Memory and Periphery in Ireland

2014, Hagar

Capitals often tend to dominate national histories. The island of Ireland has been mostly studied from the point of view of documents compiled and archived by a central administration based in Dublin, or by higher echelons in London. This metropolitan perspective, which has dominated modern Irish history, has lent itself to a center-based conceptualization of Irish memory. Remembrance outside of the greater Dublin area lias been relegated to a peripheral status, commonly considered to be derivative of the constmctions of memory generated in the capital. Hence, memory in the periphery is perceived as subordinate to memory in the center.In some cases this approach may, with qualifications, seem to make sense, as in the memory of the Easter Rising of 1916. This cornerstone of Irish national memory was essentially a Dublin affair. The headquarters of the attempted insurrection were located in the General Post Office in Dublin city center, nearly all the engagements took place in the str...