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Agriculture is an important sector to fuel in economic growth and it needs to be made more attractive. The present study will help farmers to improve economically profitable eventually leading to more inclusive development. Enabling policies for access to inputs, credit, markets and innovations will result in increased productivity, profitability and growth. Telangana is one of the large maize producing states in India; the maize production in the state has been largely influenced by increasing demand from the feed industries and various industrial uses, by calculating recourse use efficiency farmers can understand where he can improve his expenditure as well as efficiency to increase productivity, the present study explains regression coefficients with relation to various explanatory variables, geometric mean of inputs, marginal products, marginal value product, price of input, MVP to price ratio, and optimum recourse efficiency were calculated in present study. Cobb-Douglas type o...
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Maize one of the important crops of rainfed agriculture is grown in low, mid and high hill altitudes. The study was conducted on resource use efficiency of maize production in Jammu Region of J&K state during the year 2007-08. Jammu region of state observed a positive trend for area but negative for yield of maize. In sampleddistricts, area under maize cultivation contributed positively in production but yield and interaction effect of both factors contributed negatively during the overall period of twenty years. The allocative efficiency was 0.014, 0.668, 1.019, 3.244 and 13.38 respectively for labour, capital, irrigation and fertilizers (N and K), respectively and the allocative efficiency of fertilizer (P) was negative (-1.732). Maximum likelihood estimates showed that the value of variance parameters lambda (λ) was 4.219 and that of sigma (σ) was 0.455, which were significantly different from zero indicating a good fit and the correctness of the distributional assumptions spec...
The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the growth in area, production and productivity and resource use efficiency of maize in various agro-climatic zones of Bihar. The growth pattern in production and productivity were also observed to be positive and statistically significant. The trends in area, production and productivity were also observed positive for both the growth models, linear and compound. The resource use efficiency was evaluated zone-wise and for state as whole levels using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique for the block period 2008-09 to 2010-11. Technical efficiencies at state level in maize production were found to be 64% for kharif maize and 71% in rabi maize. Allocative mean efficiencies for kharif and rabi maize were calculated 68% and 65%, indicating that farmers could reduce costs by 32% and 35% by using optimum proportions of inputs considering it's prices while selecting it's quantities. Farmers of zone-II of Bihar are well known for large scale production of rabi maize, but still there exist technical inefficiency by 24% and AE by 9%. The value of cost efficiency (CE) emphasizes the reduction of cost by 30% to produce exiting level of output at least cost. The farmers of zone-III are more technically sound as compared to zone-I, zone-II and thus, even at state level too, the TE was observed 88% and 87% for kharif and rabi maize, respectively but AE is very less as compared to other zones i.e. 52% for rabi maize
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2022
The study examined efficiency of resource-use and marginal value productivity analysis among maize farmers, Abuja, Nigeria. Specifically, the objectives were to: determine the socioeconomic characteristics of maize farmers, analyze costs and returns of maize production, determine the marginal value productivity among maize farmers, evaluate resource-use efficiency of maize production, and determine the constraints faced by maize farmers in the study area, multi-stage sampling technique was used to select one hundred (100) maize farmers. Primary data were used. Data were collected through the use of well-designed and well-structured questionnaire. The analytical tools used were descriptive statistics, farm budgeting technique, financial analysis, Cobb-Douglas production function model, marginal value productivity index, resource-use efficiency index, and principal component analysis. The results show that 65% of maize farmers are less than 50 years of age. The mean age of maize farmers was 47 years. The maize farmers are energetic, active, resourceful in their youthful age. Maize farmers are smallholder, peasant, poor farmers with average of 4.75 hectares of farmland. Maize farmers had on the average of 8 people per household. Maize production is a profitable enterprise with gross margin and net farm income of 776,100 Naira and 758,700 Naira per hectare of farmland respectively. The gross margin ratio of 0.64 implies that for every naira invested in maize production by smallholder maize farmers, 64 kobo covered interest, profits, expenses, taxes and depreciation. Age (X_1), and fertilizer input 〖(X〗_4) are statistically significant factors influencing output of maize production at (P<0.01), while farm size 〖(X〗_2), labour input (X_3), seed input 〖(X〗_5) and chemical input 〖(X〗_6) are statistically significant factors influencing output of maize production at (P<0.05).The coefficient of multiple determinations (R^2) was 0.789. This implies that the explanatory variables included in the Cobb-Douglas production regression model explained 78.9% of variations in output of maize produced. The resource-use efficiency index [r], which is a ratio between marginal value productivity of resource input and marginal factor cost, the factor price shows that land input, seed input, fertilizer input, labour input and chemical input were underutilized. The retained constraints in the principal component analysis faced by maize farmers were lack of fertilizers, poor road infrastructures, lack of improved seeds, lack of credit facilities, lack of extension services and poor storage facilities. The study recommends adequate supply of farm inputs like improved seeds, fertilizers, chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides. Bureaucratic processes and cumbersome administrative procedures involved in accessing credit facilities should be removed, government should provide good roads linking maize producing areas and extension services should be employed who will organize workshops, seminars and training of maize farmers on research findings and efficient use of farm resources.
