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1969, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal)
This paper explores the Hornich topology specifically for meromorphic functions defined within the unit disk. The study builds upon the foundational work done by Hornich and Iyer on holomorphic functions, extending metrics and properties to a broader class of meromorphic functions. Key findings include a detailed characterization of convergence, completeness in various function spaces, and connections between the univalence of functions and their mapping properties.
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 1979
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, 1994
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Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1987
A new proof of the corona theorem for finitely connected domains is given. It is based on a result on the existence of a meromorphic selection from an analytic set-valued function. The latter fact is also applied to the study of finitely generated ideals of Hoo over multiply connected domains. Introduction. In this paper, which is a direct continuation of , we study applications of analytic multifunctions to some topics in function theory on finitely connected domains, related mainly to the corona problem. Concerning analytic multifunctions (which are certain set-valued functions, cf. Definition 1.2), § §1~3 of [18] form sufficient background for our purposes here. The reader is also referred there for the information about the origin of the approach employed in this paper. However, basic definitions and references are provided below. Our basic new result (Theorem 1.4) associates to every analytic multifunction defined in a finitely connected domain some meromorphic functions with poles at the critical points of Green's function of this domain. (Some improvements of this fact, in the special case of an annulus, are discussed in §3.) This main technical result is applied in §2 to help obtain a new, simple proof of the well-known corona theorem for finitely connected domains. A novel feature of this proof (as compared with e.g. Forelli [9], Stout , Gamelin ) is that it does not use the corresponding result for the unit disc. The same methods are used in §4, where we consider the question, when some power of g from HOO(G) belongs to the ideal Aft + Ah + ... + Aln. We obtain generalizations to multiply connected domains of a result due to T. Wolff (Theorems 4.1 and 4.2), as well as its refinements in the case of the unit disc (Corollary 4.4 and Example 5.3). All proofs given in this paper extend to finite Riemann surfaces. 1. A meromorphic selection theorem. The main result of this section relates some meromorphic vector-valued functions to analytic multifunctions defined in finitely connected domains. First, we recall some definitions. DEFINITION 1.1 (FOLK). A locally compact set Z C cn is a maximum set if for every compact set NeZ and for every analytic function I defined in a neighborhood of N the inequality maxN III ~ maxazN III holds. DEFINITION 1.2 [16, 18]. An upper semicontinuous set-valued correspondence z -> K(z): G -> 2c n , where G c C is open and all K(z) are nonempty and
The Journal of Geometric Analysis
We discuss interrelations between $$\mathcal {H}^\infty $$ H ∞ -convex domains and $$\mathcal {H}^\infty $$ H ∞ -domains of holomorphy for various classes of domains in $$\mathbb {C}^{n}$$ C n .
Mathematische Annalen, 1998
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 1992
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
The aim of this paper is to give some criterions for holomorphy of F-valued σ(F, W)-holomorphic functions which are bounded on bounded sets in a domain D of Fréchet spaces E (resp. ${\mathbb{C}^n}$ ) where ${W \subset F'}$ defines the topology of Fréchet space F. Base on these results we consider the problem on holomorphic extension of F-valued σ(F, W)-holomorphic functions from non-rare subsets of D and from subsets of D which determines uniform convergence in H(D). As an application of the above, some theorems of Vitali-type for a locally bounded sequence ${\{f_i\}_{i \in \mathbb{N}}}$ of Fréchet-valued holomorphic functions are also proved.
Filomat, 2007
In this paper we define some subclass of meromorphic functions and we obtain some properties of these classes. .
This is an appendix to the English translation of the book by A. A. Goldberg and I. V. Ostrovskii, Distribution of values of meromorphic functions, Moscow, Nauka, 1970. An English translation of this book is to be published soon by the AMS. In this appendix we survey the results obtained on the topics of the book after 1970. The literature on meromorphic functions 1 is very large. There is a comprehensive survey [62] that contains everything that was reviewed on the topic in the Soviet "Referativnyi Zhurnal" in 1953-1970, and a later large survey [67]. More recent surveys [30], [80] and [48] are shorter and have narrower scope. Some books on specific topics in the theory of meromorphic functions published after 1970 are [18], [20], [79], [100], [137], [134], [138], [162]. A survey of the fast developing subject of iteration of meromorphic functions is [7].
