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Research, Society and Development
Do ponto de vista da matriz energética dominante a base de fontes fósseis, as tecnologias ligadas às células de combustível têm ganhado bastante destaque no meio científico. Elas podem ser apontadas como futuro vetor energético, principalmente quando atreladas as técnicas de economia de hidrogênio e as matrizes energéticas renováveis já existentes. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é promover a discussão sobre o uso e aplicação das células de combustível em substituição ao atual sistema energético, através da técnica de revisão da literatura. As células de combustível promovem baixas emissões de gases do efeito estufa, óxidos de nitrogênio e enxofre (NOx e SOx); o que permitem uma maior redução dos impactos sobre o meio ambiente. Além disso, podem operar em pequena, média e larga escala, podendo ser reaproveitadas para os mais diversos tipos de aplicações. Entre elas: a substituição dos carros movidos a motores de combustão interna, por carros elétricos; sendo estes mais eficie...
REZENDE, Eduardo Rodrigues, 2010
Due to the problems with the environment faced today, in the near future, new technologies for clean power generation will gain space in various sectors, especially those that most affect the environment, such as transportation and power generation. The technology based on hydrogen and fuel cells presents several positive aspects that make them excellent candidates to gain space in various sectors, as we can witness several companies developing products with this technology. In this work we will study the characteristics and properties of hydrogen, the advantages and disadvantages compared to other fuels, mode of production, transport and storage of hydrogen and the main problems faced by these processes. Let's see what are fuel cells, how they work, what are the components that compose it, what are the main technologies, where can be applied and the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.
Química Nova, 2002
Recebido em 4/5/01; aceito em 19/9/01 LOW POWER FUEL CELLS FOR STATIONARY APPLICATIONS. A paradigmatic shift in developing fuel cell for stationary applications has been occurring in the last ten years. Previously, 100 kW class to a few MW class power plants were preferred but recently, the development has drifted towards units of only a few kW. The motivation is the present market situation, which favors disperse residential electric power generation from natural or liquefied gas. Membrane-type fuel cells are very promising for this application, due to their present state of development in the automobile industry. More recently, small ceramic fuel cells (SOFC) has also been found to be adequate for this application. Considering a family of 4 members, 1 kW (electric) units seem to be optimal for individual residences. This presentation discusses briefly the Brazilian scenario with respect to these units.
Revista de Empreendedorismo, Negócios e Inovação
Os veículos de célula a combustível (VCCs), em função de suas características de alta eficiência energética e zero emissão, têm se colocado como alternativa para a mobilidade de baixa emissão face aos problemas associados aos veículos a combustão (emissão de poluentes, dependência de combustíveis fósseis, baixa eficiência energética, etc.) e aos veículos elétricos (tempo de recarga, autonomia de rodagem, fonte da matriz energética, etc.). Entretanto, os VCC também apresentam problemas em relação à maturidade tecnológica o que faz com que sua inserção no mercado ocorra de forma lenta. Com o objetivo de melhor compreender quais são as principais tecnologias que norteiam o desenvolvimento dos VCCs e sua dinâmica no mercado, este artigo apresenta um estudo de dados de patentes com foco nas suas duas tecnologias-chaves: tanque de hidrogênio e célula a combustível. A partir da dinâmica de patenteamento dos VCCs obtidas a partir de equações de busca e processamentos no banco de dados orbit...
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica, 2011
The present work developed a mathematical model to describe the local properties in the channels of a PEM fuel cell. This model represents the mass transfer phenomena along the transverse direction and the respective mass balances along the fuel cell channel. These are coupled with a model for the polarization curve and an algorithm algorithm was implemented to calculate the current distribution in the fuel cell based on the condition of equal potential in the electrodes. The main goal of this work is to interpret the experimental results obtained previously at IST. Open circuit voltage and electrical resistance were extrapolated from the experimental data and introduced in the model. The validation process of the experimental data is made in a series of parametric tests namely modifying the operation temperature, the stoichiometry and the humidity in the air. The analysis of the results is focused on the density current distribution and the global polarization curve. The model could reproduce well the global polarization curves for all cases with wet air but for dry conditions the activation over potential is under estimated. Regarding the current density distribution, the model cannot identify the location where flooding may occur that in the experimental tests seem to be independent of the operating conditions. Regarding the current density distribution, the model predicts a continuous increase while the observed results show always a decrease after the eight channel, independently from the operating conditions and the predicted location for the formation of liquid water.