Agro-Economist, 2017
The present investigation conducted in the Reasi district of J&K state during the year 2015 has observed that the sample holding under study area comprise maize-wheat cropping system. By using Cobb-Douglas production function it is predicted that resource used in maize and wheat production like human labour, farmyard manure + fertilizer are underutilized indicating that there is further scope to increase their quantity which in turn will boost the returns. On the basis of regression analysis the value of regression coefficient of wheat for human labour, seed, FYM, urea, DAP and plant protection measures was 0.859,-0.321, 0.002, 0.067, 0.009 and 0.004 and for maize it was 0.522,-0.046, 0.095, 0.046, 0.016 and-0.015, respectively, which were found to be statistically significant. The positive sign indicated that one percent increase in the use of these inputs could increase the returns from crop. The negative sign shows that one percent additional expenditure on these inputs would reduce the return of crops. The marginal value productivity of farmyard manure and human labour of dry land wheat was positive and it was 0.312 and 1.231, respectively. This indicates that there still existed a scope to invest more on farmyard manure and human labour. The negative marginal value productivity estimated for seed at `-5.150 showed that use of seed was more than optimum leading to fall in returns with each additional unit of this input. As far as maize is concerned, positive marginal value productivity of FYM, human labour, urea, DAP and pesticide indicates that there still existed a scope to invest more on these inputs. The negative marginal value productivity estimated for seed at `-1.192 showed that use of seed was more than optimum leading to fall in returns with each additional unit of this input. The crop production function for wheat and maize with R 2 value at 0.74 and 0.87, respectively was statistically significant meaning thereby that 74% of wheat and 87% of maize production of this area was being explained by the mentioned variables in the study.
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
The study was carried out during 2019 to determine the resource use efficiency and constraints faced in kharif maize growers in Karnal and Yamunanagar districts of Haryana. The experiment was conducted by surveying 60 maize cultivators selecting 30 respondents from each i.e. Karnal and Yamunanagar districts. Maize growers were personally interacted to extract relevant information. Cobb- Douglas production function was used to determine the resource use efficiency of maize cultivation to find out the most significant factor which influences the respondent; Henry Garrett's (1969) ranking technique was used. For optimal allocation of resource, it was observed that all the inputs in both the districts were less than unity, which indicates that all these inputs were over utilized in the respective district. It reflects that all the inputs were over utilized and use of these inputs needs to be curtailed to attain higher returns. Major constraints were watch and ward required to protec...
Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 2014
Farm-size is of an extreme interest in agriculture. This has been much debated over what may be appropriate size of the farm because the size of the operating unit, as in the case of manufacturing industries, decisively affects the income from agriculture. Since the amount of income is dependent on the size of the farm, preponderance in small and tiny holdings is mainly responsible poor peasantry in the third world countries. Even where there is no cost advantage or disadvantage for farms of various sizes, small farms will have, under usual price relationship, lower incomes and savings than large farms. Thus, size of farms is a vital element in determining the earning capacity of the farmer as well as the efficiency of a farming unit. Hence the present study aims to analyse the resource use efficiency of input factors in different size-level farms based on entire sample of Farms in three revenue mandals of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh. Data was collected for the variables with t...
