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2012, The international tinnitus journal
7 pages
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The aim of the study is to figure out the status of tinnitus management program (TMP) being conducted in India, to estimate the use of different tinnitus management program, to study the role of various professionals involved and document the current practices of audiologist in country. A questionnaire on "tinnitus management survey" was developed and distributed to 150 institutions all over India. The return rate of the Questionnaire was 32.6%, 7 were received from Medical Colleges (MCs) and 42 from speech and hearing clinics (SHCs). Hence, the rates of TMP have not taken up appropriately in the various hospitals and clinics as yet. 71.4% SHCs have the provision of TMP, 74.28% of the institutes have less than 50% of the patients improving with the TMP, involving Audiologists in 62.85% of the institutes. 54.28% of the institutes opted for Tinnitus Masking out of the various tinnitus management programs. Outside funding for TMP was not received by 91.42% of the institutes. ...
Annals of Otology and Neurotology
Introduction Tinnitus is a sound heard in the ears or head that originates from both external and internal sources. Tinnitus epidemiological data are critical for proper assessment and management of tinnitus sufferers. The study’s goal was to determine the prevalence of tinnitus and its characteristics among middle-aged Indian individuals, as there has been no previous research in this area in India. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in 273 Indian adult populations ranging in age from 18 to 60 years old, utilizing a random sampling approach and an online survey mode. The SPSS 25.0 software was used to conduct the statistical analysis. The descriptive statistics were used to assess the data, and the chi-square test was used to see whether there was any correlation between the variables. Results Studies related to tinnitus prevalence show larger variability across countries, which may be due to inconsistent research methods used. Our survey found the prevalence...
Himalayan Journals, 2023
Background: Tinnitus is the perception of a ringing, buzzing, hissing, or roaring sound in one or both ears. In Himachal Pradesh, a very few studies have been carried out to determine how well the general public understands the Tinnitus. The present study aimed to describe the awareness about tinnitus among general public of Himachal Pradesh with regard to its causes, effects and management. Material & Methods: This cross-sectional survey of residents of the state of Himachal Pradesh was carried out between October 2022 to December 2022 utilising a Google form. Up until 400 replies were gathered, the Google form was distributed around state citizens in both rural and urban areas for responses via online means like email and social media platforms like Whatsapp groups, Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. We collected data on their socio-demographic traits and awareness about tinnitus. Epi info v7 software was used to evaluate the data using the necessary statistical tests. Results: A total of 400 respondents took part in the study, including 145 (36.25%) from urban areas and 255 (63.75%) from rural areas. Among the majority of participants, 260 (65.0%) of the participants were male, 180 (45%) were between the ages of 18 and 30, 154 (38.5%) had a graduate degree, 279 (69.75%) were in the employment, 242 (60.5%) were married, and 384 (96%) were Hindu. In the present study 12% (48) participants had very good knowledge (16-20 marks) towards Tinnitus, 18.75% (75) had good knowledge (12-15 marks), 36.75% (147) had fair knowledge (8-11 marks) and 32.5% (130) having poor knowledge (<8 marks).Conclusion: Many survey respondents still unaware about causes, effects and management of tinnitus. Hearing health promotion programmes should include information on tinnitus and its management.
The international tinnitus journal, 2018
The term tinnitus is derived from the Latin word tinnire, meaning to ring. Although it is often referred to as "ringing in the ears, tinnitus can be perceived as many different sounds including hissing, clicking or whistling. India being a multilingual country needs to develop and standardize tinnitus questionnaire in Indian language. There are no significant test materials available with respect to Indian context based on Hindi, which can be routinely used by the professionals to assess the primary effect of tinnitus in patients. Thus, a need was felt to develop instrument in Hindi that can be used as per the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) classification system in all over the country. The study aims to evaluate the impact of tinnitus on quality of life of clients having tinnitus with and without hearing loss by using primary function questionnaire (TPF-Hindi). The present study attempts to transadapt and standardize Tinnitus Primary f...
