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2009, Journal of Public Policy
Given its complex multilevel governance structures, the European Union (EU) is an obvious focus for studying policy networks as informal coordination mechanisms between state and non-state or public and private actors. The importance of this research field has increased exponentially with the EU's spatial expansion, its institutional deepening, its forays into new policy areas and its growing role as an international actor. Research on policy networks at first focussed on analysing changes in national political systems and policy-making in particular policy fields. This approach is now being applied more systematically and comprehensively to understanding the transformation of EU governance during the last decade. Concurrently, the widespread belief until well into the s that European integration was a system of policy-making 'sui generis' that could not be fruitfully compared to anything else no longer has much support. The EU is increasingly contrasted and compared vertically, to national political systems and forms of governance in its member-states, especially federal states such as Germany. At the same time, new research is developing that compares the EU and its policy-making to the United States. However, as the articles in this special issue demonstrate, crucial dimensions of the role of policy networks in EU governance are distinctive. Thus, as Tanja Börzel and Karen Heard-Lauréote show, EU actors have become increasingly preoccupied with the EU's alleged 'democratic deficit'. In the wake of the Commission crisis of and the failed referendums in France and the Netherlands in and Ireland in , this has induced the Commission to invest great hopes in policy networks as means of enhanced input legitimacy through increased participation of civil society organisations in policy-making. Originally, policy networks were thought to contribute to output legitimacy by improving the quality of policies through expert input and the involvement of economic actors. They had never been expected to enhance the democratic input quality of governance at the national level. Indeed, as Börzel and Heard-Lauréote argue, they might not be able to do so at EU level, or only to a limited extent and possibly, at the expense of efficiency and output legitimacy.
While there is broad scholarly agreement that policy-making in the European Union (EU) involves a multitude of public and private actors at different levels of government, there is less agreement whether the EU should be conceptualized as a form of governance by networks or governance in networks. This article first examines different concepts of networks. It then sets out multiple functions of networks within the EU policy process. Particular attention is paid to the extent to which networks may provide added value to European integration and improve the quality of governance by effectively solving common problems and helping to address the democratic deficit or whether, by acting as mechanisms of exclusion rather than inclusion, they actually contribute to the EU’s legitimacy deficit. Since networks can enhance governance quality as well as undermine its democratic credentials, a balance sheet shows both positive and negative consequences.
Responding to the call for cooperation between the policy network and governance literature, we apply social network analysis (SNA) to a study of European multi-level policymaking using empirical data gathered as part of the INTEREURO project. We focus on the studied network’s characteristics and, building on hypotheses developed in the policy network and governance literature, judge the potential capacity to coordinate EU networks. Based on our analysis, we redefine the decisional centre of EU networks and argue that coordination capacity varies among different policy fields.
In its White Paper on Governance in 2001 the Commission demonstrated its intention to move towards the increasing use of networks in its governance approach. However, despite a raft of literature on policy networks there remains an ambiguity surrounding their effective use, which this thesis seeks to address. In particular, much of the empirical research so far has focused on sectoral networks. In contrast, many of the EU's long-term policy problems, such as sustainable development, are cross- cutting issues which require coordination between different sectors. In these circumstances some of the assumed operating characteristics of networks, such as trust, shared values or that they are self-steering, may no longer be valid. This paper tests an analytical framework which distinguishes between two types of policy network, namely sector networks and inter-sector networks, against empirical evidence from the coordination of two EU policy areas which have impacts on the sustainable...
Events in the vicinity of the European Union are constantly challeng-ing the EU’s foreign policy, but complex internal governance processes have been hampering the EU from responding coherently. This analy-sis of the Northern Dimension Initiative considers whether the EU is compensating for this dilemma by adopting an innovative network gov-ernance strategy to integrate those external actors in the European North who can bring complementary resources to the policy-making processes. The formulation and execution of EU foreign policy may thus be alleviated, and the lack of internal problem-solving capacity does not automatically lead to failure in foreign policy-making.
This paper tries to complement insights of the policy network literature ('Rhodes model'). It argues that drawing on 'New Institutionalism' can enhance the model's capacity to explain network change. Empirical evidence drawn from East Germany's integration into the European Structural Funds, highlights the importance of network structure and the potential it offers for strategic alliances among key network participants. It supports the claim that institutions such as policy networks can create dynamics which governments find difficult to control. The paper also shows that despite the high degree of domestic institutionalisation that characterises the German federal system, the Structural Funds have been influential in changing both the process and the content of German domestic policy arrangements. Policy networks have been important catalysts for the 'Europeanisation' of domestic policies and the transformation of European governance more generally.
