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2022, Competencies of teachers and directors in schools as a factor in building a contemporary educational system
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The contemporary methods used in education impose the need to implement frequent changes in the methods and the ways used to realize the teaching content, as well as the other types of activities in and out of school that present a tool for betterment of the quality of the whole educational process which effects reflect on the development of the character of every student. These kinds of methods require, before all else, a big engagement from the teachers and their full preparation to accept these changes as a challenge, which on the other hand it creates a necessity of their lifelong learning and continuous professional development. The changes that come out of the contemporary methods during a teaching process more frequently imposes the need to develop the medial-didactic competencies of the teachers. With one goal, which the teachers develop to the required level, a teacher needs to have a "strong" mental model which will go in favor of accepting and implementing the changes as an opportunity, not only that but also as a mission that comes out of the responsibility of the profession that they have chosen to do.
Such an assay arises from experiences derived from the initial process of teaching in a teacher training from Supervised. The mentioned approach began in 2013, with the period of the traineeship first quarter of this year. Undoubtedly, teaching practice invokes the academic / licensing a multitude of feelings, among them anxieties and discoveries. In this sense, I seek to portray through reflective-theoretical analysis this time of learning and reframing of working life, during which I understood as a mixture of feelings, which ultimately guides the formation of licensing.
The present research focused on the configuration of the subjects Didactics, Applied Didactics, Teaching Practice and Supervised Internship in the Curricular Pedagogical Projects of the degrees at the Federal University of Acre, in order to identify the movement of debates, disputes and redefinitions of the curricular designs. For that, a documental research was carried out, having as source the curriculum available on the university's website. The theoretical framework used was the authors: DIMAS (2008), GATTI (2015), LIBÂNEO (2015) and PIMENTA (2015). As a result of this research, we highlight that this cycle of curricular reforms was carried out in 2006 and 2008, with curricula updates from 2014 onwards. degree rather than an epistemological discussion about training conceptions and practices. There was a predominance of relativization about the nature of pedagogical subjects and the knowledge produced by the area of Education about the subjects and processes of school education.
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 2018
In ontogenetic development, the child is a unique and specific being. In addition to his/her personal biography, s/he is also defined by general social visions and values. Significant in this regard are Vygotsky's (1996) attempts to confirm the thesis on the close relationship between the cultural and historical context in which children live with someone, between the child and childhood, his/her activities, or the pace and the quality of progress. New social studies of childhood (be they from a historical or social perspective) and the prevailing concept of childhood show that children's lives are shaped by the social and cultural expectations of adults. The image of childhood should not be dismissed as a critical period which represents narrow "windows" of time in which a specific part of the body is most sensitive to the absence of stimuli (deprivation) or the impact of the environment (enriched environment). The paper will examine some of the contradictions and unacceptable tendencies that occur in the interpretation and implementation of a modern paradigm of early and preschool education, and education in the area of educational practice. In particular, the analysis will relate to the position of teachers in the process of children's activities from the perspective of their teaching and development. The evaluation of teachers' specific positioning within dynamic practical areas is a reflection of their current personal and professional competencies, as well as their overall professional habitus.
Propósitos y Representaciones, 2018
This article is a reflection in three planes: the first one, how teachers problematize their own practices given the complexity of the scenarios that they must face daily in classrooms; the second one, how teaching problematization is perceived in the academic and school world and the third one, hoy many and how contents, methodological tools and training forms, which are necessary to strengthen teachers' abilities and attitudes prone to problematization, have been assumed by continuous teaching training programs. It is concluded with a joint reflection that tries to establish the link between these planes.
Pro Edu. International Journal of Educational Sciences
The Romanian education system needs today, more than ever, good teachers, dedicated, devoted to their mission and aware of the major responsibility they must take on-accompanying the child on the path of his / her development, as a harmonious personality, and, thus, implicitly, to contribute to the "healing" of the society, which is marked by the dissolution of real values. In this context, the universities-especially through the teacher training departments-, have to be engaged in an efficient approach, oriented towards the formation of the professional competences related to the teaching career. The realization of such approach implies the prioritization of the pedagogical practical activities, in which the collaboration between all the factors involved in this process is important: students, mentors, coordinators of practical activities and, last but not least, teachers of pedagogy, psychology and didacticians. The present study is focused on the analysis of the opinions of the practitioner-students and teacher-mentors regarding the organization and leading of pedagogical practical activities. The investigative approach was made through a questionnaire-based investigation. Its items are focused, in particular, on the collaboration between two main actors of the pedagogical practical activities: the student-practitioner and the teacher-mentor. The purpose of this investigation was to obtain relevant feedback and to identify concrete measures or ways for improving the pedagogical practical activities.
