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2010, Design Studies
Using verbal protocol analysis, we report how model building has the potential to aid engineering students in solving a design task. From our analysis of 8 students in varying engineering disciplines, we found that physical construction of a model during an open-ended design task helped students generate and evaluate ideas, better visualize their ideas, and helped students uncover differences between real behavior and the conceptual model used to predict that behavior. Model building also enhanced creative thinking and helped students become more aware of their own meta-cognitive design strategies. We also found that, regardless of when they began sketching or building, the process was fairly similar in length for most of these students.
This paper reports on a study utilizing Verbal Protocol Analysis (VPA) during prototype construction to investigate student's understanding of the engineering design process. Students were asked to think aloud during the design and construction of a prototype jar opener for physically challenged individuals. The results show that the inclusion of a hands-on component helped not only the researchers gauge student's understanding, but also helped the students in designing possible solutions.
Increasingly students of all ages should be engaged in science, engineering and computational activities as it is used across an increasing amount of subject areas. Inquiry-based elementary science education provides students with some opportunities to engage in authentic science but the subject area expertise required by teachers can be daunting and time consuming. Currently engineering education professionals are looking for opportunities to positively influence elementary (STEM) experience but the school curriculum demands limit their opportunity to expose students to the benefits of engineering problem solving. Through professional development we have instituted some graphic-based modeling techniques that support and extend current inquiry science curriculum activities and leverage the engineering design cycle. Research and findings done as part of a two-year NSF-supported project in elementary education will be presented, demonstrating how modeling activities in the form of student-produced drawings and notebook entries have been used to help explore scientific and mathematical concepts underlying engineering problems. Specifically, kit-based science and technology education activities that actively support engineering problem-based learning are used as a context for exploring the potential of these graphic-based modeling activities.
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
Increasingly students of all ages should be engaged in science, engineering and computational activities as it is used across an increasing amount of subject areas. Inquiry-based elementary science education provides students with some opportunities to engage in authentic science but the subject area expertise required by teachers can be daunting and time consuming. Currently engineering education professionals are looking for opportunities to positively influence elementary (STEM) experience but the school curriculum demands limit their opportunity to expose students to the benefits of engineering problem solving. Through professional development we have instituted some graphic-based modeling techniques that support and extend current inquiry science curriculum activities and leverage the engineering design cycle. Research and findings done as part of a two-year NSF-supported project in elementary education will be presented, demonstrating how modeling activities in the form of student-produced drawings and notebook entries have been used to help explore scientific and mathematical concepts underlying engineering problems. Specifically, kit-based science and technology education activities that actively support engineering problem-based learning are used as a context for exploring the potential of these graphic-based modeling activities.
Advances in engineering education, 2017
In this paper we examine a case study of a pedagogical strategy that focuses on the teaching of modeling as a habit of mind and practice for novice designers engaged in engineering design challenges. In an engineering design course, pre-service teachers created modeling artifacts in the form of conceptual models, graphical models, mathematical models and finally working models. Data also came from the students’ work in the form of student-generated mind maps, design journals, final design products and their accompanying documentation, as well as peer checking procedures. The results suggest that a focus on modeling in an engineering design challenge can be beneficial to both student and instructor. Modeling not only served as a vehicle for representation, but also as an aid in assessment and documentation of students’ cognitive processes.
Journal of Engineering …, 2005
This paper is based on the premises that the purpose of engineering education is to graduate engineers who can design, and that design thinking is complex. The paper begins by briefly reviewing the history and role of design in the engineering curriculum. Several dimensions of design thinking are then detailed, explaining why design is hard to learn and harder still to teach, and outlining the research available on how well design thinking skills are learned. The currently most-favored pedagogical model for teaching design, project-based learning (PBL), is explored next, along with available assessment data on its success. Two contexts for PBL are emphasized: first-year cornerstone courses and globally dispersed PBL courses. Finally, the paper lists some of the open research questions that must be answered to identify the best pedagogical practices of improving design learning, after which it closes by making recommendations for research aimed at enhancing design learning. The capstone course is a U.S. term for design courses typically taken in the senior year. The term cornestone is a recent U.S. coinage for design or project courses taken early (e.g., first year) in the engineering curriculum. It was intended to draw a distinction from and preserve the mataphor of the capstone course. G handle uncertainty; G make decisions; G think as part of a team in a social process; and G think and communicate in the several languages of design.