Governance, 2008
This article investigates the role of transgovernmental networks of national regulators in addressing collective action problems endemic to international cooperation. In contrast to recent work on transgovernmental actors, which emphasizes such networks as alternatives to more traditional international institutions, we examine the synergistic interaction between the two. Building on the broader premise that patterns of "dual delegation" above and below the nation-state enhance the coordinating role of networks of national agencies in two-level international governance, the article examines the formal incorporation of transgovernmental networks into European Union (EU) policymaking. The focus on authoritative rulemaking adds a crucial dimension to the landscape of EU governance innovations while connecting to the broader study of transgovernmental networks in international governance. The article develops an analytical framework that maps these incorporated networks across different sectors in terms of function, emergence, and effectiveness. Two case studies of data privacy and energy market regulation are presented to apply and illustrate the insights of this mapping.
Journal of Public Policy, 2009
This article aims to contribute to bridging the gap between the analysis of networks in European politics and policy-making. Recently, the European Commission took significant steps towards the recognition of political party foundations at EU level. Firstly, it has agreed to recognize them as actors of European development policies. Secondly, it has launched a proposal leading to the creation of political foundations at EU level, linked to the European political parties. This article analyses the reasons, modalities and potential impact of this process, which signifies a breakthrough in comparison with the Commission’s previous attitude towards party affiliated organisations. For the foundations network-building turns out to have been a crucial means to attain legitimacy and access to the European institutions: firstly, through the mobilisation of political entrepreneurs in the European Parliament lobbying the Commission and Council representatives; and secondly, by linking the future role of non-state actors like political foundations to the reconsideration of the EU’s communication policy.
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2017
We consider whether transnational networks that softly discipline member states (e.g. the OMC or regulatory networks that oversee national discretion in implementing broad EU frameworks) mark a significant turn in European integration or merely a transitional step towards centralisation (e.g. agencification) and formalisation (subjecting to law). We suggest this requires a closer reading of the institutional changes necessary to bring about centralisation/formalisation, and ask particularly whether change might be partially attributable to the very institutional-agents operating inside Europe's networked modes of governance. Supplementing functional-political explanations, we propose an endogenous model of institutional change that incorporates the independent role transnational networks play in shaping their own institutionalisation, which may make this mode of governance more resilient and even self-reinforcing. We test the plausibility of this model with a case study detailing the institutional entrepreneurship of transnational networks in the telecoms sector.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
In recent years the notion of ‘governance ’ has taken off in the European Union studies literature. This term is often used to encompass a broader understanding of political steering which includes not only hierarchal imposition but also informal interactions;
Cambridge University Press eBooks, 2020
The European Union of today cannot be studied as it once was. This original new textbook provides a much-needed update on how the EU's policies and institutions have changed in light of the multiple crises and transformations since 2010. An international team of leading scholars offer systematic accounts of the EU's institutional regime, policies and community of people and states. Each chapter is structured to explain the relevant historical developments and institutional framework, presenting the key actors and current controversies, and discussing a paradigmatic case study. Each chapter also provides ideas for group discussions and individual research topics. Moving away from the typical neutral account of the functioning of the EU, this textbook will stimulate readers' critical thinking towards the EU as it is today. It will serve as a core text for undergraduate and graduate students of politics and European studies taking courses on the politics of the EU, and those taking courses in comparative politics and international organisations including the EU.
SSRN Electronic Journal
European administrative networks (EANs) are a key building block of the European Administrative Space (EAS). Crucially, they are to fill the gap between the EU's policy ambitions and its limited administrative capacities. Whereas ample research has been done on policy preparation networks, the role of implementing EANs has received less attention in the EAS literature. This article fills this gap by providing a systematic review of relevant insights in four adjacent literatures: EU governance; international relations; public administration; and EU compliance. Employing a systematic literature review, it reports divergent findings on EAN establishment, functioning and impact, as well as variant normative evaluations. These variant findings partly relate to a lack of comparative research, selective policy coverage and predominant focus on Northwestern states. We conclude by suggesting a number of lines for future research on these four important themes, arguing that the crucial question will be which impact these EANs have on the national implementation and enforcement of EU law.
Journal of European Public Policy, 2013
, the responsibility of national executives. This key intergovernmental aspect of the EU's administrative order makes compliance with supranational law vulnerable to distortion. However, the European executive has added important fire-alarm oversight mechanisms by means of transgovernmental networks (TGNs) to its toolbox. This paper examines the work-mode, horizontalness and effectiveness of such networks as newer governance tools to oversee and monitor the compliance with EU law. It draws on a unique dataset on the Solvit network, enabling us to examine effectiveness and variation of a transgovernmental network in operation. The paper substantiates the relevance of TGNs in identifying and solving manifold and complex problems of misapplied EU law, finds that the Commission constitutes a focal point in this type of multilevel executive and points out that learning in part explains why effectiveness varies across member states.
