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Joint issue with N OVÁTICA and I NFORMATIK /I NFORMATIQUE 2 Useful references on Knowledge Management-Xavier Alamán, Guest Editor 4 Knowledge Management and Information Technology: Relationship and Perspectives-Christopher Lueg, Guest Editor 8 Knowing is a Human Act-Richard McDermott Many companies discovered that leveraging knowledge using information technology involves community building as well as information technology.
Joint issue with N OVÁTICA and I NFORMATIK /I NFORMATIQUE 2 Useful references on Knowledge Management-Xavier Alamán, Guest Editor 4 Knowledge Management and Information Technology: Relationship and Perspectives-Christopher Lueg, Guest Editor 8 Knowing is a Human Act-Richard McDermott Many companies discovered that leveraging knowledge using information technology involves community building as well as information technology.
Desidoc Journal of Library Information Technology, 2003
ABSTRACT Knowledge management describes the way in which organisations are attempting to capture, enhance, and use the knowledge necessary for their survival. In this paper, the author discusses about concept of knowledge management, contribution of ...
Upgrade. The European Online Magazine for the IT Professional, 2002
In these days, knowledge management is receiving attention all over the world. This globalization aspect is reflected in this special issue as the contributions were collected by two guest editors living on the opposite sides of the world: Xavier Alamán in Spain and myself in Australia. Being connected only by the global communication system e-mail, we worked on providing a good overview of the field and on digging more deeply into a few selected areas. Editing a special issue is always a challenge but for a number of reasons ...
International Journal of Knowledge Management, 2000
This chapter reports on types and roles of information and communication technologies (ICT) implemented in knowledge management (KM) solutions in local governments. A sample of nine local councils were rated on usage of various generic and KM specific ICT in supporting knowledge exploitation or exploration, and codification or personalization strategies. The results indicate a marked preference for generic types of ICT, and support for knowledge exploitation and codification approaches. These findings and their implications are further interpreted in terms of three stages of KM development in organizations.
AMCIS 2000 Proceedings, 2000
Effective knowledge management is becoming crucial for the survival of business organizations due to their increasing reliance on knowledge work. Information technology (IT) plays a key role in enabling knowledge management. The objective of this research is to understand the ...
This is the second volume of the Special Issue on Knowledge Management and Information Technologies and contains six papers examining the complex issue from different perspectives. We draw on the framework of knowledge problems1 to highlight the contributions of the papers in this issue. The framework suggests that knowledge problems in organizations can be viewed as a combination of the problems of knowledge coordination, knowledge transfer, and knowledge reuse.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
While various organizations have invested in knowledge management (KM), it is not part of day-to-day business. Technology plays a major role in KM, aiding in the creation, transfer, sharing and storage of knowledge, making it an integral part of KM processes. technology's involvement in KM and how it can contribute effectively to the KM objectives of the implementing organization. However, there is a lack of depth in the implementations for KM. Most of the there is a weak foundation upon which KM is built. The theoretical framework for technological use in KM is not solidly developed, resulting in an unstructured approach towards This is as a result of the inter-disciplinary nature of KM, which has led to academics concentrating more on certain disciplines contributing to KM, such as management and social aspects of KM, while disciplines information technology (IT) have not received adequate attention and review. There is therefore need to analyze the issues that are of significance to the use of technology in KM. This paper provides a review important to the successful utilization of technology for KM, offers solutions which will help create a theoretical framework for technological implementations for KM and identifies research areas in KM which can be instrumental in KM's use of technology at large.
Knowledge is one of the organization’s most valuable assets. In the context of software development, knowledge management can be used to capture knowledge and experience generated during the software process. In this process, collaboration technologies also play a central role.
While various organizations have invested in knowledge management (KM), it is not part of day-to-day business. Technology plays a major role in KM, aiding in the creation, transfer, sharing and storage of knowledge, making it an integral part of KM processes. technology's involvement in KM and how it can contribute effectively to the KM objectives of the implementing organization. However, there is a lack of depth in the implementations for KM. Most of the there is a weak foundation upon which KM is built. The theoretical framework for technological use in KM is not solidly developed, resulting in an unstructured approach towards This is as a result of the inter-disciplinary nature of KM, which has led to academics concentrating more on certain disciplines contributing to KM, such as management and social aspects of KM, while disciplines information technology (IT) have not received adequate attention and review. There is therefore need to analyze the issues that are of signific...
Now a days an organization " s competitive capability is intrinsically tied to the ability to rapidly collaborate with customers and key stakeholders. The knowledge is necessary to drive critical business processes is available where it needs to be, when it needs to be. The different market factors have contributed to the growth of and interest in knowledge management. A major factor in this modification of knowledge is the role technology has played in providing instant access to and dissemination of information. The communication technologies are viewed as tools for creating knowledge as individuals, communities and organizations connect, interact, explore and problem solve together. Consequently, education systems have promoted communication technology as an answer to facilitating learning that is creative and complex and produces new knowledge that is innovative, transformative and transferable. In this paper we address the technological aspect; more precisely we survey available of information technology that support different knowledge management activities. We categorize these tools into classes, based on their capabilities and functionality and show what tasks and knowledge processing operations they support.