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1987
It is known that for 0 < p < oo the Hardy space H p contains a residual set of functions, each of which has range equal to the whole plane at every boundary point of the unit disk. With quite new general techniques, we are able to show that this result holds for numerous other spaces. The space BMOA of analytic functions of bounded mean oscillation, the Bloch spaces, the Nevanlinna space and the Dirichlet spaces D a f or 0 < a < 1/2 are examples. Our methods involve hyperbolic geometry, cluster set analysis and the "depth" function which we have used previously for determining geometric properties of the image surfaces of functions. Denote by D(a, r) the open disc in C centered at a and of radius r. Denote by D the unit disc D(0,l) and let Δ(a,r) = D Π D{a,r) for a e 3D. Brown and Hansen [4] proved that each Hardy space H p 9
Eprint Arxiv Math 9905127, 1999
Germs of meromorphic functions has recently become an object of study in singularity theory. T. Suwa ([11]) described versal deformations of meromorphic germs. V.I. Arnold ([1]) classified meromorphic germs with respect to certain equivalence relations. The authors ([4]) started a study of topological properties of meromorphic germs. Some applications of the technique developed in [4] were described in [5] and [6]. In [4] the authors elaborated notions and technique which could be applied to compute such invariants of polynomials as Euler characteristics of fibres and zetafunctions of monodromy transformations associated with a polynomial (see [5]). Some crucial basic properties of the notions related to the topology of meromorphic germs were not discussed there. This has produced some lack of understanding of the general constructions. The aim of this note is to partially fill in this gap. At the same time we describe connections with some previous results and generalizations of them. A polynomial P in n + 1 complex variables defines a map P from the affine complex space C n+1 to the complex line C. It is well known that the map P is a C ∞-locally trivial fibration over the complement to a finite set in the line C. The smallest of such sets is called the bifurcation set or the set of atypical values of the polynomial P. One is interested in describing the topology of the fibre of this fibration and its behaviour under monodromy transformations corresponding to loops around atypical values of the polynomial P. The monodromy transformation corresponding to a circle of big radius which contains all atypical values (the monodromy transformation of the polynomial P at infinity) is of particular interest. The initial idea was to reduce calculation of the zeta-function of the monodromy transformation at infinity (and thus of the Euler characteristic of the generic fibre) of the polynomial P to local problems associated to different points at infinity, i.e., at the infinite hyperplane CP n ∞ in the projective compactification CP n+1 of the affine space C n+1. The possibility of such a localization for holomorphic germs was used in [3]. This localization can be expressed in terms of an integral with respect to the Euler characteristic, a notion introduced by the school of V.A. Rokhlin ([12]). However the results are not apply directly to a polynomial function since at a point of the infinite hyperplane CP n ∞ a polynomial function defines not a Key words and phrases. Germs of meromorphic functions, Milnor fibre, atypical values.
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 1984
Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society, 1975
Diverse structural properties for classes of holomorphic functions (defined by means of maximal functions) are proved, including the Riesz convergence theorem and a factorization theorem.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1985
By a classical result of Fatou, a bounded analytic function on the unit disc £>, i.e. in the space H°°(D), has a radial limit at almost every point on diλ We examine the question of whether this limiting or boundary value lies in the interior or on the boundary of the image domain. We show that the first case is "typical" in the sense that every function in a certain dense G δ-set of H°° has this property at a.e. boundary point. Several other spaces including the disc algebra and the Dirichlet space are also studied.
Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2005
In this paper we relate the study of unique range sets for meromorphic functions (URSM) with the hyperbolic hypersurfaces and give some remarks on the genericity of unique range sets for meromorphic functions.
Studia Mathematica, 2006
Let X be a Riemann domain over C k ×C l. If X is a domain of holomorphy with respect to a family F ⊂ O(X), then there exists a pluripolar set P ⊂ C k such that every slice X a of X with a / ∈ P is a region of holomorphy with respect to the family {f | X a : f ∈ F }. 1. Introduction: Riemann regions of holomorphy. Let (X, p) be a Riemann region over C n , i.e. X is an n-dimensional complex manifold and p : X → C n is a locally biholomorphic mapping (see [Jar-Pfl 2000] for details). If X is connected, then (X, p) is said to be a Riemann domain. We say that two Riemann regions (X, p) and (Y, q) over C n are isomorphic (written (X, p) ≃ (Y, q)) if there exists a biholomorphic mapping ϕ : X → Y such that q • ϕ = p. Throughout, isomorphic Riemann regions will be identified. We say that an open set U ⊂ X is univalent (schlicht) if p| U is injective. Note that X is univalent iff (X, p) ≃ (Ω, id Ω), where Ω is an open set in C n. Let f ∈ O(X). For any α ∈ Z n + (Z + stands for the set of non-negative integers) and x 0 ∈ X, let D α f (x 0) denote the α-partial derivative of f at x 0 , D α f (x 0) := D α (f • (p| U) −1)(p(x 0)), where U is an open univalent neighborhood of x 0 and D α on the right hand side means the standard α-partial derivative operator in C n. Let T x 0 f denote the Taylor series of f at x 0 , i.e. the formal power series α∈Z n + 1 α! D α f (x 0)(z − p(x 0)) α , z ∈ C n. For x 0 ∈ X and 0 < r ≤ ∞ let P X (x 0 , r) denote an open univalent neighborhood of x 0 such that p(P X (x 0 , r)) = P(p(x 0), r) = the polydisc
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2017
This expository paper is concerned with the properties of proper holomorphic mappings between domains in complex affine spaces. We discuss some of the main geometric methods of this theory, such as the Reflection Principle, the scaling method, and the Kobayashi-Royden metric. We sketch the proofs of certain principal results and discuss some recent achievements. Several open problems are also stated.
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