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428 pages
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The aim of this book is to present the papers centered upon the subjects of Formal Ontology and Logical Philosophy. The idea of investigating philosophical problems by means of logical methods was intensively promoted in Toruń by the Department of Logic of Nicolaus Copernicus University during last decade. The main driving force behind the initiative and subsequent realizer of this ambition was Jerzy Perzanowski, who headed the Torunian Department of Logic since October 1992 until June 2003. Another aim of this book is to present to the philosophical and logical audience the activities of the Torunian Department of Logic during this decade. The papers in this volume contain the results concerning Logic and Logical Philosophy, obtained within the confines of the projects initiated by the Department of Logic and other international research projects in which the Torunian Department of Logic took part. To sketch the general setting of the Torunian enterprises in the area of Logic and Philosophy we would like to present here a brief history of the Department. The Department of Logic was founded by Tadeusz Czeżowski in the very beginning of the existence of Nicolaus Copernicus University in 1945. In October 1945 he took over the position of professor at the First Chair of Philosophy in the Philosophical Seminar at the Faculty of Humanities. Six years later this chair changed its name to "Chair of Logic". Nicolaus Copernicus University is a direct successor of Jan Kazimierz University in Vilnius. For this reason, the research in the Department was from the beginning strongly influenced by the extraordinarily rich and fruitful tradition of logical investigations which had thrived in Poland between the World Wars and had been established by such prominent logicians and philosophers as
This paper is more a series of notes than a scholarly treatise. It focuses on certain achievements of Aristotle, Boole and Tarski. The notes presented here using concepts introduced or formalized by Tarski contribute toward two main goals: comparing Aristotle’s system with one Boole constructed intending to broaden and to justify Aristotle’s, and giving a modern perspective to both logics. Choice of these three logicians has other advantages. In history of logic, Aristotle is the best representative of the earliest period, Boole the best of the transitional period, and Tarski the best of the most recent period. In philosophy of logic, all three were amazingly successful in having their ideas incorporated into mainstream logical theory. This last fact makes them hard to describe to a modern logician who must be continually reminded that many of the concepts, principles, and methods that are taken to be “natural” or “intuitive” today were all at one time discoveries. Keywords: Counterargument, countermodel, formal epistemology, formal ontology, many‑sorted, metalogic, one‑sorted, proof, range‑indicator, reinterpretation.
Studies in Universal Logic, 2018
The aim of the paper is to consider ontological views connected with mathematics and logic of main representatives of Lvov-Warsaw School of Philosophy. In particular views of the following scholars will be presented and discussed: Jan Łukasiewicz, Stanisław Leśniewski, Alfred Tarski, Tadeusz Kotarbiński and Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. We shall consider also views of Andrzej Mostowski who belonged to the second generation of the school as well as of Leon Chwistek who was not directly the member of this group but whose conceptions are of interest.
Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy, 2015
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 2004
The article recalls shortly the early story of cooperation between the already existing Lvov philosophical school, headed by Twardowski, and the just then establishing Warsaw mathematical school, headed by Sierpià nski. After that recollection the article proceeds to contributions made by men in uenced by the two schools. Most prominent of them was Alfred Tarski whose work in those times, concentrated mainly upon the theory of deduction, axiom of choice, cardinal arithmetic, and measure problem, has been described in some detail.
This chapter contains a short historical introduction to the study of mathematical logic in the Lvov-Warsaw School.
In Bartłomiej Skowron (Editor), Contemporary Polish Ontology (pp. VII–XX). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Book DOI: Online ISBN: 9783110669411, 2019
The paper emphasizes significant resemblances between the Informal Logic Initiative and the Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) – the Polish philosophical movement (1895-1939), the rise of which is associated with “the Golden Age of Science and Letters”. The correspondence between informal logic and the logical studies of the LWS will be explored by discussing their subject-matter, goals, and methods. The project focused on applying logical studies of the LWS in analyzing and assessing arguments will be proposed.
