Consequences of Reflexivity in Language


Consider two remarkable features of humanity. The first is technology. Technological innovations have been central to our species' staggering series of transformations, not only those since the spinning jenny or the steam engine in the eighteenth century, but going back centuries further to the printing press, gunpowder, the levered crane, and the outrigger canoe. While tool use is observed in animals (Shumaker, Walkup, and Beck 2011), technology is uniquely human. Why? Because it requires a way to achieve the ratchet effect that makes cumulative culture possible (Tomasello, Kruger, and Ratner 1993). Each technology incorporates previous technologies and builds on them in flexible, adaptive, and open-ended ways (Arthur 2009). A technology will incorporate natural forces and affordances and will also encode the intentions not only of its designer, but of the deep lineage of designers