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2021, Advances in Image and Video Processing
12 pages
1 file
From the moment it was first proposed, the Big Bang model has faced serious problems of one form and another. Amongst these was the fact that it proposed an initial balance between matter and antimatter but no collections of antimatter were observed. Here, this problem is addressed yet again, drawing on earlier work by several distinguished scientists but also advancing ideas based on recent analyses that have revealed a new seventh scalar part to the electromagnetic field with positive and negative energy. Introduction.
viXra, 2018
It is suggested that in the neighbourhood of the Big Bang at point P(0) a matter-antimatter differential forms due to reflection of antimatter off the wall of an infinite, spatially shifting, potential well. Firstly the width of the potential well of a scalar field (Phi) undergoes oscillation due to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ranging from zero to infinity; secondly, that there is a probability also due to quantum uncertainty for an infinite sea matter and antimatter particle-pairs to spontaneously arise in the neighbourhood of the wall; and thirdly due to the Feynman-Stueckelberg Interpretation of the direction of Time being in the positive direction from P(0), that matter will move along the axis of Time away from P(0) and antimatter will move the axis of Time towards P(0). This leads to the suggestion that antimatter will reflect off P(0) to return in the positive time direction - thus turning the antimatter of the universe into matter in a process akin to the Dynamica...
New Journal of Physics, 2012
We review observational evidence for a matter-antimatter asymmetry in the early universe, which leads to the remnant matter density we observe today. We also discuss bounds on the presence of antimatter in the present day universe, including the possibility of a large lepton asymmetry in the cosmic neutrino background. We briefly review the theoretical framework within which baryogenesis, the dynamical generation of a matter-antimatter asymmetry, can occur. As an example, we discuss a testable minimal particle physics model that simultaneously explains the baryon asymmetry of the universe, neutrino oscillations and dark matter.
When the Dirac equation is modied to include a universal all-pervading Cosmic Four Vector Field Λμ , the modied Dirac equation violates all the seven discrete symmetries, i.e. , C, P, T, CP, CT, PT and CPT. The violation of the C-symmetry seems to be capable of explaining why the Universe appears to be made up chiefly of matter. By applying this Field to Einstein's original Field Equation, one is able to link this Field with Einstein's cosmological constant term, Λ . Since the cosmological term is invoked to explain the supposed accelerated expansion of the Universe, the inclusion of this Field into the Dirac equation may be justied on this basis of the accelerated expansion of the Universe. Thus, the reponderance of matter over antimatter may be justified on the same basis. In conclusion, the Einstein field (hence the Λμ - field) which causes the acceleration of the the expansion of the Universe may also be responsible for the observed asymmetry in matter and antimatter.
I will give here an overview of the present observational and theoretical situation regarding the question of the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe and the related question of the existence of antimatter on a cosmological scale. I will also give a simple discussion of the role of CP violation in this subject.
Without stating any assumptions or making postulates we show that, the electromagnetic quantum vacuum derives directly from Maxwell's theory and plays a primary role in gravitation and cosmology. Photons are local oscillations of the vacuum field guided by a non-local vector potential wave function. They propagate at the speed imposed by the vacuum electric permittivity 0 and magnetic permeability 0 , which we demonstrate that they are intrinsic properties of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. The electron-positron elementary charge derive naturally from the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. We establish the masse-charge equivalence relation showing that the masses of all particles (leptons, mesons, baryons) and antiparticles are manifestations of the elementary charges and their corresponding magnetic moments. Newton's and Coulomb's laws equivalence results naturally. In addition, we show that the gravitational constant G is a property of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum putting in evidence the electromagnetic nature of gravity. Furthermore, we draw that G is the same for matter and antimatter but gravitational forces should be repulsive between particles and antiparticles because their masses bear naturally opposite signs. The electromagnetic quantum vacuum appears to be the natural link between quantum electrodynamics (QED), gravitation and cosmology and may constitute the basic step towards a unified field theory. Dark Energy and Dark Matter might originate from the electromagnetic quantum vacuum fluctuations. The calculated electromagnetic vacuum energy density, related to the cosmological constant considered responsible for the cosmic acceleration, is in good agreement with the astrophysical observations. However, the cosmic acceleration may be due to both the quantum vacuum fluctuations as well as to the matter-antimatter gravitational repulsion. Finally, we advance the hypothesis that energy, matter and antimatter in the universe emerge spontaneously from the quantum vacuum fluctuations as residues that remain stable in space and we present the principles upon which a new cosmological model may be developed overcoming the wellknown Big Bang issues.
