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The principle of provenance is one of the most important milestones in archival practice and theory from the time its establishment grounded the scientific dimension of archival discipline in the nineteenth century. Since then, provenance and document context have supported the organization of archival knowledge (especially through classification and description procedures). Such relationships were gradually refined over the years and from different experiences between European archives and their classification and ordering systems. Historically, the principle of provenance is a pivotal moment in the development of archival theory, crucial to understanding the nature of records and archives. However, in archival theory, the principle of provenance still does not correspond to a single term or a single definition and scarce normalization terminology remains one of the problems of archival science, which leads to a lack of consensus about the division between the two principles of pro...
Archivaria, 1996
The study of the Dutch government reveals how issues surrounding electronic records management reflect societal pressures, limits, and attitudes as much as relations between archivists, records managers, and information specialists. The report emphasizes the central importance of having strong legislative frameworks in place to maintain accountability and compliance and leads us to question how well archives would function without these mechanisms operating in our favour. This book should also serve as a reminder of how difficult it will be for archivists to apply post-custodial archival approaches and practices in the practical world of organizational behaviour.
Archiwa - Kancelarie - Zbiory, 2021
The subject of this article is to look at the emergence of the principle of provenance through the prism of the rationalization theories described by Max Weber and Karl Mannheim. Although this is not the first time the subject of the genesis of the principle of provenance and its importance for the development of archives is taken up, it is probably the first attempt to present this topic through the prism of sociological rationalization theories. This article also contributes to a further, broader look at archives through the prism of the macdonaldization theory described by Georg Ritzer, which is intended to show the development of archives in a globalizing world. One of the predecessors and pillars of macdonaldization is precisely bureaucracy. Such an approach allows the presentation of archives against the background of social changes taking place in the 20th and 21st centuries. The article is a theoretical study based on the analysis of the literature on the subject.
Revista Intervención, 2021
The present essay seeks to support the definition of hegemonic principle of provenance as a useful concept to research, manage and conserve documentary heritage of different types. Its definition is based on an array of bibliography which could be considered a part of the archival turn. This principle involves a structuring inertia in terms of interpretation derived from the context of the records' production, which implies the potential replication of forms of symbolic violence by means of the archive. The hegemonic principle of provenance of archives translates into omissions, exclusions and, indeed, the reproduction of representations foreign to the assumed identities by the people registered in the records.
This chapter reviews the conceptualization of archival provenance and the related concepts of archival fonds and original order and the ways these concepts have guided practice. Section 1 identifies problems entailed by the qualitative and imprecise conceptual approach traditionally applied to the issues involved in the management, use, and preservation of records, and suggests a multidisciplinary strategy to reformulate basic concepts. Section 2 describes problems arising from the traditional approach in greater detail. Section 3 indicates how a multidisciplinary strategy might be applied to both clarify theory and improve practice.
Libraries & The Cultural Record, 2008
Journal of Social Research
Archival science as a discipline that studies the management and maintenance of archives has existed for a long time. However, with the development of information and communication technology, as well as the demands of increasingly complex information needs, the old paradigm of archival science needs to be updated. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify and explain the new paradigm of archival science that is relevant to the times. The purpose of this study is to study and analyze the dynamics of Archival Science by looking at the development and progress of Science and technology, especially information and communication technology which is growing very rapidly. The research method used is a qualitative approach through literature studies, observation and observation of archival and archival phenomena. Analysis and discussion of the phenomenon of archives and archives in Indonesia shows changes in thoughts, attitudes and behaviors of the apostolic community so that ther...
Chapter 15 in: Andrea M. Gáldy, Ronit Sorek, Netta Assaf and Gal Ventura, eds. Collecting and Provenance: 167-174. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. , 2021
Provenance research has always been an intricate part of curatorial work, but since the "Report of the Association of Art Museum Directors Task Force on the Looting of Art During the Nazi-Era" came out in June 1998, followed by the Washington Principles a few months later, this work has reached a new level of commitment in art museums across the USA. In 2000, the American Alliance of Museums formulated the "Recommended Procedures for Providing Information to the Public about Objects Transferred in Europe during the Nazi Era," which recommends that all transfers that occurred in continental Europe between 1933 and 1945 be posted online. In the twenty years since, Provenance Research Projects have appeared on countless museum websites. Transparency and accessibility have since been a priority. The provenances of countless objects have been entered in collection databases and posted on museum websites where they are fully accessible and constantly updated. Standard Provenance Format Yet, despite these gargantuan, lengthy, self-financed research projects in American museums, there remains a lingering perception that our institutions are tackling the task reluctantly and ineffectually. I would contend that this is in large part due to the fact that the way the results of
Abstract This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 12091 “Principles of Provenance”. The term “provenance” refers to information about the origin, context, derivation, ownership or history of some artifact. In both art and science, provenance information is crucial for establishing the value of a real-world artifact, guaranteeing for example that the artifact is an original work produced by an important artist, or that a stated scientific conclusion is reproducible.
Archives & Manuscripts, 1976
Archivaria, 1996
Theodore Van Riemsdijk, Archiviste gtntral d '~t a t de la Hollande entre 1887 et 1912, des fondements de la thtorie archivistique, par I'observation et I'analyse minutieuse des phtnomhes d'organisation en utilisant son expertise en diplomatique afin de comprendre le processus de crtation des documents avant de se tourner vers la mtthodologie archivistique. Cependant, Muller et Fruin favoriskrent une approche normative de la mtthodologie archivistique, laquelle ttait codifite dans le manuel. Cette codification et cette standardisation, ttapes du processus de professionnalisation des archivistes hollandais ont bloqut le dtveloppement de la thtorie archivistique pour un long moment. La science archivistique moderne tente, comme I'avait dtj2 compris Van Riemsdijk, une interprttation fonctionnelle du contexte entourant la crtation des documents dans le but de comprendre I'inttgritC du fonds et les fonctions des archives.
