2021, 6th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE 2021)
Owing to customer perception of the climate, sustainability is increasingly essential to apparel businesses. If a fashion business aims at fostering sustainability, a sustainable supply chain would be mainly created. This paper adds to new awareness in the garment and apparel sectors about the environmental supply chain. Second, we define the framework of the supply chain in sustainable fashion, including eco-material planning, sustainable development, green delivery, green retailing and ethical customers based on literature. We research the case of Zara, the Swedish quick style business that has developed its sustainable supply chain in the growth of eco-materials, training in protection and sustainable processing, control of manufacturing carbon emissions and promotion of eco-mode. In addition, we draw lessons from the country 's view from secondary evidence and research from the sustainable apparel supply chain of Zara: (1) the Zara's sourcing managers will be more likely to select vendors in countries where the human welfare level is low. (2) the Zara supply chain manager can raise its stock level in countries with a greater human well-being; and (3) Zara CEO can deliberate the world with a stronger human welfare.