The American Political Science Review, 1993
Although network thinking will have considerable impact on future social theory building in general, this chapter is certainly not the place for a general "philosophical" discussion. Based on the assumption that the network perspective will be, indeed, also fruitful for political analysis, we will focus our discussion on the specific use of network concepts in policy analysis. We will try to show that an important advantage of the network concept in this discipline is that it helps us to understand not only formal institutional arrangements but also highly complex informal relationships in the policy process. From a network point of view. modern political decision making cannot adequately be understood by the exclusive focus on formal politico-institutional anangements. Policies are formulated to an increasing degree in informal political infrastructures outside conventional channels such as legislative, executive and administrative organizations. Contemporary policy processes emerge from complex actor constellations and resource interdependencies, and decisions are often made in a highly decentralized and informal manner. example, the policy sector (Benson 1982), the policy domain (Laumann/ Knoke 1987), the policy topic's organization set (see for this concept Olsen 1982), the policy (actor) system (see, for instance, Sabatier 1987), the policy community (Jordan/ Richardson 1983, Mdny 1989), the policy game, the policy arena and also the policy regime. The network concept and all these other policy concepts are variations of a basic theme: the idea of public policies which are not explained by the intentions of one or two central actors, but which are generated within multiple actor-sets in which the individual actors are interrelated in a more or less systematic way. However, each of the different policy concepts emphasizes a special aspect: for example, the institutional structures in decision making processes are highlighted by the arena and regime perspective; the conflictual nature of policy processes, again, is emphasized by the game perspective. The arena concept, in contrast, concentrates on conflict and institutional integration, and the community, system and sector perspec-9 For a more detailed overview of British works with the network concept see also the recent article of Rhodes (1990). l0 Other examples in the application of the network concept in policy making are Zijlstra (1918179:359-389); Rainey/ Milward (1983: 133-146); Trasher/ Dunkerley (1982: 349' 382); Trasher (1983: 375-391). For an overview see also Windhoff-Hdritier (1985: 85-2t2). Cltapter 2 Butt, R. S./ M. J. Minor, 1982: Applied Nenuork Analysis-A Methodological Introduction Beverly Hills/ London: Sage. Callon, Michel, 1986: The Sociology of an Actor-Network: The Case of the Electric Vehicle. In: M. Callon/ H. Law/ A. Rip, Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology. Sociology of Science in the Real World. Houndmills: Macmillan, 19-34.
GeoJournal, 2008
This article offers an analysis of the emerging scalar configuration of the governance of the European Union. It discusses how European integration stands for a move from a collection of territorially homogenous systems of rule towards a new assemblage of territories, authorities and rights. The paper first questions the stretchy territoriality of the seemingly obvious European level. Second it analyses the sectoral differences in the evolution of the width and the depth of integration, measured as the transfer of competencies to the EU level between the Rome Treaty (1958) and the Lisbon Treaty (200y). Third it turns to the day-to-day decisionmaking to assess the relations between players in EU governance and finally it looks more closely at the administrative wheels of the EU machinery.
Journal of Transatlantic Studies
European cooperation on internal security is usually seen through the lens of highly salient normative debates, such as the appropriate balance between freedom and security. This paper provides an alternative and long-term perspective on this policy area. The first theoretical part condenses four alternative theoretical perspectives on European internal security governance that relate to the wider relationship between informal and formal governance mechanisms. The second part presents a matching empirical overview of more than 180 European governance networks on police and criminal cooperation, counterterrorism, border security, migration policy, cybersecurity and disaster prevention. Expertise-driven and policy field-specific dynamics appear significant to account for the breadth and variety of policy networks. In contrast, executive empowerment, venue-shopping or deliberate side-stepping of formal decision-making forums do not appear as dominant trends, although there are severe structural shortcomings with regard to the transparency and legal basis of the mapped policy networks.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 1998
This article attempts to explain why actors form policy networks of information and exchange contacts, and how the institutional settings of public decision-making affect policy network formation. In their empirical analysis of the formation of four different policy networks in the German labourpolicy domain, the authors examine actors' choice of mutual contacts resting on similarity of preferences on political events and test the importance of either formal procedural settings or common sector membership for information and exchange network formation. The choice of policy network contacts is shown to be primarily determined by the similarity of actors' preferences. However, this is qualified by institutional settings.
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