2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2010
This paper presents results from the first phase of a longitudinal study of design cognition. The project examines how engineering students develop design competencies over time by applying a taskindependent approach to verbal protocol analysis based on the function-behavior-structure ontology. This analysis will be used to evaluate the effects of education on design cognition by following students in two curricula across three years (sophomore to senior). A large study pool from both programs completed spatial reasoning tests to determine overall population characteristics. A subset of this pool is now participating in verbal protocol studies in which students work in pairs to respond to a design scenario. This paper reports results of the spatial reasoning tests as well as preliminary results from the first set of protocol studies.
In this paper, we report on progress of a three-year longitudinal study on the impact of design education on students' design thinking and practice. Using innovations in cognitive science and new methods of protocol analysis, we are working with engineering students to characterize their design cognition as they progress through engineering curricula. To observe potential effects of design education, students from two curricula at a large research-intensive state university are being studied. The control group is a major focused on engineering mechanics, which has a theoretical orientation that focuses on mathematical modeling based on first principles and has little formal design education prior to the capstone experience. The experimental group is a mechanical engineering major that uses design as a context for its curriculum. In order to provide a uniform basis for comparing students across projects and years, the authors use a taskindependent protocol analysis method grounded in the Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) design ontology. This paper presents results from the first-year of the study, which included students at the beginning and the end of their sophomore year. Students in the experimental group completed an introductory mechanical design course, while students in the control group had no formal design component in their curriculum. We analyze and compare the percent occurrences of design issues and syntactic design processes from the protocol analysis of both cohorts. These results provide an opportunity to investigate and understand how sophomore students' design ability is affected by a design course.
In this paper, we report on progress of a three-year longitudinal study on the impact of design education on students' design thinking and practice. Using innovations in cognitive science and new methods of protocol analysis, we are working with engineering students to characterize their design cognition as they progress through engineering curricula. To observe potential effects of design education, students from two curricula at a large research-intensive state university are being studied. The control group is a major focused on engineering mechanics, which has a theoretical orientation that focuses on mathematical modeling based on first principles and has little formal design education prior to the capstone experience. The experimental group is a mechanical engineering major that uses design as a context for its curriculum. In order to provide a uniform basis for comparing students across projects and years, the authors use a taskindependent protocol analysis method grounded in the Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) design ontology. This paper presents results from the first-year of the study, which included students at the beginning and the end of their sophomore year. Students in the experimental group completed an introductory mechanical design course, while students in the control group had no formal design component in their curriculum. We analyze and compare the percent occurrences of design issues and syntactic design processes from the protocol analysis of both cohorts. These results provide an opportunity to investigate and understand how sophomore students' design ability is affected by a design course.
Abstract-This paper presents results from the first phase of a longitudinal study of design cognition. The project examines how engineering students develop design competencies over time by applying a taskindependent approach to verbal protocol analysis based on the function-behavior-structure ontology. This analysis will be used to evaluate the effects of education on design cognition by following students in two curricula across three years (sophomore to senior).
Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2023
In this paper, the study analyzes the necessity of model-making to comprehend and learn about architectural product design through a systematic literature review. Recent literature is identified from reputed peerreviewed journals and a systematic appraisal is implemented. Through multitudes of instances mentioned in the reviewed literature, argumentation is carried out and summarized in the sections such as (a) design teachinglearning dimensions, (b) architectural product design, prototype, and manufacturing, and (c) investigation in the domain of design teaching-learning. Developing physical models while studying the fundamentals of architectural product design offers the opportunity to accomplish teaching-learning goals. Although the design was challenging to learn and even more challenging to teach, model-making greatly facilitates the process and offers opportunities for inducing creativity, innovation, and ability of thinking in a complex way, such as design concepts, and shared knowledge acquisition while trying to handle a design task communally learning by doing. The paper concludes with contributions of the literature appraisal on model-making as a creative tool for teachinglearning processes is explored in the context of the architecture and product design.
