determined P 1 ,. .. , P t−2 ∈ X m,d and a unique tangent vector ν of X m,d such that P is in the linear span of ν ∪ {P 1 ,. .. , P t−2 }, i.e. a degree d linear form f associated to P may be written as f = L d−1 t−1 Lt + t−2 i=1 L d i with L i , 1 ≤ i ≤ t, uniquely determined (up to a constant) linear forms on P m .
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2015
We prove that the general symmetric tensor in S d C n+1 of rank r is identifiable, provided that r is smaller than the generic rank. That is, its Waring decomposition as a sum of r powers of linear forms is unique. Only three exceptional cases arise, all of which were known in the literature. Our original contribution regards the case of cubics (d = 3), while for d ≥ 4 we rely on known results on weak defectivity by Ballico, Ciliberto, Chiantini, and Mella. 7 12 12 7 19 15 28 50 18 28 ⋆ 21 84 ⋆ 24 7 8 16 14 8 25 18 36 72 21 36 ⋆ 25
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
We give sufficient conditions on a symmetric tensor S ∈ S d F n to satisfy the equality: the symmetric rank of S, denoted as srank S, is equal to the rank of S, denoted as rank S. This is done by considering the rank of the unfolded S viewed as a matrix A(S). The condition is: rank S ∈ {rank A(S), rank A(S) + 1}. In particular, srank S = rank S for S ∈ S d C n for the cases (d, n) ∈ {(3, 2), (4, 2), (3, 3)}. We discuss the analogs of the above results for border rank and best approximations of symmetric tensors.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2009
Basic definitions of linear algebra and functional analysis are given. In particular, the definitions of a semigroup, group, ring, field, module, and linear space are given [1-3, 6]. A local theorem on the existence of homeomorphisms is stated. Definitions of the inner r-product, local inner product of tensors whose rank is not less than r, and of local norm of a tensor [22] are also given. Definitions are given and basic theorems and propositions are stated and proved concerning the linear dependence and independence of a system of tensors of any rank. Moreover, definitions and proofs of some theorems connected with orthogonal and biorthonormal tensor systems are given. The definition of a multiplicative basis (multibasis) is given and ways of construction bases of modules using bases of modules of smaller dimensions. In this connection, several theorems are stated and proved. Tensor modules of even orders and problems on finding eigenvalues and eigentensors of any even rank are studied in more detail than in [22]. Canonical representations of a tensor of any even rank are given. It is worth while to note that it was studied by the Soviet scientist I. N. Vekua, and an analogous problem for the elasticity modulus tensor was considered by the Polish scientist Ya. Rikhlevskii in 1983-1984.
Computing Research Repository, 2002
Symmetry properties of r-times covariant tensors T can be de- scribed by certain linear subspaces W of the group ring K(Sr) of a symmet- ric group Sr. If for a class of tensors T such a W is known, the elements of the orthogonal subspace W? of W within the dual space K(Sr) of K(Sr) yield linear identities needed for
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2014
This paper deals with the problem of describing the vector spaces of divergence-free, natural tensors on a pseudo-Riemannian manifold that are second-order; i.e., that are defined using only second derivatives of the metric. The main result establish isomorphisms between these spaces and certain spaces of tensors (at a point) that are invariant under the action of an orthogonal group. This result is valid for tensors with an arbitrary number of indices and symmetries among them and, in certain cases, it allows to explicitly compute basis, using the theory of invariants of the orthogonal group. In the particular case of tensors with two indices, we prove the Lovelock tensors are a basis for the vector space of second-order tensors that are divergence-free, thus refining the original Lovelock's statement.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 1988
Let xl* ... *xm he a decomposable symmetrized tensor corresponding to the symmetric group S, and an irreducible character X. A necessary and sufficient condition on the vectors xl,.. . , xm is given for x1 * f. . * xrn to be zero. x1*-*-*xm = T(G, X)(x,c%-a. @3x,) and call xi *. .. * x, a decomposable symmetrized tensor. We assume throughout that G = S, and write V, instead of V,(S,). Our objective is the study of the problem of finding conditions for xi *-*-* x, to be equal to zero. When xl,.. . , x, are elements of a basis for V the problem was solved in [ 11. In [2] some necessary and some sufficient conditions were given. In this paper we present a complete solution (theorem below). Let A(a) = (aij(a)) be an irreducible representation of G affording the character X. We put X(id) T,(G, A) =o(G) o~c~ii(u)J'(o)t i = I,..., Atid).
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