Chili plant is a commodity that is widely cultivated and in demand by the people of Indonesia. The supply of chili is not fulfilled every year, this is due to poor cultivation planning, weather factors and pest attacks (pests, diseases and weeds). One of the important diseases in chili plants is fusarium wilt, which is caused by the pathogen F. oxysporum. In addition to causing wilting, F. oxysporum can also cause sprouts to fall in nurseries with a plant mortality rate of up to 80%. One alternative that can be used is seed treatment to prevent seed-borne pathogens and protect the seeds from the start from pathogen attacks in the field. One way that can be used is by immersing seeds using antagonistic microbes such as B. subtilis and P. fluorescens to protect and induce seed resistance against soil-borne pathogens. B. subtilis and P. fluorescens are assumed to increase plant resistance, stimulate seed growth so that seeds can grow well without pathogen attack. Based on the results of the study, soaking the seeds for 6 hours in the combination APH suspension was the most effective time in suppressing the incidence and severity of shoot down disease (F. oxysporum).