I. Milieux et peuplements


SUMMARY OBSERVATIONSABOUTTHEFISHES OF THEBOLIVIANPARTOFTITICACALAKE.I.EN~IR~N~~ENT~ANDPOPULATIONS Titicaca Lake cari be divided in 6 areas: the deep area, the medium depth area, the Chara area, the Totora (Schoenoplectus tatora) area, the sedimentary littoral area and the rocky littoral area. Two species only are known froc the deep area, Salmo gairdneri and Orestias ispi. The benthic part of the medium depth area is caracterized by the presence of Orestias mulleri. The pelagic zone between the 50 m isobath and the toforas is swimmed through by Orestiasagassii, 0. ispi and Basilic.hthys bonariensis. In the vegetal belt, 4 species ale plentiful: Orestias agassii, 0. luteus, Basilichthys bonariensis, and 0. olivaceus.