Journal of Technology Education, 2016
Reported in this article are initial results from of a longitudinal study to characterize the design cognition and cognitive design styles of high school students with and without pre-engineering course experience over a 2-year period, and to compare them with undergraduate engineering students. The research followed a verbal protocol analysis based on the functionbehavior-structure (FBS) ontology, which employs a task-independent approach that is distinct from a task-based or an ad hoc approach. This approach to protocol analysis is applicable across any process-based view of designing and generates results based on a common comparative measure independent of the design task. In this article, Year 1 results are presented comparing only students in their junior year of high school who had formal pre-engineering course experience (experiment group) with those who did not have formal pre-engineering course experience (control group). Specifically, data collected from design sessions were analyzed for comparison of design issues and processes between experiment and control groups, respectively. Results from analysis of Year 1 data did not reveal any significant differences between the experiment and control groups in engineering design cognition. Based on these results, one would conclude that students with pre-engineering course experience do not demonstrate a stronger focus on the process of producing design solutions than do students without such experience. Although analysis of demographic data from high school participants indicates some degree of common prior preengineering experiences, it did not provide a sufficient explanation for why no significant differences in engineering design thinking were found between these groups. The researchers anticipate that Year 2 data will indicate that as the preengineering students continue engaging in formal engineering design experiences during their final year of high school, some degree of difference in design cognition will be demonstrated.
2011 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2011
This paper presents the results of design cognition studies of two groups of students: high school juniors and seniors who have taken pre-engineering courses and sophomore university students in a mechanical engineering department. Both groups carried out design sessions designing for the same design challenge. Data were collected using the protocol analysis technique through video and audio recordings of design sessions. The students' design cognition was measured by segmenting and coding the transcribed videos using the Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) ontologically-based design issues and design processes coding scheme that provides a uniform basis for analyzing design protocols. Differences in design cognition were found and tentative explanations provided to account for them.
ABSTRACT In this paper, the authors report on progress of a longitudinal study on the impact of design education on students' design thinking and practice. Using innovations in cognitive science and new methods of protocol analysis, the authors are working with engineering students to characterize their design cognition as they progress through engineering curricula.
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
Technology plays a major role in the easement of teaching and learning in engineering education. Novel techniques adopted in the recent days, have resulted in a huge success on the part of educators. These techniques create a great difference in the instructional delivery, with real-time impact on the understanding and learning of students. In this context, Model Based Teaching and Learning (MBTL) is identified as one such resourceful method to teach certain educational concepts which require imagination. Use of models within the pedagogy of engineering education promotes meta cognitive thinking skills of students. The purpose of this research was to examine the advantages of adopting model-based teaching and learning for the course, Engineering Drawing for first year engineering students. A class of 120 Engineering students during the second semester participated in the research. The students were randomly grouped into two groups of each 60 in order to receive different treatments. The first group was identified as the Control group (CG) which was taught concepts of Engineering Drawing using traditional lecture method, while the second group, the Experimental Group (EG) was facilitated with models related to projection of lines and orthographic projections. The results revealed that using models had a significant impact on the academic achievement of the students. Based on their performance in the continuous assessment, it was concluded that models were very helpful in improving the marks, and also played an effective role in the comprehension of concepts.
2000 Annual Conference Proceedings
Engineering design problems are often ambiguous, ill-structured, and usually have multiple solutions. As a result, a designer's understanding of the problem or possible solutions evolves through a process of iteration. To understand iterative behaviors we need to investigate what information is known by the designer, how that information is acquired and utilized, what kinds of changes to the design problem occurred as a result of these activities, and how these behaviors affect the quality of the final solution and contribute to the efficiency of the design process itself. In our previous work, we developed a cognitive model for capturing both the evolution of these information processing activities and any changes made to the design problem, solution or process. In this paper we present a case study analysis comparing freshmen and senior engineering students. Verbal protocol data and independent measures of the quality of students final design solutions were used to provide illustrative examples of differences in iterative approaches related to experience and performance. An analysis of these behaviors in terms of problem scoping, solution revision, and comprehension monitoring activities will be presented and discussed.