This research determines the economic efficiency of resource utilization in maize production in Niger State of Nigeria using a nonparametric model called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The study used cross-sectional data collected from 60 active maize producers' viz. a multi-stage sampling design. Production information vis-à-vis prices of inputs and output were elicited from the farmers on fortnight basis during the year 2016 cropping season using structured questionnaire coupled with interview schedule. DEA models the farmers that produce their level of output with the least cost combination incurred on input to serve as benchmarks against which the input cost inefficiency of all other farmers can be measured. The mean values of technical, pure technical and scale efficiencies of farmers were found to be 0.836, 0.887 and 0.943, respectively. It was observed that the cost of cultivation incurred was N24,159.09, and can be reduced by about 32.81% if the farmers follow the input costs packages recommended by the DEA. Furthermore, it was observed that the efficient farmers were economically better-off than the inefficient ones judging from the economic indices. Analytically, the cost indices of the inefficient farmers viz. cost of cultivation, cost of production and gross ratio were higher than those of efficient farmers by 21.97%, 28.15% and 27.78%, respectively; while their return indices viz. total revenue, gross margin, net farm income, benefit-cost ratio, ROI, RORCI, TFP and yield were lower than those of their efficient counterparts by 8.60%, 24%, 25.47%, 39.50%, 60.59%, 61.33%, 39.50% and 8.60%, respectively. Based on these findings, the study recommends that efficient financial resource management and production management practices should be adopted by the inefficient farmers' in the study area in order to achieve optimum economic efficiency in maize farming. INTRODUCTION Neoclassical literature of production economics, from Samuelson's innovative foundation of economic analysis to the present day, treats producers as successful optimizers. They minimize the cost of producing whatever output they choose to produce, given the technology in place and the input prices they face. However, casual empiricism and the business press both make persuasive cases for the argument that, although producers may indeed attempt to optimize, they do not always succeed. The anecdotal evidence cited, and much other empirical evidence as well, suggests that not all producers are always so successful in solving their optimization problems. Consequently not all producers succeed in minimizing the cost required to produce the output they choose to produce. In addition, even if they are technically efficient, not all farmers succeed in allocating their inputs in a cost effective manner, given the input prices they face, and these inputs misallocation contributes further to their failure to minimize the expenditure required to produce the output they choose to
Economic Affairs, 2020
The study calculated technical efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis technique was employed, one of the non-parametric linear programing techniques to estimate the farm level technical efficiency of paddy production in Andhra Pradesh. This secondary data set contained 541 paddy producing farms/units across Andhra Pradesh state under five agro climatic zones viz North coastal, Godavari, Krishna, Southern and Scarce rainfall zones was studied. The results showed that the overall technical efficiency of the entire sample is 86.8 per cent inferring that about 13 per cent of the potential paddy yield is lost because of technical inefficiency in Andhra Pradesh. The yield gap was found to be 981.10 kg/ha in Godavari zone and a minimum yield gap of 335 kg/ha in North coastal zone with an average yield gap of 663 kg/ ha for Andhra Pradesh indicating domestic paddy production could be significantly increased only by improving farmers practices with the current amount of resource they are usin...
Crop-wise production function analysis will clearly indicate many points which are not evident in aggregate and size-wise models. But crop-wise analysis is a farm of aggregate model as the output of a crop coming from different size enterprises has been put together. Land is an important factor for production and its effect on technology must be fully emphasized. It is only an inter-size analysis of production function for a particular crop, which can do away the limitations of an aggregate crop model. Inter-size crop models would also indicate the relative superiority of different crops for different size-group of farms that it is helpful for crop-cum-size level planning. Hence the present study aims to analyse the resource use efficiency of input factors in different size-level farms cultivating staple crop-paddy based on entire sample of Farms in three revenue mandals of Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh. Data was collected for the variables with the help of survey method through personal interviews of the farmers selected through mixed sampling. By studying the Marginal Value Products of factors of production, we assessed the relative importance of factors of production.
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
To study the resource use efficiency and constraints faced by the farmers in Balrampur district of Uttar Pradesh was conducted in agriculture year 2020-21. Multistage sampling technique was used. The study pertains and data gathered was analyzed and it was found that the return to scale in marginal farm was 0.93, in small size farm it was about 0.92 and in medium size farm the return to scale was found to be 0.96. The major constraints faced by the farmers in production of Sugarcane are High cost of Input, High Interest on Loans, High Labor Cost, High Incidence of Disease, Lack of Irrigation water supply, Inadequate Credit, Delay in Sanction of crop loan, Uncertain Weather, Lack of knowledge and important Technology and Poor Soil Fertility and the constraint faced by the farmers in Marketing of Sugarcane are Delay in Cash Payment, High Commission Charges, Malpractices in weighing, Price Fluctuation, High cost of transportation, Lack of storage facility, Market is far from production...
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Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
Journal of Resources Development and Management, 2015
Indian journal of agricultural research, 2023
International Journal of Scientific Research, 2012
Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 2015
Psychology and Education
Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 2022
International Journal of Current Research (IJCR), 2012
Agro-Economist, 2016
Emerging Issues in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 9, 2023