IntroductIon Rapid changes in the field of knowledge management (KM) have to a great extent resulted from the dramatic progress we have witnessed in the field of information and communication technology. ICT allows the movement of information at increasing speeds and efficiencies, and thus facilitates sharing as well as accelerated growth of knowledge. For example, computers capture data from measurements of natural phenomena, and then quickly manipulate the data to better understand the phenomena they represent. Increased computer power at lower prices enables the measurement of increasingly complex processes , which we possibly could only imagine before. Thus, ICT has provided a major impetus for enabling the implementation of KM applications. Moreover, as learning has accrued over time in the area of social and structural mechanisms, such as through mentoring and retreats that enable effective knowledge sharing, it has made it possible to develop KM applications that best leverag...
We live in a knowledge society where economies are knowledge based. Knowledge assets have become the intelligence behind individual and organizational success. Knowledge plays a role in contributing to the economic development of developing countries including Kenya through job creation, reduction of operational costs, improvement in revenue collection and improved operational performance in organizations. These knowledge assets come in many forms of content including text, graphics, sound and video and as tacit knowledge embedded in human minds which is known as human and structural capital. Knowledge therefore is an important competitive asset in these competitive economies; however it faces challenges that include lack of familiarity and access to new and changing technology. The overall purpose of this paper is to report on the information communication technologies ICTs and impact of ICTs in managing knowledge. It explains the use of (ICTs) as an enabler for managing knowledge (tacit and explicit) in the knowledge society. Technology should be seen as an enabler of Knowledge Management. ICT tools are used to capture, codify, store and distribute knowledge throughout the organization. ICT tools such as Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Email, Electronic Data Management Systems (EDMS), Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Groupware, Wikis, Weblogs, and other shared networked and net-based technologies are used to leverage Knowledge Management processes in the organization. ICTs provide members in an organization with a platform to communicate and to get access to the right information at the right time for the right purpose. Therefore, there should be a balance between knowledge management initiatives and engagement of ICT tools and infrastructure in order to exploit the benefits of Knowledge Management to the fullest.
The activity that we now call knowledge management has been practised for thousands of yearsprobably ever since the first "organizers" in tribes or villages tried to think of ways to stop repeating the same mistakes. Coming up with new knowledge, sharing it with others, making sure it is retained for the future, refining it (learning from experience), understanding how to apply it and deciding when to discard it are all important parts of the human experience. Nevertheless it was only in 1986 that the explicit attempt to direct and combine these activities was given the name knowledge management, by Karl Wiig. Most of the work on knowledge management in the generation or so since then has been set in an organizational context, and that is the emphasis we take in this book. It is nevertheless worth bearing in mind that many of the principles of knowledge management apply at levels all the way from the individual (personal knowledge management) to nations or even (say) science itself. Knowledge management sits at the intersection of several disciplines, including organizational learning, computer science, human resource management, economics, psychology and strategic management. As a result, it is not very surprising that there is no single agreed view of what knowledge management is. 2 Indeed, some would go so far as to say that managing knowledge is not possible, and that the best that can be achieved is managing human "knowers." Perhaps the only aspects that everyone agrees on are that knowledge management is (at best) difficult, and that any knowledge management initiative in an organization has to be tailored to the particular context of that organization at that time. Knowledge management as a field acquired the status of a management "fad" in the mid-to late-1990s, with an explosion in the number of books and articles published about it, and it is fair to say that it has both benefited and suffered from this status. Nevertheless, unlike some other management fads, it has demonstrated its staying power, and is widely practised and studied worldwide today, even if not always under the precise name knowledge management. The aim of this book is to review the field of knowledge management with an operational research/management science mindset, encompassing both "soft" and "hard" aspects. This implies a holistic approach that gives a broader perspective than one based on any single viewpoint such as that of computer science or organizational learning. The various chapters represent the best knowledge management articles published in the 21st century in the journals Knowledge Management Research & Practice and the European Journal of Information Systems. All have undergone a rigorous double-blind review process, and the contributing authors include Ikujiro Nonaka, perhaps the biggest name in the knowledge management field, as well as others with equal reputations in associated fields such as George Huber (decision support) and Richard Baskerville (information systems). The contributing authors are based in nine different countries on four continents, showing the global nature of knowledge management.
Intelligent Systems, IEEE, 2008
A number of social, economic, technological, and scientific trends have led to the emergence of communities of practice centered on the notion of the knowledge-based organization. However, the scientific foundation (knowledge elicitation methodology) and the commercial growth of knowledge management (KM) have largely developed in parallel. So, the creation of human-centered systems faces lingering challenges. In the KM process, company management establishes a program whereby experts who possess valuable ...
R&D Management, 2007
This textbook provides a critical analysis of key themes that underpin the subject of knowledge management. The book develops around a fivepart structure providing conceptual underpinning in areas of generating knowledge, evaluating knowledge, sharing knowledge and leveraging knowledge with a helpful epilogue at the end. This book is one of many books produced over the last decade or so in the field of knowledge management, but is one of the few texts that actually attempt to provide a definition of the knowledge management field from an 'interdisciplinary perspective', which may appeal to a wider audience. The structure used to develop the narrative seems to be well suited to building links between human resources, information systems and strategic management. It provides a good blending of theory with practice, which should allow students both to apply concepts and theories to practical situations (e.g. through case studies) and to help them build on their own ideas by thinking in a more critical way. I like the feature of a 'Pause for thought' used throughout this book as I believe this should encourage readers to reflect further on a major issue from the chapter concerned, providing many opportunities to reflect on personal experiences and posing a number of relevant questions for the chapter concerned. The book is textually well produced and clearly written and laid out. Sections, heading and graphics are effectively used
Journal of Management Studies, 2001
Journal of Scientific Industrial Research, 2000
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