BigDataGrapes D8.1 - Piloting Plan



The deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", aims to give a general scope of the activities that will be undertaken during the project lifetime under the pilots, a report documenting the plan for the development and execution of the pilots and the methodology and materials for the pilot trials. The objective of this deliverable is to provide, in the first part, generic guidelines to all the pilots that will constitute instantiations of the use cases that have already been identified in WP2. Updated versions of this deliverable, including refined piloting plans, are due to M15 and M24 of the project lifetime. Deliverable D8.1, "Piloting Plan", is based on the individual plans of the following pilots: Table Grapes Pilot (AUA), Wine Making Pilot (INRA), Farm Management Pilot (ABACO & Geocledian), and Natural Cosmetics Pilot (APIGEA). This document reports tailored guidelines and concludes with a detailed overview of the planning for each of the four pilots. Information wa...