The Development and Validation of a Test of Lexical Access Speed



Although lexical access is considered as a dimension of vocabulary knowledge, a test of such knowledge has yet to be developed and validated. In this study, an attempt was made to develop and validate a test that measures lexical access speed. A tota1 of' 303 Japanese university students and English teachers took the test and the results were compared with overall English proficiency, Further, a questionnaire was conducted with teachers to find out if they considered the test a measure of lexical access speed. The results revealed that although what the newly developed test measured shovved moderate correlations with English proticiency, the test tended to show shorter response times fbr participants with higher proficiency, It was also revealed that the majority of the teachers felt that the test measured their lexical access speed or word recognition speed, even theugh they were not infbrmed of the purpose of the test, 'I'he potential of the test as a measure of lexica...