Positive Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Various Aspects

2021, Psychology and Education Journal


During the year 2020, our globe has faced a disastrous monster in the form of a microscopic virus. Innumerable lives have suffered across various countries and the loss is indeterminable. Sadness, grief, fear and anxiety has taken over all families of those suffering from the deadly virus. The virus has changed the outlook to most aspects. Even in the past, pandemics and infectious diseases as such have put humans in a position to initiate their world anew. The corona pandemic seems to have similar consequences. Apart from the boredom, helplessness, uncertainty of the future, nations also battle against various other issues like economic crises and climatic changes.  Living through the pandemic, even though our worlds have shrunk to our house mates and our laptops, but the entire globe stands in it together fighting the common enemy. And more importantly, the pandemic has also brought in some positive changes into the lives of the people as well as on different nations as a whole. T...