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
A critical aspect to engineering practice is the ability to design solutions to ill-structured problems. Prior research has shown that such solutions are highly effective when they are evaluated in relation to multiple design concepts. However, prior research has also shown that engineering students tend to fixate on their initial design ideas rather than base their solutions on the integration of many diverse concepts. One recently developed method to overcome the problems of fixation is 77 Design Heuristics. This method for generating design concepts comes in the form of 77 cards, each with a different cognitive prompt for generating a solution (e.g., reduce material, flatten). By using the cards, engineers and engineering students are able to expand their horizons of possible solutions to challenging design problems. Using a first-year engineering course, we integrated the 77 Design Heuristics cards to document how these students develop final concepts in relation to their initial ideas. We analyzed 12 firstyear engineering students, distributed across 3 different design teams. Our findings demonstrate key influences that did foster idea fluency (Theme 1: Influence of 77 Cards on Early Design Concepts) but also ways that students remained attached to particular concepts throughout their design process (Theme 2: Resilient Concepts after Concept Generation).
Abstract-This paper presents results from the first phase of a longitudinal study of design cognition. The project examines how engineering students develop design competencies over time by applying a taskindependent approach to verbal protocol analysis based on the function-behavior-structure ontology. This analysis will be used to evaluate the effects of education on design cognition by following students in two curricula across three years (sophomore to senior).
Innovation and engineering creativity are highly sought after skills. Unfortunately, little guidance exists for developing and teaching these critical skills. Physical representations ranging from simple, very rough models to full working prototypes are common within the design process and are a likely tool for supporting innovation. There are varied and conflicting recommendations on when physical models should be employed. Some studies suggest physical models cause design fixation. Design fixation is when designers think of a particular concept and it limits the ideas they are able to generate. The effects of physical models in the idea generation process were explored through a controlled experiment comparing participants who sketched, built, or built & tested their concepts. Results show that physical models overcome gaps in designers' mental models thus producing a greater number of functional ideas that solve the design problem. In addition, physical models appear to not cause design fixation but a larger sample size is required to verify this result. Similar levels of novelty and variety are observed across the conditions.
John S Gero* Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study George Mason University Fairfax, VA, 22030 Email: [email protected] ... Hao Jiang Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study George Mason University Fairfax, VA, 22030 Email: [email protected] ... Christopher B Williams Dept. of Engineering Education Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA, 24060 Email: [email protected] ... ABSTRACT This paper presents the preliminary results of protocol studies to determine the effects of teaching different concept generation ...
National Center For Engineering and Technology Education, 2011
The objective of this study was to describe the task interpretation of students engaged in a design activity and determine the extent to which students translate their understanding of their design task to their planning and cognitive strategies. Twenty-nine students at one Colorado high school participated in this study. Students worked individually in the Architectural Design class (n=7), and in teams in the Robotics Design class (n=22). To capture students' perceptions of their understanding of the task, planning strategies, and cognitive strategies, the Engineering Design Questionnaire (EDQ) was used. The development of the EDQ was guided by Butler and Cartier's Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) model. Besides the EDQ, a Web-based Engineering Design Notebook was developed to facilitate students reporting planning activities and engineering design strategies. Graphical views are used to present quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected in this study. In addition, the mean scores of design phases (i.e., SRL dimensions) were compared across SRL features (i.e., task interpretation, planning strategies, and cognitive strategies). From the analysis, the findings suggest that the level of understanding of the task were high in problem definition, conceptual design, and preliminary design. In contrast, students were found to be lacking on those three design process components in the area of planning strategies. Students performed well in cognitive strategies except for problem definition.
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