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In this study the term narration will be understood as the act of narrating and narrative as what was told. The narration will be always told in the first person (here) or in the third person (in some place). Under this circumstance, we will always have a locus that is related to this instance of creation of the literary text that is considered zero-point from which the spacing of the narrative is created. Many times, we will have a delineation of the locus of narration inside the narrative, at other times this locus only will be assumed because the one who tells a story always tells from a place. Analyzing the relation between the locus of narration and the locus of narrative from the thematic axles of the coincidence and the appearance we will have some interesting possibilities. It is what this study intends to demonstrate.
Global Environmental Politics, 2006
Recent years have seen a substantial increase in investor-state disputes. In many cases matters of public interest, including environmental regulations, are being tried. While it is crucial to assess the outcomes of investor-state disputes that involve matters of public policy, the procedures followed in investment arbitration make this difficult and, in some cases, impossible. This is relevant not only for researchers, but also crucially for regulators. This article focuses on how the lack of transparency in arbitration, and the lack of consistency of tribunal decisions, creates uncertainty for regulators. This uncertainty, when combined with the financial risk involved in proceeding to arbitration, may create situations in which the threat of an investment dispute is sufficient to convince a government to reverse, amend or fail to enforce an environmental regulation-a phenomenon referred to as regulatory chill. These issues are explored in an Indonesian case involving a dispute over mining contracts in protected forests.
Clássicos da Filosofia: Cadernos de Tradução n. 11, 2005
Translation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics VII and VIII (Z & H) into Portuguese, with a few notes, experimental glossary and introduction. The translation, which was made at 2005 (from on older version published in 2001), is preliminary and its publication was intended to provide a didactic tool for courses as well as a provisional resource in research seminars. It needs some revision. I am currently working (slowly...) on the revision of the translation and a new revised one will surely appear at some point.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar cómo se representa discursivamente a Hispanoamérica en los dos manuales de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) de nivel avanzado más utilizados en Barcelona en la actualidad. Existen varios trabajos que analizan la representación de España en manuales ELE pero hay poca investigación sobre la representación de Hispanoamérica. Es importante analizar el libro de texto porque este ejerce una particular forma de poder sobre lo que se considera conocimiento legitimo para ser transmitido. La presente investigación compara la presencia porcentual de textos referidos a Hispanoamérica y a España en los manuales estudiados. Además, interpreta la presencia/ausencia de Hispanoamérica en determinadas temáticas y analiza desde el Análisis Crítico del Discurso cómo se construye la representación de Hispanoamérica en cada manual identificando: qué voces hablan de Hispanoamérica, qué temas y tipos de textos predominan, y cuáles son los países representados.
In this article, we examine the similarities between the concept of appraisal, a process that takes place within the archives, and the concept of relevance judgement, a process fundamental to information retrieval systems. More specifically, we revisit appraisal/selection criteria proposed as a result of archival and digital curation communities, and, compare them to relevance criteria as discussed within information retrieval's literature based discovery. We illustrate how closely these criteria relate to each other and discuss how understanding the relationships between the these disciplines could form a basis for proposing automated appraisal and selection for archival processes and enabling complex queries within information retrieval.
Il breve testo in questione contiene un pezzo del Nachlass di Wittgenstein e una manciata di appunti dalle sue lezioni. I testi scelti trattano rispettivamente i concetti di causa e di libero arbitrio. Nella quarta di copertina si dice che i testi qui raccolti" sono un'occasione unica per vedere un filosofo come Wittgenstein al lavoro". E'falso. Ci sono e ci saranno-fortunatamente? purtroppo?-centinaia di altre occasioni del genere per vedere un filosofo come Wittgenstein al lavoro.
A Ecologia de Estradas é um novo ramo da Ecologia que surgiu da necessidade de estudar os efeitos das vias nos habitats onde são inseridas. O objetivo da presente contribuição é levantar as espécies vítimas de atropelamento na rodovia BR-262, no trajeto Uberaba-Peirópolis-Ponte Alta. De julho a dezembro de 2012, foram monitoradas cerca de 25 semanas (95 dias). Totalizaram-se 48 indivíduos atropelados dos grupos: mastofauna (50%), avifauna (17%), herpetofauna (12%) e indeterminados (21%). O mês de maior coleta foi novembro, seguido de outubro e setembro. Os resultados mostram que grupo mais afetado foi de mamíferos, dentre elas o Lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) e Tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) com estado de conservação "quase vulnerável" e "vulnerável", respectivamente. Apesar de ser um trabalho piloto, os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de implantação de medidas mitigatórias, como sinalização eletrônica (radar), placas e campanhas educativas.
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2010
This work describes a non-equilibrium mathematical model and simulation procedures for the fractionation of green coffee oil via molecular distillation. The simulation results were in quantitative agreement with previously reported experimental. Green coffee oil makes up to 18% (w/w) of coffee beans (Coffea arabica). The main components of the coffee's lipids are triglycerides accounting up to 80% w/w, diterpene fatty acid esters amounting up to 18% w/w. The large amount of diterpene fatty acids renders Green Coffee Oil unsuitable for use as an edible vegetable oil. Fractionation of green coffee oil by molecular distillation offers an avenue to improve the quality of green coffee oil allowing its use in nutritional, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications. Molecular distillation also provides a viable process to purify valuable products such as diterpene esters which has been reported to exhibit anticarcinogenic properties.
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