11th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Communicative Action & Transdisciplinarity in the Ethical Society, CATES 2018, 23-24 November 2018, Targoviste, Romania, 2019
In strong relation to the multiplication of the roles of those who embrace a didactic career, their initial and lifelong training should be designed and implemented as a coherent and consistent approach, intended to form and develop all professional and transversal competencies necessary for a successful fulfilling of the teaching profession. One of the fundamental components of any psychopedagogical training programme dedicated to the teaching career is represented by the teaching training activity. All the actions related to this stage ensure, in a holistic and systemic manner, the necessary basis for the formation and development of the skills required to assume such a complex mission: to be a teacher. Starting from those premises, this paper tries to carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis on the perceptions of the students who are preparing for the didactic career, on the one hand, and the perceptions of their teacher-mentors from the application schools in Dambovita County, on the other hand, concerning the multitude of aspects implied by the teacher training activity. Another purpose of this investigative approach is to identify some concrete methods to optimise the students' teacher training, both from a macrostructural perspective, in terms of education policies and current teaching methods, and a microstructural perspective, according to the existing educational practices.
en lengua y cultura en escuelas infantiles de Francia. El objetivo de la ingeniería cooperativa es conseguir que investigadores y profesores trabajen juntos, con el fin de producir una «obra común», dispositivos para el aula, ponerlos en práctica, analizarlos y volver a ponerlos en práctica. Intentamos mostrar cómo se estableció la cooperación entre los miembros de esta ingeniería (profesores, formadores, estudiantes, investigadores), y entre los alumnos de las clases implicadas en el proyecto, con el objetivo de aprender a comprender prácticas lingüísticas específicas, adscritas a un contexto cultural. La ingeniería que presentamos y analizamos está en marcha desde 2017. El grupo está formado por una veintena de personas (12 profesores de escuela, 2 profesores-investigadores, 2 asesores pedagógicos, 1 formador, 2 doctores en didáctica, 2 estudiantes, 1 inspector). El objetivo de este proyecto de ingeniería es crear situaciones culturalmente pertinentes para la comprensión de la lengua y los idiomas, para lo cual se considera que los padres de los alumnos son los «conocedores prácticos». En efecto, son los padres, que hablan una lengua, los que proponen canciones infantiles y recetas de cocina, que vienen a presentar en el aula. La cuestión de la traducción colectiva, en las reuniones de ingeniería y en el aula por parte de los alumnos, está en el centro de los análisis presentados en este artículo. En efecto, la investigación conjunta de obras durante un largo periodo de tiempo es esencial en ingeniería. Este trabajo puede adoptar varias formas y veremos, por ejemplo, que cantar juntos la traducción de una canción permite también analizar juntos, durante la investigación colectiva, si la traducción propuesta se adapta suficientemente a la melodía inicial. El trabajo de traducción también está vinculado a la comprensión del modelo cultural asociado a la canción: ¿qué significa la práctica del balanceo, o el gesto, al cantar? ¿Cómo podemos entender y representar la práctica, dentro de una cultura, que va unida a esta obra? Más concretamente, daremos tres ejemplos de cómo se llevó a cabo nuestra secuencia de ingeniería en las clases implicadas en nuestro proyecto. Por lo tanto, describiremos, en términos generales, cómo el trabajo colectivo de construcción de la secuencia didáctica, analizando las prácticas implementadas a lo largo de los años y en diferentes clases en paralelo, conduce a un «trabajo común», basado en la «acción colectiva y cooperativa», en particular la traducción y el canto colectivos, con la idea de que «transformar, describir, producir formas de pensar y actuar es hacer un trabajo común» (CDpE, 2024).
This is the necessity to secure the future of education. Therefore, the teacher is the role-hero that can do it by imparting the education through self-learning methods with the appropriate learning styles and speed of learner. Earlier it was believed that teaching and learning are teacher based/centred process, but after the change of perspectives, it became child oriented/focused. The teacher of today is not only a teacher; now he has become supporter, helper, partner and colleague of the learner. Therefore, the need of the time is to change the process of teaching and learning according to the needs of the learner with careful cultivation of experiences. The teacher in present era must create an environment of divergent thinking about research and teaching to find out the missing links between theory and practice to fulfil the gap which has always existed. It is a unique responsibility of teacher as a social reformer to satisfy the needs of not only societies but of a country. This research article emphasises on the innovative changes of the teaching and learning.
