A brain image database for structure/function analysis

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology


Lesion-deficit-based structure-function analysis has traditionally been empirical and nonquantitative. Our purpose was to establish a new brain image database (BRAID) that allows the statistical correlation of brain functional measures with anatomic lesions revealed by clinical brain images. Data on 303 participants in the MR Feasibility Study of the Cardiovascular Health Study were tested for lesion/deficit correlations. Functional data were derived from a limited neurologic examination performed at the time of the MR examination. Image data included 3D lesion descriptions derived from the MR examinations by hand segmentation. MR images were normalized in-plane using local, linear Talairach normalization. A database was implemented to support spatial data structures and associated geometric and statistical operations. The database stored the segmented lesions, patient functional scores, and several anatomic atlases. Lesion-deficit association was sought by contingency testing (chi2...