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2018, 2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON)
Recent decentralization of electricity systems together with the decarbonization and several changing societal demands are giving rise to different application scenarios such as microgrids. A microgrid is a small-scale electrical system which consists of several loads and sources (conventional and renewables) that can either operate autonomously in a stand-alone mode or interconnected with the main grid. The design and development of such a smart microgrid in a university campus is proposed within the 3DMicroGrid project (funded through the ERANETMED European Union's initiative). This paper reviews the main components and characteristics of similar microgrids developed around the world. Furthermore, this study provides the design guidelines, the main functionalities, the key components and the control architecture for developing the microgrid proposed by the 3DMicroGrid project. A simulation model has been developed and initial results are demonstrated for the operation of this microgrid. The recommendations and insights are replicable to any solar priority country for future microgrids pilots.
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Europe, 2014
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Renewable Energy and Power Quality, 2016
From an analysis of electric energy consumption of different buildings of the University of Vigo, it has been designed the integration of a microgrid and its elements, distributed generation, energy storage, security and control systems and applications of a Smart Campus. Distributed generation of electricity is based on the integration of renewable energy sources, especially solar photovoltaic and wind energies, aided by the installation of a hydrogen fuel cell, which is produced out of energetic overproduction of the aforementioned sources by two electrolyzers. In order to avoid the consequences of randomness of wind and solar sources, an energy storage system has been installed. It stores hydrogen produced when overproduction takes place, in order to be able to transform it into electricity when power needs of the microgrid demand it, through a hydrogen fuel cell. Generation and energy storage will be regulated by a security and control system, which will also be responsible for the management and integration of several apps of the Smart Campus. Besides, the implementation in the microgrid of these different apps of the Smart campus, charging spots for electrical cars, parking management, and replacement of conventional lighting by an intelligent and independent system based on renewable energy will be taken into consideration in this study.
This report describes the work conducted under the project EW 1710 "Feasibility and Guidelines for the Development of Microgrids in Campus-Type Facilities", sponsored by the Department of Defense (DoD)'s Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP). The objective of this work was to explore the feasibility of and provide guidelines for the development of microgrids in campus-type facilities. This work was carried out through the development of a methodology including technology assessment, as well as modeling and simulation.
In this modern era, technology continues to develop and improve, experiencing a signification transformation from the traditional concept and centralized power generation to an incorporated system with distributed energy resources (DER) which is then located closer to the local loads. A sustainable solution with this future concept would be the Microgrid application, and it is a growing system in recent days. This system consists of an integration of the generation from different renewable energy sources that contain energy storage systems. Microgrid also acts as a backup source to failure of the main power supply allowing the network to operate independently. This technology has provided a high reliance on the economy and the growing demand of the technologies such as the energy generated from wind and solar. The growth in several Microgrid utilization has also decreased the reliance on the usage of fossil fuels. The idea of the Microgrid application and implementing it into the ne...
This paper proposes a methodology for designing and operating a microgrid (MG) for the main campus of the Technical Institution Hawija. In this MG, a battery energy storage system (BESS), photovoltaic (PV) generation system, and controllable loads are included. Due to the high penetration of the PVs, over-voltage issues may occur in this MG. A novel operation strategy is considered by coordinating the BESS, PVs, and loads to prevent power outages and accomplish a secure operation of this MG. In this proposed approach, droop controllers have been implemented to provide the appropriate references for the PVs and BESS to maintain the voltage of the MG within a secure range. The generation of the PVs may be curtailed to guarantee the fidelity of the voltage. The intended simulations will be based on MATLAB/Simulink to show the efficacy of the intended design.
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2018
Microgrids are small scale version of the power grid in which distributed energy resources, storage devices and loads are localized in a defined geographical area. A microgrid offers an alternate solution to the grid stress problem. Microgrids are building blocks of the Smart Electrical Grid. Microgrids can be operated in grid tied and islanded mode. Power quality is a very important issue in a microgrid because it directly affects the operation of a microgrid. In this paper operational behavior of microgrid under various modes and loading conditions has been studied. Various issues and challenges are presented. Multi loop Control structure has been employed for the controller design to improve the performance of the microgrid. The purpose of this research work is to understand the dynamics of microgrid in grid tied and islanded mode to ensure reliable and secure operation. Simulation results for various conditions are performed to evaluate the performance of microgrid. It is shown ...
IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy
For power grids with high penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs), microgrids can provide operation and control capabilities for clusters of DERs and load. Furthermore, microgrids enhance resilience of the hosting bulk power grid if they are enabled to serve critical load beyond the jurisdiction of the microgrids. For widespread deployment of microgrids, a modular and standardized Microgrid Building Block (MBB) is essential to help reduce the cost and increase reliability. This paper proposes the conceptual design of an MBB with integrated features of power conversion, control, and communications, resulting in a systemwide controller for the entire microgrid. The results of a feasibility study indicate that, in a utility-connected mode, MBB-based microgrids can exchange power with the hosting power grid while serving regulation and optimal dispatch functions. In a resiliency (islanded) mode when the microgrid is disconnected from the utility system, the MBB control system acts to stabilize the system frequency and voltage under small or large disturbances. The microgrid controller is supported by a communication system that meets the latency requirements imposed by the microgrid dynamics as well as data acquisition time. The extended IEEE 13-node system is used as a microgrid model to validate the proposed MBB design and functionality.
Springer eBooks, 2019
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Microgrids have been recognized as one of the most efficient energy solutions to power critical assets such as universities, hospitals, and industrial sectors. This paper presents the design of a grid-connected campus microgrid based on financial analysis. The design takes into account economic effects of energy efficiency control and evaluates microgrid financial feasibility based on economic measures including lifecycle cost, net present value, and simple payback period. In this research, financial analysis for the microgrid is conducted in Microgrid Decision Support Tool.
To achieve the goal of decarbonising the electric grid by 2050 and empowering energy citizen, this research focuses on the development of Microgrid (µGrid) systems in Irish environment. As part of the research work, an energy efficient and cost effective solution for µGrid, termed Community-µGrid (C-µGrid) is proposed. Here the users can modify their micro-Generation (µGen) converters to facilitate a single inverter in a C-µGrid structure. The new system could allow: (i) technological advantage of improved Power Quality (PQ); (ii) economic advantage of reduced cost of energy (COE) to achieve sustainability. Analysis of scenarios of C-µGrid (AC) systems is performed for a virtual community in Dublin, Ireland. It consists of (10 to 50) similar type of residential houses and assumes that each house has a wind-based µGen system. It is found that, compared to individual off-grid µGen systems, an off-grid C-µGrid can reduce upto 35% of energy storage capacity. Thus it helps to reduce the COE from €0.22/kWh to 0.16/kWh.
The term "Smart Grid" can be described as technology innovation that people are utilizing to bring utility electricity distribution and consumption system into the modern era, by increased use of information technology, communications and automation. Micro-grid can be referred to as a small scale power gird that operates independently grid in combination with the main electrical grid. A microgrid control system allows an orchestration of generation, storage, load and demand for energy. Microgrid can make application of smart grid much easier with great improved reliability. Smart microgrid is an ideal way to incorporate the variable renewable energy sources at a local level. Some advantages include reliability, cost reduction and carbon emission reduction. Smart meters can be installed in a specific area which can track power consumption and generation and send the data to microgrid. Data sent to microgrid is analysed and stored for recycling of energy. Smart grid when implemented to microgrid can increase the systems reliability and efficiency by intelligent transmission and distribution network between users and microgrid. Benefits and new technology advancements made in smart Microgrid will be discussed in this paper.
The multiple uncertainties in a microgrid, such as limited photovoltaic generations, ups and downs in the market price, and controlling different loads, are challenging points in managing campus energy with multiple microgrid systems and are a hot topic of research in the current era. Microgrids deployed at multiple campuses can be successfully operated with an exemplary energy management system (EMS) to address these challenges, offering several solutions to minimize the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, maintenance costs, and peak load demands of the microgrid infrastructure. This literature survey presents a comparative analysis of multiple campus microgrids’ energy management at different universities in different locations, and it also studies different approaches to managing their peak demand and achieving the maximum output power for campus microgrids. In this paper, the analysis is also focused on managing and addressing the uncertain nature of renewable energies, considering the storage technologies implemented on various campuses. A comparative analysis was also considered for the energy management of campus microgrids, which were investigated with multiple optimization techniques, simulation tools, and different types of energy storage technologies. Finally, the challenges for future research are highlighted, considering campus microgrids’ importance globally. Moreover, this paper is expected to open innovative paths in the future for new researchers working in the domain of campus microgrids.
Journal of Electronics and Advanced Electrical Engineering
Based on the development of new technologies in the electrical engineering field, microgrids can be understood as the effective implantation of smart grids. These, in turn, have functionalities for energy management, such as voltage control, frequency, and demand management, and can also operate in a connected or island mode concerning the utilities resources. In the face of such technological advances and energy management, this paper presents a proposal for the implementation of a microgrid, called CampusGRID. This microgrid will be installed on the University Campus of UNICAMP - Brazil, being connected to a 11.9kV level voltage grid with 2370 kVA power rated shared among eleven points of connections and demand varying from 475 to 768 kW. For the control of loads (electric vehicle, classroom buildings, laboratories, libraries, convention center, multidisciplinary gymnasium), it is proposed to automate the circuits in the secondary side of transformers to control the loads, as well...