Blucher Engineering Proceedings, 2019
Resumo: Nestas últimas décadas houve um crescente interesse a respeito das formas alternativas de energia, com o propósito de reduzir o uso de fontes não renováveis ou prejudiciais ao meio ambiente, como o petróleo e seus decorrentes. As células solares compostas por corantes orgânicos vieram com uma nova possibilidade para apresentar uma solução sustentável na geração de energia elétrica. Neste trabalho, realizado no Laboratório de Física Experimental Aplicada (LaFEA), foram realizadas medidas de caracterização estrutural, eletroquímica e um estudos das propriedades químicas das moléculas das células. Os resultados obtidos são apresentados, assim como a sua comparação junto a literatura.
Quimica Nova, 2007
Recebido em 4/4/06; aceito em 16/3/07; publicado na web em 17/7/07 DIRECTIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS TECHNOLOGY. This manuscript shows an overview of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology based on industrial developments. The information presented has been collected mostly at conferences that the authors attended. It is observed that several companies have been pursuing the development of the SOFC technology. Significant advances in stability and power density have raised the economic interest in this technology recently. It is revealed that the SOFC materials are essentially the same ones that have been used in the past decades, and that the two most important designs of pre-commercial SOFC prototypes are the tubular and planar ones.
Doctoral Thesis in Chemical Engineering, 2006
The main purpose of this work was to study and develop electrode materials for proton exchange fuel cells and characterize the performance of a laboratory cell. Essentially this work is divided in three parts: 1. Principles and fundaments The first part is constituted by the three first chapters, where a revision about the principles and theoretical fundaments about fuel cells is made. In the first chapter is detached the history of the cells, basic principles, aspects related with the thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reactions, the several kinds of cells, procedures of production and storage of hydrogen. The second chapter contains considerations about porous electrodes and the theoretical fundaments of the gaseous diffusion in the electrodes. The third chapter lean over the proton exchange membranes, properly the working mechanisms of the membranes, namely the management of the water in the electrodes/membrane and the theoretical models witch characterize the several fuel cell components. 2. Electrodes for fuel cells The main purpose of this work was to develop methods for the preparation and the characterization of the electrode materials. In the fourth chapter synthesis protocols were developed for the support materials for the electrodes and the gas diffusion layer. In both processes it is explained how to regulate the quantity of PTFE that the electrode should contain to maximize the performance of the fuel cell. A sequential thermic treatment was established to apply in the carbon materials soaked in PTFE emulsions in order to cause an effective splitting of the PTFE in carbon clothe fibres. In the fifth chapter the carbon clothes were characterised, using the optical microscopy, measuring the hidrophobicity, measuring the gas diffusion and measuring the resistivity. In the different cells were calculated the several overvoltages, as well as the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters that compose them. 3. Study of the performance of segmented fuel cell In the sixth chapter of the study it was adopted the segmentation of the electrode by partial machination/plotting of the canals in the collector of the cathode plate. It was possible to partially isolate blocks of electrodes with golden copper segments. This approach of the current collection allows the measure the current distribution in the fuel cell of polymeric electrolyte. Relatively to the known studies, this technology wasn’t previously explored for the measurement of the current distribution in real prototypes fuel cells, such as current gas collectors belonging to the stack of PSI, employed in Volkswagen Bora prototype. Thus, each segment of the cathode can be seen as a monitoring sensor and proof of the local activity of the cathode. It is also useful to have an idea of the local conductibility in the membrane. In the experiments described in the sixth chapter, some relevant comments will be made, according to the specific components and the operational conditions. The design of the cell and the specific operational circumstances are technologically relevant for the experimental diagnostic. This work pretends most of all to present a new and effective diagnostic tool to evaluate the performance of the cell.