The principle of provenance is occupying a nuclear position in Archival Science during the last two centuries but it assumes diVerent configurations in diVerent geographic areas what brings significant problems to its translation, especially in multilingual instruments. Thus, a problem of terminological nature is revealed, as this principle is suitable to the area in several diVerent ways, evoking diVerent concepts, often unfolding or reconfiguring. Therefore, we analyze the " archival principles " presented in International Council on Archives (ica) Multilingual Archival Terminology in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, in order to identify their terminological configuration as well as their equivalents. The results show that provenance is a complex principle, which includes other sub-principles (such as respect for the original order), an aspect that varies depending on the cultural environment of each of the languages involved.
This paper focuses on large currents of thought about archival profession that caused the International Council on Archives (ICA) to move towards an improvement of the four descriptive standards. The author reviews the avatars of provenance, original order and fonds based approaches, indicating extensively various positions from professional literature. The second part offers some insights to the new proposed ICA conceptual model for archival description, called Records in Contexts.
„The West” Versus „The East“ or the United Europe? The different conceptions of provenance research, documentation and identification of looted cultural assets and the possibilities of the international co-operation (Conference Podebrady, 2013), 2014
Since the early 1990s elaborated research on looted WWII cultural assets has mainly focused on the war period and the immediate post-war years. The purpose was obvious and practical: documenting and facilitating restitution claims. When we examine archival restitutions so far we can conclude that important results have been achieved. But this should not prevent us from evaluating our approach and deepening our research. It is clear that our quest is far from finished. Cooperatively with archivists from the countries whose archival material remain, the contribution of colleagues in the archival institutions concerned could be vital to opening new perspectives and to create possibilities for further research and international co-operation. The Russian archival administration and the archivists in the former Osobyi archive in Moscow have failed to do so. Now the international community must take on the responsibility. The enforcement of this steady process will depend on the joint efforts of archivists from East and West and will need to be based on international law and universal archival principles and practices. The main purpose of my contribution is to indicate the importance, the relevancy and the practical feasibility of such a joint scientific and archival task.
Despite having the principle of provenance as its guiding element, the archival knowledge organization still prescinds, for conceptual purposes, of greater clarity of its object-the archival knowledge-a fundamental aspect for the sedimentation of the archival studies and of its discursive community in the scope of KO. This article aims to define a conceptual framework to archival knowledge by using Dahlberg’s concept theory. In this vein, it established the nominal concept or definiendum-archival knowledge-seeking to analyze its real definition, composed by three inseparable definiens: the concept of fonds, the knowledge of documentary form and the knowledge of document creation context. At the end, it demonstrates that archival knowledge can be defined as being a reunion of three indivisible facets in which the archival bond will be contemplated.
Abstract This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 12091``Principles of Provenance''. The term``provenance''refers to information about the origin, context, derivation, ownership or history of some artifact. In both art and science, provenance information is crucial for establishing the value of a real-world artifact, guaranteeing for example that the artifact is an original work produced by an important artist, or that a stated scientific conclusion is reproducible.
Nordisk Museologi, 2022
Provenance – an object’s history of ownership – is a historically contingent concept and research practice that emerged in nineteenth-century Europe. In a novel project examining the cases of Beda Dudík (Moravia/Austria), Carl Schirren (Livonia/Russia), and Franz Hipler (Warmia/East Prussia) ca. 1850–1900 I argue that, while the art market and nationalism are important, scholars representing regions with a suppressed past and present are key to understanding the relevance of provenance. Due to seventeenth-century plundering, these scholars were dependent on foreign archives and libraries when researching their regions’ history. Their publications describing provenance research are the project’s main sources. The analysis of these publications targets practices such as classification, a crucial tool as determined provenance equaled historical existence. Merging regional inferiority and transnational dependencies, diverse institutional settings, and political, religious, and scholarly...
Archival Science, 2001
This first introduction, written for educational purposes, is meant to be a concise basic text in which the core concepts of archival science are coherently defined and explained, in a non-polemical way and departing from a de-institutionalised point of view. It is not intended to support or reject any single theory, but to provide an overview. It should be read as a synthesis of a variety of shared ideas and views, not as a manifesto of a new approach to archival science. If there is anything new to it, it might be located in the coherent and integrated presentation. In this primer of archival science annotation has been avoided.
Quaerendo, 2020
Following the rise of the study of the history of the book in the 1980s and 1990s, provenance studies have become an important component in the research of social and cultural historians. This development was noticed and embraced by the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL). The Consortium incorporated results of provenance research in existing resources and created new resources specifically with the question of provenance in mind. In this contribution I will focus on two CERL resources: the Material Evidence in Incunabula Database and the recently developed CERL Provenance Digital Archive and the relation between the two. Examples will show how these two digital resources stimulate international cooperation in the field of provenance research.
Archival Science, 2001
Abstract. The dominant paradigm in Archival Science, the historical-technicist paradigm, has its origins with the French Revolution and raised from the social, economic, political, ideological and cultural changes that occur during the 19th and 20th centuries. During this last one ...
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