Keeping It Real: Valuing Authenticity in the Writing Classroom

2017, English Journal

We all crave authenticity. Our metaphors reveal our desire for authenticity in our relationships with others: "Look behind the mask." "Get to the heart of the matter." "Go beneath the surface." Whether it's in writing or simply in living, authenticity means not pretending. It means contending honestly.Teachers of writing strive for authenticity. When we ask students to write, we want it to be for authentic purposes. When we engage students in writing processes, we want those to be authentic processes. When we ask students to compose a particular kind of text, we want those texts to be authentic genres reflecting authentic writing situations in which students might find themselves. When we develop audiences for our students, we want those to be authentic audiences, real readers who can provide authentic responses to the work. And in our relationships with students, too, we value authenticity: we want to be ourselves, and we want the students under ou...