Report on Voice Recognition using MATLAB


Automatic voice recognition is a computerized speech text process in voice is usually recorded with acoustic microphones by capturing air pressure changes. This kind of air transmitted voice signals is prone to two kinds of problems related to voice robustness and applicability. The former means mixing of speech signals and ambient noise usually deteriorate automatic voice recognition system performance. The latter means speech could be overheard easily on air transmission channel and this often results in privacy loss or annoyance to other people.

Key takeaways

  • Various applications of speech recognition domain have been discussed in the following table 1.
  • p.81).The following table 3 broadly gives the different speech recognition techniques.
  • A key issue in the design and implementation of speech recognition system is how to properly choose the speech material used to train the recognition algorithm.
  • Advances in small implementations of speech recognition, recognition of continuous speech, and recognition of speech in noisy environments, have been described.
  • They also describe a pattern recognition approach developed for continuous speech recognition.