Matéria (Rio de Janeiro), 2013
No presente estudo são apresentados os desenvolvimentos de células suportadas pelo anodo usando os materiais convencionais, à base de zircônia estabilizada com ítria (ZEI) e NiO, e técnicas químicas de síntese e de deposição de camadas dos demais componentes: camada funcional, eletrólito e catodo. Os eletrodos foram sintetizados no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) por técnicas químicas que garantem homogeneidade de fases e controle de distribuição de tamanho de partículas. Suspensões de ZEI foram desenvolvidas para a deposição por spin-coating (SC) com características que permitam a deposição de camadas do eletrólito com cerca de 10 µm de espessura em poucas etapas. Após as deposições, as meias células são co-sinterizadas em temperaturas na faixa de 1300-1500°C. A deposição de catodos à base de manganita de lantânio dopada com estrôncio (LSM) foi feita pela técnica de wet powder spray de suspensões à base de etanol. As propriedades eletroquímicas das Células a C...
Química Nova
Recebido em 20/12/2019; aceito em 15/07/2020; publicado na web em 02/09/2020 ELECTROLYTIC AND FUEL CELLS MADE WITH ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS FOR THE TEACHING OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY. The proposal addresses the electrochemical experimentation as a pedagogical instrument for the integral and dynamic student involvement, facilitating the teaching-learning process. The experimental proposal focuses on the conversion of electrical energy to chemical energy and vice versa. The experiments for the two simultaneous energy conversions were designed with simple, easily accessible and inexpensive reagents and materials. The production of hydrogen and oxygen gases in the electrolytic cell, and the consumption of these same gases in the fuel cell, exploits the non-spontaneous and spontaneous electrochemical semireactions, respectively, that occur at the anode and cathode. Hydrogen gas production is crucial to the development of fuel cell technology. To facilitate the identification of anodic and cathodic reaction, and the monitoring of electrochemical decomposition of water, black bean extract was used as an alternative indicator. The electrochemical reactions involved in energy conversions are considered fundamental in the teaching-learning process of basic concepts related to water electrolysis and the recombination of hydrogen and oxygen gases. The experiment also corroborates the elucidation of alternative ways to generate electricity to meet the current needs of modern society.
Revista Tecnologia, 2009
New technologies are coming to improve the use of power for the consumers in a bigger time from photovoltaic source. This paper works arrangement with two types of technology of energy storage: Battery and electrolyzer-fuel cell set and three types of photovoltaic use: stand-alone, hybrid and connected to the grid.
ELY.CTR6L1T0 (11 31'04) 2H4 Densidade Combustíveis Electrólito de corrente (mA cm-2) Potencial de célula (V) Eficiência (,o) H2-ar H2SO4 (ag.) H2-02 KOH(aq.) CH 3 OHar H3PO4 (ag.