Journal of Philosophical Theological Research, 2011
Many philosophers and logicians have contemplated the relationship between ontology and logic. The author of this paper, working within a Bolzanoan-Husserlian tradition of studying both ontology and logic, considers ontology as the science of the most general features of beings and the most general relations among them. He considers logic as the science concerning the most general statements of all (natural or artificial) languages and the most general relations among them from an inferential point of view. It is possible to see logic in a broader sense as the science of all kinds of relations among all kinds of entities, acts, and processes stating some (objective, subjective, artificial, or conventional) reality. These entities, acts, and processes are not individual; rather, they are idealized, such that their universals may be instantiated at all times and in all places. In formal ontology we search for the properties of those structures of the reality that are formally similar. So we may find some formal truths applying to all things and/or properties and/or processes in different areas of objective/subjective/fictional reality. Surveying briefly the most important relations of logic and ontology in both analytic and phenomenological traditions, the author focuses on this central point: If reality is one as the unity of more or less interconnected and interactive beings of all physical, nonphysical and artificial types, the system of inference too may be one as the unity of more or less interconnected statements of all natural and artificial types. The universal system of inference may be divided into several relatively separate subsystems (having a more or less degree of connection) just as the unified reality has divided into several relatively separate fields (having a more or less degree of connection
La lógica experimenta actualmente un crecimiento vertiginoso. Acompañada de un impulso inter y transdisciplinario, se despliega como un saber que transforma la naturaleza de las nociones de epistemolog&iacure;a y semántica. Es hora de que los filósofos se confronten a los problemas y a las nuevas preguntas esbozadas por estos avances. En verdad es manifiesto que hay ya algunos emprendimientos importantes en ese sentido. Emprendimientos que contribuyen en la exploración de nuevas direcciones del rol de la lógica como organon. El objetivo principal de nuestra colección es precisamente promover la publicación y traducción de obras en lengua castellana sobre lógica, filosofía de la lógica, filosofía de la ciencia, epistemología y semántica de la lenguas naturales. Esperamos que un tal foro de publicación fomentará la consolidación de vínculos ya existentes entre las disciplinas mencionadas y la construcción de nuevos lazos inter-y transdisciplinarios. Logic is nowadays growing at a breathtaking pace with a trans-and interdisciplinary élan which is transforming the very nature of the notion of epistemology and semantics. The time is ripe for philosophers to take up the challenges resulting from this impulse and indeed there are clear signals that many philosophers have already responded by taking upon themselves the task of reinstating logic in a new version of its old role of organon.The aim of this series is to promote the publication in Spanish of worksin logic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of science, epistemology and semantic for natural languag. This publication forum should foster the consolidation of existing links between those disciplines and the building of new inter and transdisplinary ones. The Volume La lógica como herramienta de la razón has been published by the UK publisher College Publications. Their Spanish language series Cuadernos de Logica, Epistemologia y Lenguaje, distinguishes itself by promoting and supporting researche in the field of Logic, where logic takes anew the role of an Organon, prescribed in Antiquity by Aristotle. Nowadays; this role of logic is deployed in its inter-and transdisciplianry character. Two other salient characteristics of this collection that I would like to point out, is as, already mentioned, that it publishes original work in Spanish and the second is copyright policy of all CP titles that allows authors to retain full rights for their own work. Prof. Atocha Aliseda (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico) We congratulate, moreover (the Spanish-speaking scientific community) should congratulate ourselves for the launching of a collection that promotes the publication in Spanish of work in this field, " Prof Arancha San Ginés (Universidad de Granada) Extracted from the Radio interview with Atocha Aliseda (Universidad Autonoma de Mexico), on the occassion of the publication in 2014 of her book La lógica como herramienta de la razón. Directores de la Serie: Shahid Rahman (Université de Lille3-STL:UMR 8163-CNRS) Juan Redmond (Universidad de Valparaíso, STL-UMR8163 Lille3) Editor Asistente: Rodrigo López Orellana (Universidad de Valparaíso/Universidad de Salamanca)
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Studia z Historii Filozofii, 2021
Felsefe Arkivi - Archives of Philosophy
Studia Logica, 2011
History and Philosophy of Logic, 2001
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filosofiya. Sotsiologiya. Politologiya, 2015