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2014
Introduction: Tinnitus is an unwanted auditory perception, with many causes, subjectively and affects the quality of life. It is important to evaluating the quality of life of tinnitus patients and related factors in treatment of tinnitus. The measurements of tinnitus psychoacoustic include pitch, loudness, minimum masking levels and residual inhibition. Aim: To analyze the correlation between hearing threshold, tinnitus pitch and loudness with quality of life of tinnitus patients in Makassar. Methods: This was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design that has been approved by the Ethical Review Health Committee, Faculty of Medicine of Hasanuddin University number UH13070267. One hundred tinnitus patients were measured hearing threshold, tinnitus pitch and loudness by matching test method. The quality of life was assessed by Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) questionnaires. Data was analysed using chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis and Rank Spearman correlation test. Results: There was a statistically significant correlation (p<0,05) between hearing threshold, tinnitus pitch and loudness with quality of life of tinnitus patients. Tinnitus patient with hearing loss have a poorer quality of life than individuals without hearing loss. High pitch and loudness are more disturb quality of life of tinnitus patients. Conclusion: The results of our study highlight the importance of hearing threshold, tinnitus pitch and loudness as major components effect quality of life of tinnitus patients. The tinnitus psychoacoustic measurement should be a routine examination for tinnitus patients.
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 2011
Tinnitus is a very common complain and affects 7% of population and has been associated with a range of physical and emotional disorders (Hallam et al. in Br J Clin Psychol 27:213-222, 1988). Hence to understand the distress caused by tinnitus and its relationship with the nature of tinnitus so as to suggest the appropriate treatment, there is the need to study the impact of tinnitus of a group of tinnitus sufferers. This study could be done on the basis of verbal description of tinnitus, Audiological measurement of tinnitus and psychological characteristics of tinnitus in terms of distress, anxiety, depression and disturbance of personality, to understand the impact of tinnitus on sufferers. Fifty adults in the age range of 18-60 years with subjective tinnitus with bilateral normal hearing or pure SNHL ranging from mild to moderately severe were selected. An audiological profile of each subject was prepared on the basis of brief case history of subject, otoscopic examination, pure tone audiometry, impedance audiometry, frequency (pitch) and intensity (loudness) of tinnitus. A psychometric profile was developed by using Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire and Nature of Tinnitus Questionnaire. These questionnaires were translated and adopted in Hindi and Bengali language after appropriate standardization procedure. 60% reported that they do not have any idea regarding probable cause of their tinnitus. 74% subjects of this study reported that there is no fluctuation in the pitch of their tinnitus. However, 68% reported loudness of tinnitus is fluctuating. A weak co-relation has been seen between traditional audiological measures like pitch matching, loudness matching and subject's description of pitch and loudness of tinnitus. There was a significant correlation between the impact of tinnitus and disturbance of sleep caused by it with increase in depression and anger (0.483). However, no significant co-relation was seen between distressed caused by tinnitus and duration of tinnitus (-0.034). The multiple nature/ sounds of tinnitus had far more devastating effects or serious impact on 'tinnitus sufferers' than the single sound/ nature. Gender differences were also found among tinnitus sufferers while assessing the audiological and psychological measures of tinnitus. Female subjects also reported a higher level of emotional reaction with a mean of 35.9 to their tinnitus as compared to males with a mean of 31.7. Tinnitus has resulted in multifold effects/impacts on tinnitus sufferers where it has made them feel unhappy, tense, irritable, depressed, annoyed, distressed and frustrated. It has interfered with their enjoyment, their relaxation, their sleep, and forced them to avoid quiet environmental and social situations. These findings should further help in the overall management of the patient suffering from tinnitus.
The International Tinnitus Journal, 2012
Introduction: Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) was developed in English to quantify the handicap caused due to tinnitus. According to a survey conducted by USA, 40 million people are affected by tinnitus. Objectives: India being a multilingual country needs to develop and standardize THI in Indian languages. The present study concentrates on Developing and Standardizing THI in Kannada. Materials and Methods: Questions from English version of THI were translated and modified by two professionals who have a degree of MA Kannada. Translated inventory was given to 50 native Kannada speakers for the familiarity check & the most familiar sentences were included in the study. Tinnitus questionnaire was then administered, followed by the Kannada version of THI on 140 patients and total scores were obtained. Results: Analysis revealed 14% of the patients fall under the category of Slight, 38% under Mild, 26% under Moderate, 16% under Severe and 6% under Catastrophic group. An item total correlation and Cronbach-alpha test was administered to examine the reliability measures and the scores were 0.883 and 0.885 on standardized item. Conclusion: Scores of Cronbach-alpha test shows that Kannada version of THI is a standard and reliable tool for measuring the handicap caused by tinnitus and can successfully classify individuals on a severity basis.