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 1989
Proceedings of International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics — PoS(hep2001)
The whole set of astrophysical data indicates that our Universe is globally baryon asymmetrical. Nevertheless a possibility of existence of relatively small amount of sufficiently large antimatter regions is not excluded. Such regions can survive the annihilation with surrounding matter only in the case if their sizes exceed a certain scale. It is shown that quantum fluctuations of a complex scalar field caused by inflation can generate large antimatter domains progenitors, which contribute insignificantly to the total volume of the Universe. The resulting distribution and evolution of such antimatter regions could cause every galaxy to be a harbour of an anti-star globular cluster. The existence of one of such anti-star globular cluster in our Galaxy, does not contradict the observed γ-ray background, but the expected fluxes of 4 He and 3 He from such an antimatter object can be searched for in PAMELA experiment and are definitely accessible for the sensitivity of coming AMS02 experiment.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2020
We show that the electromagnetic quantum vacuum plays a primary role in gravitation and cosmology. Photons are local oscillations of the vacuum field guided by a non-local vector potential wave function and propagate at the speed imposed by the vacuum electric permittivity 0 and magnetic permeability 0 , which we demonstrate that they are intrinsic properties of the electromagnetic vacuum. The electron-positron elementary charge derive naturally from the electromagnetic quantum vacuum and the masses of all particles (leptons, mesons, baryons) and antiparticles are manifestations of the elementary charges and their corresponding magnetic moments. We show that the gravitation constant G is also related directly to the electromagnetic quantum vacuum putting in evidence the electromagnetic nature of gravity. Furthermore, we draw that G is the same for matter and antimatter but gravitational forces appear to be repulsive between particles and antiparticles since their masses bear opposite signs. Under these conditions, the electromagnetic quantum vacuum might constitute the physical basis for a unified field theory. Dark Energy and Dark Matter might originate from the electromagnetic quantum vacuum fluctuations. The calculated vacuum energy density, related to the cosmological constant considered responsible for the cosmic acceleration, is in good agreement with the astrophysical observations. Finally, we advance the hypothesis that energy, matter and antimatter in the universe emerge spontaneously from the quantum vacuum fluctuations as residues that remain stable in space. Following this assumption, we present the principles upon which a new cosmological model based on the electromagnetic quantum vacuum may be developed overcoming the well-known Big Bang issues.
Journal of Modern Physics, 2015
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is built on the original Dirac equation, an equation that exhibits perfect symmetry in that it is symmetric under charge conjugation (C), space (P) and time (T) reversal and any combination of these discrete symmetries. We demonstrate herein that while the proposed Lorentz invariant Curved Spacetime Dirac Equations (CSTD-equations) obey C, PT and CPT-symmetries, these equations readily violate P, T, CP and CT-symmetries. Realising this violation, namely the T and CT-violation, we take this opportunity to suggest that the Curved Spacetime Dirac Equations may help in solving the long standing riddle and mystery of the preponderance of matter over antimatter. We come to the tentative conclusion that if these CSTD-equations are to explain the preponderance of matter over antimatter; then, photons are to be thought of as described by the spherically curved version of this set of equations, while ordinary matter is to be explained by the parabolically and hyperbolically curved spacetime versions of this same set of equations.
This paper presents a possible origin of dark energy, which is believed to be the cause of accelerated expansion rate of the cosmos with the aid of superstring theory and the observed matterantimatter asymmetry. It proposes a model in which the antimatter, and particularly antiquarks, occupies the Calabi-Yau manifold in six dimensions and thus attracts the quarks via ‘gluons’. This phenomenon creates an illusionary vision. This paper also provides a conceivable explanation of the observed matterantimatter asymmetry in the visible universe.
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arXiv (Cornell University), 2008
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997
Progress in Physics, 2019
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2002
Journal of advances in physics, 2022
International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2013
arXiv (Cornell University), 2016, ResearchGate, 2023
Physics & Astronomy International Journal, 2024
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2021
Eprint Arxiv Physics 0106079, 2001
To be published in Nature Magazine, 2024