The aim of this work is to give a feedback to the industry on the dynamic and static performance of the PEMFC (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell / Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell). This philosophy of study is an aid tool that models the fuel-cell to give confidence to the designer and to improve controls on a new prototype before they are assembled. In this work the most important aspects of this new device to generate electricity were carefully studied and implemented in a computer in order to simulate its static and dynamic model when under the influence of a load change. The complete research involved the work to obtain design data, the operating principles for the PEMFC fuel-cell, a computer simulation was also built and finally results of the static and dynamic performance of the model are presented. Keywords Fuel-cell, distributed generation, electrolyte membrane., dynamic studies. Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer informação para a indústria sobre o desempenho dinâmico e estático da Célula de Combustível com Membrana de Polímero Eletrolítico. Esta filosofia de estudo é uma ferramenta auxiliar que modela a célula de combustível com a intenção de inserir um grau de certeza para o projetista e melhorar o projeto dos controles em um protótipo antes de serem montados. Neste trabalho os aspectos mais importantes deste novo equipamento para gerar eletricidade foram cuidadosamente estudados e implementados em computador de forma a simular seu modelo estático e dinâmico quando sob a influência de uma variação de carga. A pesquisa completa envolveu o trabalho de obter dados de projeto, os princípios de operação da célula de combustível com membrana polimérica, uma simulação computacional foi também construída e finalmente são apresentados os resultados do desempenho estático e dinâmico do modelo. Palavras-chave Célula de combustível, geração distribuída, membrana eletrolítica, estudos dinâmicos.
Revista Gestão & Sustentabilidade Ambiental, 2015
O aumento no consumo interno levou a uma maior demanda por energia elétrica no Brasil, entretanto, verifica-se por outro lado que crises hídricas têm dificultado a produção de energia. Neste sentido, a geração de energia através da produção de biogás utilizando a biomassa surge como uma alternativa ambiental e econômica. A queima do biogás em motogeradores apresenta como desvantagens: baixa eficiência energética, geração de gases de efeito estufa e poluição sonora.Diante deste contexto, o trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma estimativa energética aplicando a reforma do biogás na produção de hidrogênio e o potencial de conversão em energia elétrica utilizando célula a combustível. A base de análise se deu a partir dos dados do complexo agroenergético Ajuricaba situado no município de Marechal Cândido Rondon-Pr. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a capacidade geradora de energia elétrica do complexo agroenergético Ajuricaba, pode ser aumentada em 50,1% em relação ao atual sistema, ...
Química Nova, 2012
Recebido em 31/8/11; aceito em 23/2/12; publicado na web em 15/6/12 THE USE OF ETHANOL IN SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELLS. This work reports a review on the status and technical feasibility of the application of ethanol as fuel for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), presenting both external reform and cell with direct utilization of ethanol. Based on this survey, both experimental results and mathematical modeling indicated the technical feasibility of power generation by ethanol SOFC, with cell units producing 450 mW/cm 2 , sufficient for scale up to large stationary plants. The quantitative assessments in the literature show this field to be promising for researchers and private sector investment as well being a strategic technology for government policy in the short and long term.
Neste trabalho apresenta-se um experimento alternativo e de baixo custo que simula uma celula combustivel. E um experimento que apresenta um exemplo tecnologico de fonte de energia limpa e que permite a integracao de conteudos cientificos da Quimica, da Fisica e da Ciencia Ambiental. Destina-se a docentes dos Niveis Fundamental e Medio para explorar de forma mais que satisfatoria os conteudos pertinentes as suas disciplinas e seriacao. Esse experimento foi aprimorado no projeto de extensao IDEC, que e desenvolvido na UNICENTRO.
Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica, 2012
The present work aims the characterization of a PEM Fuel Cell with humidification with steam at the cathode side. To allow this study, a test station was built capable of monitoring the operation of the fuel cell and simultaneously impose the desired conditions for each test. The fuel cell in question is provided with a segmented current collector to be able to determine the current density over the diffusion channel of the cathode. The humidification of the air was made through a gas washer with a heating site. The temperature of the gas washer is controlled by the developed program. The Fuel Cell is highly degraded influencing the obtained values. Through a set of tests was possible to determinate that the membrane exchange assembly was degraded in consequence of the use of humidification by the addition of liquid water in other works carried out with the same equipment. The values obtained may not correspond to absolute values, but allow us to understand the behaviour of a fuel fell with humidification at the cathode side. The value of air excess ratio leading to better performance was 8. It was also determined that the humidification temperature must be 20 ºC above the operation temperature to improve humidification. The maximum power of 210 W was obtained with humidification temperature of 90 ºC. operation temperature of 70 ºC and air stoichiometry 8. The humidification with steam allows greater stability of individual cell voltage and current density distribution over the diffusion channel.