Distributed generation connected with AC, DC, or hybrid loads and energy storage systems is known as a microgrid. Campus microgrids are an important load type. A university campus microgrids, usually, contains distributed generation resources, energy storage, and electric vehicles. The main aim of the microgrid is to provide sustainable, economical energy, and a reliable system. The advanced energy management system (AEMS) provides a smooth energy flow to the microgrid. Over the last few years, many studies were carried out to review various aspects such as energy sustainability, demand response strategies, control systems, energy management systems with different types of optimization techniques that are used to optimize the microgrid system. In this paper, a comprehensive review of the energy management system of campus microgrids is presented. In this survey, the existing literature review of different objective functions, renewable energy resources and solution tools are also re...
Scientia Iranica
Microgrids as the local area power systems are changing the power system landscape due to their potential of offering a viable solution for integrating renewable energy resources into the main grid. From the operational point of view, microgrids should have the appropriate power electronic interfaces, control schemes, as well as monitoring and automation infrastructures to provide the required flexibility and meet the related IEEE 1547 standard requirements. This paper describes some of the efforts made in the smart microgrid educational laboratory to provide these facilities and create a real-world conditions needed to conduct researches and teach the related courses. Laboratory works not only increase the practical skills of the students but also can motivate them to pursue theoretical courses with more passion. The introduced facilities are somehow unique for the integration of both electric and communication infrastructures which overcome the shortcomings of not considering data transfer challenges in the studies. Complete hardware design of power plant components, and incorporation of solar photovoltaic (PV) and two types of wind turbine generations are some of the efforts made to bring the real-world conditions in the laboratory. In the load-related side, dynamic behaviors of the various types of motors are modeled. To demonstrate some of the laboratory applications, some experimental studies have been carried out. The results show that this laboratory model is useful to provide insightful perspectives about the microgrid future.
Journal of Engineering, 2013
The future electricity network must be flexible, accessible, reliable, and economic according to the worldwide smartgrid initiative. This is also echoed by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI). In order to facilitate these objectives and to reduce green house gas (GHG) emission, research on various configurations of microgrid ( G) system is gaining importance, particularly with high penetration of renewable energy sources. Depending on the resource availability, geographical locations, load demand, and existing electrical transmission and distribution system, G can be either connected to the grid or can work in an autonomous mode. Storage can also be a part of the G architecture. This paper presents a critical literature review of various G architectures. The benefits of grid-connected or isolated G with storage have also been identified.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2021
This paper presents the modeling and real-time digital simulation of two microgrids: the malta college of arts, science and technology (MCAST) and the german jordan university (GJU). The aim is to provide an overview of future microgrid situation and capabilities with the benefits of integrating renewable energy sources (RES), such as photovoltaic panels, diesel generators and energy storage systems for projects on both campuses. The significance of this work starts with the fact that real measurements were used from the two pilots, obtained by measuring the real physical systems. These measures were used to plan different solutions regarding RES and energy storage system (ESS) topologies and sizes. Also, the demand curves for the real microgrids of MCAST and GJU have been parameterized, which may serve as a test bed for other studies in this area. Based on actual data collected from the two pilots, a real-time digital simulation is performed using an RT-LAB platform. The results obtained by this tool allow the microgrid manager to have a very accurate vision of the facility operation, in terms of power flow and default responses. Several scenarios are studied, extracting valuable insight for implementing both projects in the future. Eventually, the proposed models would be a blueprint for training and research purposes in the microgrid field.
2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America (T&D-LA), 2010
The objective of this paper is to present the current status and state-of-the-art of microgrid systems as well as the barriers that are being encountered for their integration to the network. The expectation about the microgrid performance is high, thus, issues related to the microgrid standards, autonomous operation, control strategies, regulatory barriers as well as its protection and islanding operation, among other aspects, will be discussed herein. Some examples of practical installations worldwide will also be presented.
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 2017
The foremost issues of 21 st century are challenging demand of electrical energy and to control the emission of Green House Gases (GHG) emissions. Renewable energy resources based sustainable microgrid emerges as one of the best feasible solution for future energy demand while considering zero carbon emission, fossil fuel independency, and enhanced reliability. In this paper, optimization and implementation of institutional based sustainable microgrid are discussed based on cost analysis, carbon emission, and availability of energy resources. Various microgrid topologies are considered for addressing the most ideal solution. The metrological data such as irradiance is acquired from solar satellite data of NASA (National Aero Space Agency) while the data for wind speed is taken from synergy enviro engineer's site. HOMER ® simulation tool is used for modelling and optimization purpose.
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