Cued fear memory generalization increases over time

2018, Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.)


Fear memory is a highly stable and durable form of memory, even over vast (remote) time frames. Nevertheless, some elements of fear memory can be forgotten, resulting in generalization. The purpose of this study is to determine how cued fear memory generalizes over time and measure underlying patterns of cortico-amygdala synaptic plasticity. We established generalization gradients at recent (1-d) and remote (30-d) retention intervals following auditory cued fear conditioning in adult male C57BL/6 mice. Results revealed a flattening of the generalization gradient (increased generalization) that was dissociated from contextual fear generalization, indicating a specific influence of time on cued fear memory performance. This effect reversed after a brief exposure to the novel stimulus soon after learning. Measurements from cortico-amygdala imaging of the activity-regulated cytoskeletal () protein using immunohistochemistry after cued fear memory retrieval revealed a stable pattern of e...