Common : On Revolution in the 21 st Century by Pierre Dardot



he future looks bleak.” It would be difficult for any reader, of any social/political orientation, to read these opening words from Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval and not nod, even if only reluctantly, in agreement. If, however, the casual reader is able to gloss over this opening line without being immediately compelled to recognize the gravity of what is to come, in the second paragraph of the text Dardot and Laval issue a second, more immediate and urgent reminder, of the gravity of the moment within and against which they are writing: “The situation in which humanity finds itself is becoming increasingly intolerable.”1 Such propositions are easy to promulgate, (again) regardless of social/political orientation, and there is no shortage of material with which such propositions may be abundantly and exhaustingly supported. Fortunately for readers of Common, Dardot and Laval are far less interested in proving their characterization of the present moment, and far more