The Journal of Community Health Management
The causes and the auditory/non auditory effect of tinnitus on quality of life were studied extensively. Tinnitus can affect an individual at any point of time and has multiple causes. Limited studies have investigated the awareness of tinnitus and the experience of tinnitus among healthy young adults. The current survey investigated the awareness and experience of ‘tinnitus’ among healthy young adults in the state of Karnataka, India through an online survey. Healthy young adults aged 18 to 40 years from different parts of the state of Karnataka were targeted and a total of 304 individuals voluntarily participated in the online survey. Responses showed that about 55% ofparticipants have heard the term “tinnitus” and only 36.18% were aware of tinnitus. When the term ‘tinnitus’ was defined, more than 54% of participants responded that they have experienced tinnitus at least once in their lifetime. Majority of the participants reported prolonged use of personal listening devices at lo...
Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research, 2017
Aim: This Article summarizes the Clinical Study of Tinnitus conducted in Government ENT Hospital, Koti and Hyderabad over a Period of two years. Objective: To describe the results found in a group of people who have undergone treatment with various medical treatments using carvoverine, Ginkgo Biloba, Multivitamin. Method: Using Tchqs Score 90 adult subjects with complaint of tinnitus and associated symptoms were analysed with Proper History, Clincal Examination and Pure Tone Audiometry and Thcq's to determine the Degree of Annoyance of the Tinnitus and to Assess Tinnitus Impact on the Quality of Life before and after Treatment. Results: After the use of medicines there was a significant reduction in the degree of annoyance caused by Tinnitus, there was a significant reduction of tinnitus and there was significant improvement in hearing thresholds, consequently, on the Quality of Life of the respondents. Conclusion: This Study allowed the Verification that the use of Caroverine, Ginkgo Biloba and Multivitamin for the Treatment of Tinnitus and their Effect.
BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, 2009
Background: Tinnitus impairs the possibility of leading a normal life in 0.5-1% of the population. While neither medical nor surgical treatment appears effective, counselling may offer some relief. An intervention combining counselling and hearing devices is offered to clients referred to the Centre for Help Aids and Communication (CHC) in southern Denmark. The aims of this exploratory study were to examine i) the characteristics of CHC's clients and their tinnitus, ii) the effectiveness of the treatment, and iii) whether particular client groups benefit more than others. Methods: One hundred new clients presenting with tinnitus completed the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) three times-before their first consultation, after one month and after 1-2 years. The scores were tested for significant differences over time using tests for paired data. Logistic regression was used to examine factors associated with a clinically important difference (i.e. THI score improvement of at least 20 points). Results: At final follow-up, total THI score was significantly lower than baseline, i.e. 29.8 (CI 25.5-34.2) vs. 37.2 (CI 33.1-37.2), p < 0.01. The programme achieved a clinically important difference for 27% and 24% of the clients one month and 1-2 years after the first consultation, respectively. It appeared that greater improvement in THI score was related to higher baseline THI score and possibly also to treatment by a particular CHC therapist. The absolute reduction in mean THI score after 1-2 years for clients with moderate and severe handicap was 14 and 20 points, respectively, i.e. similar to that previously reported for TRT (14-28 points). The cost of the current programme was approximately 200 EUR per client. Conclusion: The tinnitus management programme appeared to provide significant benefit to many clients at a relatively low cost. It would be useful to conduct a randomised controlled study comparing the current programme with alternative forms of combination counselling/sound therapy approaches.
Annals of Otology and Neurotology
Introduction The prevalence of tinnitus is increasing in younger adult rapidly. It is increasing mainly because of increased daily noise levels due to the unrestrained usage of recreational devices like mobile phones, MP3s, iPods, and other personal stereos. The aim of this study is to describe awareness and experience of tinnitus among younger adult with respect to the existence, cause, effects, and management. Methods A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 205 young adult Nepalese population between the age ranges between 20 and 40 years through online survey mode. Statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS 25.0 software. Data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics. Results Result showed more than half of the participants (59.2%) were aware about the existence of tinnitus; however, only 16.1% of participants were aware about the effect of tinnitus. The incidence of tinnitus was found to be high (11.71%) in Nepalese population. Conclusion Even though mos...
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International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2020
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The International Tinnitus Journal, 2018
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