Migraciones Pedagógicas, 2022
La práctica artística de isidro López-Aparicio es, en un sentido beuysiano, expandida e incluye, entre otras, las actividades docentes, activistas y curatoriales. En este sentido, era inevitable que en su exposición Germinar sin fin en el Museo Lázaro Galdiano, esta noción de germinar se traduzca también en invitar a otras artistas a dialogar con los fondos del museo. Su tendencia natural a generar redes desde los afectos le ha llevado a realizar esta obra, compuesta a partir de la invitación a artistas consagradas con las que ha compartido espacios artísticos y con las que mantiene vínculos de amistad. Para ellas ha seleccionado piezas cuidadosamente pensadas en función de los intereses de cada una: Suha Shoman, Luz Lizarazo, Gao Yuan, Shamsa Hassani, Emilia Telese, Elizabeth Ross, Núria Güell y Lara Almarcegui, esperando que este juego de conexiones «germine» otras nuevas a partir de tejer una nueva red artística y humana. A su vez, este artefacto se convierte en una estrategia para mostrar públicamente por primera vez algunas obras del museo, como es el caso del bodegón de frutas, única obra conocida de la artista Pura Luques y una de las pocas artistas mujeres presentes en la colección del Museo. También es importante destacar que las piezas se encuentran en sus iconografías con las desarrolladas en la muestra, desde la naturaleza, los animales, los cuidados, la vida, la muerte, el germinar… Se trata de una exposición dentro de la exposición, a la vez que constituye una obra en si misma. Una obra en la que los elementos incluidos pertenecen tanto al patrimonio histórico como contemporáneo, en el que se despliegan una infinidad de conexiones. Una pieza germinada desde el afecto y la generosidad mutua de las artistas participantes y de iLA que, de esta manera, abre la muestra a otras personas. En sus objetivos, está siempre el hacer permeables los espacios y los proyectos, así como transgredir la individualidad del artista. Esta es una pieza más en la que hace partícipes activas a otras personas en la muestra. Esta pieza también muestra la manera de trabajar de López-Aparicio en la que intenta entrar dentro de las estructuras del museo, de sus fondos, sus métodos, sus relaciones… para encontrar brechas en las que intervenir, alterar, germinar… de forma que aporte nuevas visiones. Su proceso de entablar un diálogo, pretende ir más allá a través de una mediación con las personas del museo, y a través de sus condicionantes. Esto genera acciones que transforman y aportan cambios, como en este caso se ha demostrado sacando a la luz obras del patrimonio que dormían en los peines para ofrendarlas a la sociedad. La reacción de las artistas, y el envío de vuelta de una intervención específica que se muestra en la vitrina organizada por el equipo de conservación del museo, evidencia la capacidad del arte contemporáneo de activar y dinamizar el patrimonio histórico. El título Migraciones pedagógicas, juega con dos hechos: uno, el homenaje a la labor de acercar la cultura al pueblo en las Misiones pedagógicas de M. Bartolomé Cossío y un guiño-homenaje hacia artistas que participaron como Federico García Lorca, José Val del Omar, Jacinto Higueras, María Zambrano, Luis Cernuda, Maruja Mayo, etc.; y por otro lado, las Migraciones es uno de los temas con los que López-Aparicio ha trabajado, de aquí el que las obras procedan de Colombia, Palestina, China, Afganistán, Islandia, España y Holanda, llegando físicamente por correo postal, una estrategia creativa habitual en la práctica del artista, como en la obra BLOOD en la que intercambia más de un millar de muestras de sangre de los cinco continentes. En estos procesos de investigación previos a la muestra del artista junto a la proximidad de la Residencia de Estudiantes donde germinaron muchas de estas ideas, hacía necesarias estas referencias en la muestra, en estos constantes bucles de relaciones que él lleva a cabo. Sin tenerlo como un fin, esta pieza se ha convertido en una estela de lo que hubiera sido la exposición que había planteado el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte llevar a cabo, en un principio en Tabacalera, pues ofrece una mirada retrospectiva de países y proyectos artísticos en los que ha participado a lo largo de casi treinta años de carrera profesional con estas artistas. A esta propuesta de tejer desde los afectos se suma la complicidad del artista con Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, en homenaje al Museo Circulante y su deseo de democratizar el arte y hacer partícipe al pueblo del patrimonio nacional y, de una manera lúdica, lo desmitifican y cuestionan los procesos de validación y valor.
Mendive. Revista de Educación, 2020
At present, the pedagogical training of the undergraduate student in nursing needs to influence the modeling of a researcher nurse, an agent of change for himself, others and the surrounding community. In this sense, the objective of this article has been to characterize the pedagogical training process of undergraduate students in Nursing at the Faculty of Medical Sciences "Dr. Ernesto Che Guevara de la Serna". The materialist dialectical approach and other methods of the theoretical level (logical historical, inductive-deductive, modeling, synthetic analytic, documentary analysis), of the empirical level (documentary review, observation, surveys, interviews) were used as a general method, to delimit the essences of the object and organize the research results. Theoretical, historical and conceptual aspects of pedagogical training were systematized, whose process was defined and operationalized from two dimensions, starting points for the elaboration of empirical instruments, their strengths and weaknesses in the study context were specified and the main scientific ideas that structure the proposed conception. The theoretical and practical characterization of the object reflects meeting points between the sensory-perceptual study, the systematization carried out and the diagnosis in the context of analysis, confirming the need for its transformation, which is complemented by the integration of the diagnostic results, by specifying their strengths and weaknesses. It is stated that the dimensions of the analyzed variable, in their current state, present affected aspects, understood as challenges that deserve to be addressed by the methodological work of the career and year groups.
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