Essays in Logic and Ontology


The aim of this book is to present the papers centered upon the subjects of Formal Ontology and Logical Philosophy. The idea of investigating philosophical problems by means of logical methods was intensively promoted in Toruń by the Department of Logic of Nicolaus Copernicus University during last decade. The main driving force behind the initiative and subsequent realizer of this ambition was Jerzy Perzanowski, who headed the Torunian Department of Logic since October 1992 until June 2003. Another aim of this book is to present to the philosophical and logical audience the activities of the Torunian Department of Logic during this decade. The papers in this volume contain the results concerning Logic and Logical Philosophy, obtained within the confines of the projects initiated by the Department of Logic and other international research projects in which the Torunian Department of Logic took part. To sketch the general setting of the Torunian enterprises in the area of Logic and Philosophy we would like to present here a brief history of the Department. The Department of Logic was founded by Tadeusz Czeżowski in the very beginning of the existence of Nicolaus Copernicus University in 1945. In October 1945 he took over the position of professor at the First Chair of Philosophy in the Philosophical Seminar at the Faculty of Humanities. Six years later this chair changed its name to "Chair of Logic". Nicolaus Copernicus University is a direct successor of Jan Kazimierz University in Vilnius. For this reason, the research in the Department was from the beginning strongly influenced by the extraordinarily rich and fruitful tradition of logical investigations which had thrived in Poland between the World Wars and had been established by such prominent logicians and philosophers as