Ikm-des2007-11 (1)

The teenage is asset of human resource, they are the backbone of the next generation. Teenage live in the period of the transitory in physical, psychical or social, from childhood to adult. This period is a period of collaboration between the growth of psychological and biological age, so they can be influenced by multifactor happened in various area in society (change). The change happened, can be because of economic factor, political, culture and particularly social change can give more influenced to the teenage behavior. The problem related to teenage reproduction and behavior including the increasing case of sexual contagion especially HIV/AIDS, the rate of maternal death which is still very high, the increasing growth of abortion because of undesirable pregnancy and the tendency to do the premarital sexual relation. The problem can't be solve using only the clinical aspect by an expert such as doctors but the core problem lie on a very complex social context because health reproduction influenced by and bring effect to political system, social and economy, and closely related with the value, ethics, religion and culture. Therefore, it needed effort from various kind of society such as government, elite figure, religion figure, self-supporting institute and especially the parent of the teenager to guide them to the right way while exploit their potency to the good advantage. Effort in educating young generation becoming very important because empowering the young generation to protect their self is the first step to control their problem. Knowledge about health reproduce among adolescent can be obtained from local knowledge, traditionally inheritened from former generation specially parent, obtained from peer group and from formal lesson in school, those who can guaranteed the truth lesson.