Sosyal Medya Ve Mahremi̇yet: “You” Di̇zi̇si̇ Çözümlemesi̇

2022, Journal of Communication Science Researches


In general, throughout the history of humanity, every power and sovereign power has developed and used surveillance and control techniques for the masses using many methods. On the other hand, especially in the last 20 years, with the development of social media environments has changed the way of surveillance. With the influence of globalization and the promises of the information society, new media spread all over the world and everywhere has turned into superpanoptic fields. Online environments are now replacing the actual spaces of communities. The reason why the concept of Superpanopticon is used instead of Panopticon in this research is that Panopticon is no longer able to express today's surveillance structures and techniques. For this reason, the concept of superpanopticon has been used to express this new situation of surveillance in social media environments and to emphasize that surveillance has become much more comprehensive. This study aims to reveal the impact of s...