($p$-adic) $L$-functions and ($p$-adic) (multiple) zeta values

2019, arXiv: Number Theory

The article is dedicated to the memory of George Voronoi. It is concerned with ($p$-adic) $L$-functions (in partially ($p$-adic) zeta functions) and cyclotomic ($p$-adic) (multiple) zeta values. The beginning of the article contains a short summary of the results on the Bernoulli numbers associated with the studies of George Voronoi. Results on multiple zeta values have presented by D. Zagier, by P. Deligne and A.Goncharov, by A. Goncharov, by F. Brown, by C. Glanois and others. S. Unver have investigated p-adic multiple zeta values in the depth two. Tannakian interpretation of p-adic multiple zeta values is given by H. Furusho. Short history and connections among Galois groups, fundamental groups, motives and arithmetic functions are presented in the talk by Y. Ihara. Results on multiple zeta values, Galois groups and geometry of modular varieties has presented by Goncharov. Interesting unipotent motivic fundamental group is defined and investigated by Deligne and Goncharov. The fr...