Development of direct ethanol intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell with ceria-based catalytic layer. Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) have several advantages over traditional energy-generating devices, even when compared to other types of fuel cell. Among the main characteristics of SOFC are: high conversion efficiency, decentralization of energy production, possibility of using different fuels such as natural gas and ethanol-which are strategic for Brazil-and low emission of pollutants. However, there are several barriers to be overcome for the diffusion of this technology. Among them, the high operating temperature of the cell-this results in several problems for assembling and operating a power system, increasing the cost of the system-and the deactivation of the cell due to the deposition of carbon on the nickel anode surface when the cell is fueled with hydrocarbons. Many studies have sought to overcome these problems by ensuring cell stability. The strategy investigated to solve this problem is the use of active anodic components for catalytic fuel reform associated with internal fuel reforming process, providing H2 and CO, susceptible to electrochemical oxidation. In this way, this doctoral work approaches these two aspects: (I) lowering the operating temperature of the cell to intermediate temperatures, that is, from 850 °C to 600 °C and (II) direct use of ethanol as fuel by the process of internal reform. Test results of cells operating with direct ethanol at high temperature and results of cells supported on the anode with catalytic layers-without the presence of precious metals-operating with direct ethanol at intermediate temperatures are presented. The procedures for manufacturing the cell supported on the electrolyte and for preparing and applying the suspensions used in the different layers of the cell are described. Also described are the systems used in the cell tests. As a main result, it was obtained the stabilization of the output current of the cell operating with direct ethanol both at 850 °C and 700 °C without adding water to the fuel.
Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research
O biodiesel é um biocombustível oriundo de fontes renováveis de oleaginosas, constituindo-se uma alternativa menos poluente que o diesel (combustível fóssil derivado do petróleo). Durante a produção de biodiesel o principal resíduo gerado é o glicerol, substância que, quando descartada incorretamente, polui o meio ambiente. Diante da nova legislação, que impôs um incremento de 5% de biodiesel ao diesel comum, o Brasil produz atualmente 2,6 bilhões de litros de biodiesel por ano, resultando em cerca de 260 mil toneladas de glicerol residual, volume este muito superior à sua atual demanda. O consumo desse volume extra de glicerol é fundamental para viabilizar economicamente o aumento da produção do biodiesel que quando incrementando com maiores volumes ao diesel decrescem as taxas de importação desse combustível elevando assim o ganho econômico. Esta pesquisa consistiu numa análise de duas alternativas energéticas resultantes do aproveitamento do glicerol e voltadas para a transformaç...
Cadernos de Prospecção, 2015
A busca contínua por fontes diferenciadas de energia tem motivado investigações sobre alternativas limpas e eficientes para a produção de energia. As biocélulas a combustível constituem uma subclasse das células a combustível, que possuem grande potencial para aplicação em dispositivos de baixa potência na geração de eletricidade. As células a combustível biológicas empregam biomoléculas, tais como enzimas, para converter energia química em energia elétrica. As biocélulas a combustível enzimáticas oferecem várias vantagens frente às baterias tradicionais, incluindo o uso de componentes renováveis e não tóxicos, flexibilidade de combustíveis, seletividade de reação. De fato, estudos recentes têm demonstrado características promissoras destes dispositivos ao nível tecnológico com o uso de aparelhos elétricos implantáveis que geram pequenos pulsos elétricos. Este trabalho de revisão tem por objetivo identificar e fazer uma análise dos documentos de patentes depositadas a nível internacional, além de fazer a procura em base de dados de revistas indexadas, para que se determine o nível de evolução da presente tecnologia e o estado de avanço na pesquisa, respectivamente. A procura em base de dados de revistas indexadas tem por objetivo fazer uma correlação com os documentos de patentes.
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